| Little Sister and the Month Brothers (Mc Classic Fiction) Publication Date: March 1, 2009| Age Level: 6 and up | Grade Level: 1st and up Little Sister is very busy doing all the work around the house and the yard. But she doesn’t mind: she sings and hums, and she grows prettier and prettier as she does her chores. Her wicked stepmother and stepsister can’t stand the fact that Little Sister is so happy. One day, they tell Little Sister to bring home violets in the middle of winter—or not to come home at all!How Little Sister gets help from the Month Brothers in the forest offers a delightful twist on this Slavic version of Cinderel...
 | Angkat: The Cambodian Cinderella Publication Date: March 1, 1998| Age Level: 5 and up | Grade Level: K and up In the first English retelling of this ancient Cambodiantale, our heroine goes further, survives more, and has to conquer herown mortality to ragain her rightful place. Angkatchild ofashesendures great wrongs as she seeks to rise above thedistresses caused by her own family. Angkat appeared in an 18thcentury French essay which was found by Dr. Coburn deep in some dustyarchives while she was researching Khmer culture and folklore. Theartist effectively employed dramatic expressions, gestures, andambiance ...
 | The Boy Who Drew Cats and Other Japanese Fairy Tales (Dover Children's Thrift Classics) Publication Date: February 29, 2012| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up...
 | Rootabaga Stories Publication Date: April 21, 2012Carl Sandburg had three daughters and he loved telling them irrepressible, zany tales. He disliked the European fairy stories that involved kings and princesses and thought American tales should be more relevant to the world around his children, but of course made rather fantastic. So the stories are populated with trains on zig-zag tracks, skyscrapers, animals wearing bibs, corn fairies, not to mention the Village of Cream Puffs which floats in the wind. They have become firm favourites for generations of children. This edition of Rootabaga Stories features t...
 | Raisel's Riddle Publication Date: March 2, 1999| Age Level: 5 and up | Grade Level: K and up A Jewish CinderellaWhat's more precious than rubies, more lasting than gold?Raisel knows. She learned it from her grandfather, a poor scholar who taught her. When he dies, Raisel finds work in the home of a rabbi. His jealous cook makes Raisel toil from sunup to sundown. And as the Jewish holiday of Purim approaches, Raisel works even harder. The rabbi's son presides over the Purim dinner, and Raisel listens closely when he responds to riddles posed by his guests. Is it possible that this young man can answer Raisel...
 | Ahmed and the Feather Girl Publication Date: October 1, 2010| Age Level: 5 and up | Grade Level: K and up Ahmed is a poor orphan who lives with a travelling circus and works for cruel Madame Saleem. His life is changed forever when he finds a beautiful egg in the forest and brings it back to the circus. From the egg hatches a little girl called Aurelia, and as she grows she sprouts soft feathers that turn into wings. So Madame Saleem puts Aurelia in a cage to keep her as the top attraction at the circus. Ahmed knows he must free Aurelia, but when he does so Madame Saleem takes revenge and makes his life impossible. Is...
 | Kintaro, the Nature Boy (Kodansha Children's Bilingual Classics) Publication Date: September 15, 2000| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up...
 | Papa Gatto: An Italian Fairy Tale Publication Date: October 1995| Age Level: 4 and up Seeking someone to care for his motherless kittens, Sir Gatto, advisor to the Prince, hires a beautiful, but lazy girl, and then her plain, but loving stepsister. ...
 | Shoes for the Santo Nino/Zapatitos para el Santo Nino: A Bilingual Tale (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: September 21, 2009| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up The story of Julianita and the Santo Niño is an expression of the fabric of northern New Mexico, its culture and its traditions. Stories like this have been told literally thousands of times in homes all across the Southwest.Venerated since the eighth century, the Santo Niño is an important part of both the Native American and the Hispanic traditions. People pray to the Santo Niño for healing, mainly of children, and devoted pilgrims frequently leave children's shoes at his shrines. Many believe ...
 | Senor Cat's Romance: And Other Favorite Stories from Latin America Publication Date: March 1997| Age Level: 3 and up Includes the stories of silly Juan Bobo, who challenges a three-legged pot to race him home; Martina, who conducts a zany search for the right husband; and four other popular characters from Latin America. ...
 | Jolie Blonde and the Three H Release Date: March 31, 1999| Age Level: 5 and up | Grade Level: K and up Children will enjoy discovering the uniquely Cajun spins on the classic story. For example, Cajuns simply do not eat porridge-whatever that may be. They do eat gumbo, and Mama Hébert just happens to make the best on the bayou. Simple gumbo recipe is included. ...
 | Cinderella/Cenicienta Publication Date: April 2001| Grade Level: P and up...
 | The Rabbi and the Twenty-nine Witches Publication Date: August 20, 2009| Age Level: 6 and up | Grade Level: 1st and up Once a month, when the moon is full, twenty-nine of the meanest, scariest, ugliest, wickedest witches that ever lived come out of their cave to terrify the villagers . . . until one day the wise rabbi invents a plan to rid his village of those wicked witches forever. The rabbi's clever plan works--with hilarious results! ...
 | Nail Soup Publication Date: May 26, 2009| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up A traveler in the forest stops at a lonely cottage, hoping to beg a bed for the night. The scowling woman who answers the door agrees to let him sleep on the floor, but declares she hasn’t a bit of food in the house. "In that case," says the traveler, "I’ll have to share what I’ve got with you." And with that, he takes a rusty old nail from his pocket and starts to make nail soup! It just needs a little something . . . This wonderfully illustrated retelling is a witty reminder that more bees are cau...
 | An Illustrated Treasury of African American Read-Aloud Stories: More than 40 of the World's Best-Loved Stories for Parent and Child to Share Publication Date: December 1, 2003| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up...
 | The Beckoning Cat: Based on a Japanese Folktale Publication Date: March 1, 2009| Age Level: 5 and up | Grade Level: K and up In this story based on a Japanese folktale, an impoverished boy named Yohei shares his dinner with a cat that appears on his doorstep. When Yohei faces a crisis, the cat remembers his generosity and brings help. ...
 | Even Higher Release Date: August 14, 2007| Age Level: 7 and up | Grade Level: 2 and up Young Reuven has a problem. Every year, on the day before Rosh Hashanah, the beloved rabbi of the village of Nemirov disappears until nightfall and no one knows where he goes. The villagers suspect that he ascends to heaven to beg forgiveness for their sins, but Reuven’s friends want the truth. They appoint him to solve the mystery — after all, he is the smallest and fastest of the group — but how?That evening, when Reuven watches the rabbi through the synagogue window, he gets an idea. Determined...
 | The Little Hummingbird Publication Date: April 27, 2010| Age Level: 5 and up | Grade Level: K and up This inspiring children’s book is based on a South American indigenous story about a courageous hummingbird who defies fear and expectations in her attempt to save the forest from fire. The illustrated story is supplemented by a natural and cultural history of hummingbirds, as well as an inspiring message from Nobel Peace Prize winner Wangari Maathai. The evocative artwork by internationally renowned Haida artist Michael Nicoll Yahgulanaas complements this optimistic tale that encourages everyone to take res...
 | El sombrero del t Publication Date: June 3, 1997| Age Level: 6 and up | Grade Level: K and up...
 | Wolf Tales Publication Date: March 1993Through her research Mary Powell has selected traditional wolf stories to be read and enjoyed by children ages 8 and up. ...