| The Butterfly and the Stone: A Story Publication Date: December 1981| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up A butterfly loves a stone only to find that it is a turtle with the same cold indifference toward her. Wonderful pen and ink drawings. ...
 | The Unfortunate Tale of Kachuva the Tortoise: As Told By Chukwa Sulcata (Tales of India) Publication Date: February 16, 2012 ...
 | Franklin and the Hero (A Franklin TV Storybook) Publication Date: November 1, 2000| Age Level: 3 and up...
 | Glitterturtle Publication Date: March 10, 2005| Age Level: 2 and up | Grade Level: P and up Foil, foil, everywhereon the cover, on the spine, even on the edges! This sparkly book is trimmed with fabric cut out in the shape of an irresistible, child-friendly critter. Best of all, the animal's specially treated real cloth limbs and wings shimmer in the light with an iridescent brilliance. Holographic foil lends an extra shine to the cover, while the story inside is a friendly adventuresimple, bright, and bold. This is a truly special board book with a dazzling difference! ...
 | Ridiculous! Publication Date: September 1996| Age Level: 3 and up When a tortoise named Shelley decides she wants to stay awake and see what winter is like instead of hibernating with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tortoise say "Ridiculous!"Shelley is determined, though, and she sets out to explore the snow.Soon she finds that her parents may be right - a tortoise out in winter is ridiculous.But how will she get back to her cozy bed? ...
 | Slowcoach Turtle (Pop Hooper's Perfect Pets) Publication Date: February 1, 2011| Age Level: 5 and up | Grade Level: K and up...
 | The Adventures of Molly Dolly: The Lost Smile Publication Date: January 1, 2010Molly Dolly discovers through a bad experience that her attitude is contagious. Her unconventional friends help put her back together again, just like a good friend should. Come join Molly Dolly in her first in a series of books that help children discover that they are winners in the race of life.Ahmad WilliamsCEO, Mortified Books ...
 | TMNT: Underground Art Studio (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) ...
 | Love Can Build a Bridge ...
 | The Great Turtle Drive Release Date: May 7, 1996| Age Level: 6 and up Saddle up and join an entrepreneurial young cowboy and a million dollars' worth of turtles in a twisted tall tale set in the Wild West. Someone's got to supply the turtles to Frenchy's Gourmet Eating Establishment and Pizza Parlor, where the house specialty is--you guessed it--turtle soup, and our hero reckons it might as well be him. Soon he's roaming the wide frontier, lumbering turtles in tow. There's a fortune waiting for him at Frenchy's--if he ever gets there! ...
 | The Turtle Who Needed Glasses ...
 | Tommy the Timid Turtle Publication Date: June 23, 2011Tommy the Timid Turtle's friends ask him one day what makes him afraid of swimming below the water. From here, Tommy discovers he is not the only one who has a fear of something. Who has a fear of getting lost? Who has a fear of spiders? Does Tommy conquer his fear? Follow along their journey to see. ...
 | Franklin y el regalo de navidad Publication Date: January 1, 1999| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up...
 | Templeton Turtle Goes Exploring Publication Date: July 1, 2008| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up When Templeton Turtle hatches from his egg, he can't wait to start exploring on his own and making new friends. But as he explores the big pond, Templeton realizes that not all the animals are friendly, and some can be scary! Then, when Mr. Blue rescues him from being trampled and returns him safely to his mother, Templeton learns that the animals around the pond take care of one another, no matter what their differences are.Join Templeton Turtle in this heartwarming story as he embarks on his first adventure, makes ...
 | Tuttle Leaves The Puddle: The Adventures of a Red Eared Slider Turtle Publication Date: December 18, 2009Tuttle the Red Eared Slider turtles naturally reside in areas with a calm, fresh and warm water source. Serenity Pond is just the place. Join him and his family as Tuttle meets new friends and goes on adventures. ...
 | The Turtle Story Publication Date: November 1, 2009| Age Level: 5 and up | Grade Level: K and up Leaving their swamp in search of a home that is litter free, a family of turtles learns through their travels that finding a clean home is no easy venture. This picture book follows them as they see new places and make new friends on their way to finally reaching the most beautiful place they've ever seen. It is an ecological adventure that will touch the hearts of young readers and teach them unforgettable lessons in perseverance and environmental stewardship. ...
 | The Franklin Annual: Volume 2 Publication Date: September 1, 2003| Age Level: 3 and up...
 | Do You Know Where Sea Turtles Go? Publication Date: November 10, 2005This is an environmentally correct children's book about the life of a loggerhead sea turtle named Myrtle.The story takes the reader through the complete circle of life of a young sea turtle; from her hatching from her egg beneath the sand to returning back to the very same beach to lay her own clutch of eggs, via a journey across thousands of miles of oceans.Sea turtle endangerment is emphasized to help children appreciate the need to protect them. ...
 | Steven and the Green Turtle, ...
 | Elijah The Turtle Publication Date: August 1, 2008One day a curious turtle wanders away from his home and finds himself right smack in the middle of a busy road! A woman driving on the road stops her car, picks him up, and puts him in her car so he doesn't get run over. The two become friends, and the woman gives him a name: Elijah.Elijah is treated very well at his new home. He has warm bathwater run for him, he can eat all the leftovers he wants, and he can explore freely in the woman's backyard. It seems he has the perfect life. But after a while, Elijah realizes something is missing.Elijah the Turtle is a...