| Snip...Snip...Snow! Publication Date: September 1998| Age Level: 4 and up What could be more boring than a winter without snow? Even when the weatherman forecasts snow, it doesn't arrive. For now, Sophie will have to do with the paper snowflakes she makes at school. But as Sophie is taping her creations to the window, she notices something outside--a teeny, tiny something that promises winter fun is finally on the way. ...
 | Prairie Storms Publication Date: August 10, 2011Where the land is flat, the sky's dome becomes a blank canvas for storms. In this lyrical book, experience a year of prairie storms from the point of view of native wild life who must shelter, hide, escape, disappear, endure and withstand those storms. Watch the sand hill cranes avoid the tornado, the red fox thrill to a soft evening shower, the earless lizard shimmy as it disappears beneath the burning sands of summer, the cougar dodge hail stones, the bald eagle shed sleet and the bison face into the teeth of a blizzard and stand defiant. Each month feature...
 | Meteorology Projects with a Weather Station You Can Build (Build-A-Lab! Science Experiments) ...
 | Stranger in the Snow/L'etranger dans la neige: French/English Edition (Let's Read!) (French Edition) Publication Date: March 1, 2010| ISBN-10: 0764144758 | ISBN-13: 978-0764144752| Edition: Bilingual This new title in the illustrated Let's Read!language-learning series is a real page-turner! It's written in a bilingual French and English format, which encourages boys and girls who are independent readers in their own language to begin learning a second language. All Let's Readbooks present original stories of action and adventure geared to young readers' interests. Meanwhile, kids begin to learn a new language, compare it with their own, and start out on a path toward bilingual flue...
 | Inside Hurricanes (Inside Series) Publication Date: October 5, 2010| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up...
 | Exploring the Sky by Day: The Equinox Guide to Weather and the Atmosphere Publication Date: September 1, 1988| Age Level: 10 and up | Grade Level: 5 and up Winner of the Children's Roundtable Literature Information Book Award.Ideal for children, Exploring the Sky by Day offers fascinating insight into such phenomena as lightning, the 10 types of clouds, storms, solar haloes, sundogs, and sunsets. Brought to life with dozens of photographs and the color illustrations of John Bianchi the book provides an excellent introduction to weather and the atmosphere. ...
 | It's Snowing! Publication Date: June 1, 2012What is snow? How is it formed? Crystal clear facts and fascinating details abound in Gail Gibbons's exploration of this winter wonder. ...
 | Is It Hot or Cold?: Learning to Use a Thermometer (Math for the Real World) ...
 | The Preschool Professors Learn About Thunderstorms Publication Date: June 21, 2011| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up Begin educating your children about Lightning and Thunder! Join in on the fun with the Preschool Professors, as they leave the playground and come inside to learn about the weather. ...
 | Little Red Car in the Snow (Little Red Car Books) Publication Date: September 1, 2009| Age Level: 3 and up...
 | Wild Weather Complete Series ...
 | Thunderstorms (True Books: Earth Science) Publication Date: September 1, 2009| Age Level: 7 and up | Grade Level: 2 and up...
 | Close to the Wind: The Beaufort Scale Release Date: May 10, 2007| Age Level: 5 and up | Grade Level: K and up In 1810, a British naval officer and surveyor named Francis Beaufort developed a scale to give sailors a common language for describing the wind. From 0 (calm) to 12 (hurricane), stunning artwork and jaunty prose show what life at sea must have been like for a young boy serving as a midshipman in the 1800s. As William sails from Naples to the Caribbean, we learn intriguing historical information and nautical terminology, and witness how the wind affected day-to-day life on a ship. Detailed illustrations show the wind at ...
 | Arctic Tundra (Habitats) Publication Date: October 1997| Age Level: 7 and up | Grade Level: 2 and up...
 | The Adventures of Droplet Publication Date: May 13, 2012The Adventures of Droplet, a five - book series conveniently bound together, reads on the primary level, or can be utilized in a read-to experience.It includes the following stories: * book 1 - Droplet * book 2 - Droplet and the Blizzard * book 3 - Droplet and the Thunderstorm * book 4 - Droplet, The Tornado & Tommy * book 5 - Droplet, The Hurricane & TommyIt teaches while it entertains.Learn with Droplet from her friends. In additon to the science application, the stories can introduce topics in character education; motivate awriting workshop; used for reading ...
 | Lightning: It's Electrifying (All Aboard Science Reader) Release Date: September 16, 2002| Age Level: 7 and up | Grade Level: 2 and up...
 | Eye of the storm: chasing storms with warren faidley Release Date: March 17, 1997| Age Level: 7 and up Readers accompany acclaimed storm tracker Warren Faidley as he tracks tornadoes, lightning, and hurricanes while recounting dramatic true storm-chasing assignments and providing comprehensive weather information for children. ...
 | Calvin Coconut: Hero of Hawaii Release Date: March 8, 2011| Age Level: 7 and up | Grade Level: 2 and up...
 | The Wind at Work: An Activity Guide to Windmills Publication Date: June 28, 1997| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up The Wind at Work traces the history of windmills and how their design and function have changed over time. It includes more than a dozen wind-related activities such as conducting science experiments, cooking a traditional windmiller meal, sewing windmill patterns, and keeping track of household energy use. Information on how wind turbines (modern windmills) can produce energy as an alternative to nonrenewable fossil fuels is covered as well. ...
 | DK Eyewitness Books: Natural Disasters Publication Date: March 20, 2006| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up...