| Trilogia Sucia De LA Habana (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: May 24, 2012Este es el testimonio de un habanero descreido. Un hombre que regresa extenuado de un largo camino que finalmente no lo condujo a sitio alguno. Pero no es pesimista. Pedro Juan sabe que tiene que seguir adelante. Y lo mejor es hacerlo sonriendo, a golpe de ron, musica y sexo. Pedro Juan Gutierrez hace catarsis en este libro, duro y en gran medida autobiografico, que reune tres libros de cuentos: Anclado en tierra de nadie, Nada que hacer y Sabor a mi. Un lenguaje fuerte y apretado es el unico capaz de expresar la rabia de quien habita en el vortice del huracan. ...
 |  | L'ecole Des Femmes (Petits Classiques) (French Edition) Publication Date: August 22, 2007| ISBN-10: 2035834171 | ISBN-13: 978-2035834171Molière's classic verse comedy: the folly of one man's attempt to mold the "perfect" wife — and his eventual undoing as she outsmarts him --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title....
 |  | Io Non Ho Paura (Italian Edition) Publication Date: July 5, 2007L'estate piú calda del secolo. Quattro case sperdute nel grano. I grandi sono tappati in casa. Sei bambini, sulle loro biciclette, si avventurano nella campagna rovente e abbandonata: in mezzo a quel mare di spighe c'è un segreto pauroso, un segreto che cambierà per sempre la vita di uno di loro. Leggi le prime pagine on line --This text refers to the Kindle Edition edition....
 |  | Tschick (German Edition) Publication Date: March 1, 2012Zwei Jungs. Ein geknackter Lada. Eine Reise voller Umwege durch ein unbekanntes Deutschland.Mutter in der Entzugsklinik, Vater mit Assistentin auf Geschäftsreise: Maik Klingenberg wird die großen Ferien allein am Pool der elterlichen Villa verbringen. Doch dann kreuzt Tschick auf. Tschick, eigentlich Andrej Tschichatschow, kommt aus einem der Asi-Hochhäuser in Hellersdorf, hat es von der Förderschule irgendwie bis aufs Gymnasium geschafft und wirkt doch nicht gerade wie das Musterbeispiel der Integration. Außerdem hat er einen geklauten...
 |  | Anna Karenina (Russian Edition) Publication Date: April 18, 2012Anna Karenina was the next major novel of Tolstoy after his War and Peace.“In order for a work to be good, one must love its main basic idea. In Anna Karenina I love the family idea while in War and Peace I loved the national idea,” Tolstoy said once to his wife.The first idea of the plot occurred to Tolstoy as early as seven years before the novel was written. “Yesterday he told me,” wrote his wife in her diary, “that he imagined the character of a married woman belonging to the highest circles of society, but having lost he...
 |  | Escupiran sobre mi tumba. Moriras manana 3 (Moriras Manana / You Will Die Tomorrow) (Spanish Edition) (Volume 3) Publication Date: April 23, 2012| Series: Moriras Manana (Book 3) What awaits writer-turned-murderer Javier Garces in Buenos Aires? First, there is the city with its cobbled streets, its cemetery and river, a place where he feels right at home, where he is neither a foreigner nor an intruder. Then, there are all those Argentines with their endless chatter, their arrogance and charm, their loud-mouthed chaos. Finally, and to his heartfelt regret, there are still some scores to be settled. What choice is there? If he wants to live he has to take the life of others, as he'll do to certain chara...
 |  | La D Publication Date: January 13, 2011| Series: Folio (Book 5177) ' François pensa : si elle commande un déca, je me lève et je m’en vais. C’est la boisson la moins conviviale qui soit. Un thé, ce n’est guère mieux. On sent qu’on va passer des dimanches après-midi à regarder la télévision. Ou pire : chez les beaux-parents. Finalement, il se dit qu’un jus ça serait bien. Oui, un jus, c’est sympathique. C’est convivial et pas trop agressif. On sent la fille douce et équilibrée. Mais quel ju...
 |  | La voz dormida(The Dormant Voice) (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: April 30, 2006A group of women, confined to the prison of Ventas in Madrid, raise the flag of dignity and anger as the only possible weapon to face humiliation, torture and death. La voz dormida is an essential novel to understand the Spanish civil war since it helps to dive into the role that women played during decisive years in the history of the country. Description in Spanish: Unas en la retaguardia, otras en la vanguardia armada de la guerrilla; unas desde fuera, y otras tras los muros de la prisión madrileña de Ventas; todas mujeres, todas valientes y sacri...
 |  | Peau Noire Masques Blancs (French Edition) ...
 |  | Cometas en el cielo (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: February 28, 2007Sobre el telon de fondo de un Afganistan respetuoso de sus ricas tradiciones amcestrales, la vida de Kabul durante el invierno de 1975 se desarrolla con toda la intensidad, la pujanza y el colorido de una ciudad confinada en su futuro e ignorante de que se avecina uno delos periodos mas cruentos que han padecido los milenarios pueblos que la habitan... ...
 |  | Ciudad de payasos (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: February 15, 2011Chino, a young journalist, faces the death of his father. At the same time, he writes a story on street clowns, sad characters that roam the streets of a corrupt and violent Lima. This story by Daniel Alarcon was part of his first book, Guerra a la luz de las velas. Now, in collaboration with artist Sheila Alvarado, the story acquires a new dimension that of a comic strip. The bold visual language of Ciudad de payasos provides us an unforgettable portrait of Lima, the story s central character.Description in Spanish: Chino, un joven periodista de un diario ...
 |  | Los pasos perdidos (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: November 1, 2002A composer, fleeing an empty existence in New York City, takes a journey with his mistress to one of the few remaining areas of the world not yet touched by civilization—the upper reaches of a great South American river—in this "novel of remarkable beauty, intellectual worth, absorbing interest, and genuine originality" —The Saturday Review (London)--This text refers to an alternate Paperback edition....
 |  | Elle S'Appelait Sarah (Le Livre de Poche) (French Edition) ...
 |  | El Bosque de los Pigmeos (Spanish Edition) Release Date: September 6, 2005El último tomo de la aclamada trilogía de Isabel Allende narra las aventuras de Jaguar y Águila en una tierra exótica, poblada de espíritus y seres misteriosos y cuenta la evolución de una extraordinaria amistad. Alexander Cold sabe muy bien que su abuela Kate siempre anda en busca de una nueva aventura. Cuando la International Geographic le pide que escriba un artículo sobre los primeros safaris africanos en elefantes, Kate, Alexander y Nadia -- junto con el equipo de fotógrafos de la revista -- deciden adentrarse en las...
 |  | Una breve historia de casi todo ( A Brief Story of Nearly Everything) (Bolsillo) (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: September 1, 2005| Series: Bolsillo (Book 2) One of the world...
 |  | La casa verde/ The Green House (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: June 10, 2008An exemplary novel in the history of the boom in Latin American literature, La casa verde is a must for every reader who wants an in-depth knowledge of the narrative work of Mario Vargas Llosa. The novel takes place in two very distant points: Piura, in the desert of coastal Peru, and Santa Maria de Nieva, a factory/mission compound lost in the heart of the Amazonia. The symbol that locks the mystery of this story is the mythical pleasure house that Don Anselmo, the foreigner, erects in the outskirts of Piura.Description in Spanish:La casa verde transcurre en d...
 |  | Funerales De La Mama Grande, L (Spanish Edition) Release Date: February 7, 2006En los Funerales de la Mama Grande se reunen siete cuentos y una novela corta en la que se narran las fastuousas exéquias de esa mujer muerta en olor de santidad , auténtica soberana de Macondo.Gabriel García Márquez es uno de los escritores mas importantes del siglo. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title....
 |  | D Autres Vies Que La Mien (Folio) (French Edition) Publication Date: September 1, 2010| Series: Folio (Book 5131) «À quelques mois d'intervalle, la vie m'a rendu témoin des deux événements qui me font le plus peur au monde : la mort d'un enfant pour ses parents, celle d'une jeune femme pour ses enfants et son mari. Quelqu'un m'a dit alors : tu es écrivain, pourquoi n'écris-tu pas notre histoire? C'était une commande, je l'ai acceptée. C'est ainsi que je me suis retrouvé à raconter l'amitié entre un homme et une femme, tous deux rescapés d'un cancer, tous deux boiteux et tous de...
 |  | Mi Pais Inventado: Un Paseo Nostalgico por Chile (Spanish Edition) Release Date: February 3, 2004El primer recuerdo que Isabel Allende tiene de Chile es el de una casa que nunca conoció: la "casa grande y vieja" de la calle Cueto, donde nació su madre. Esta casa, evocada por su abuelo con tanta frecuencia que Isabel cree haber vivido allí, se convierte en la protagonista de su primera novela La Casa de los Espíritus. Dicha obra vuelve a aparecer al comienzo de las fascinantes y seductoras memorias, Mi País Inventado, que ahora nos ofrece esta talentosa escritora. Los asiduos lectores de Allende reconocerán inmediatamente a los ...
 |  | Trois Femmes Puissantes (Folio) (French Edition) Publication Date: January 1, 2011| Series: Folio (Book 5199) Prix Goncourt 2009 --This text refers to the Paperback edition....
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