First Science Experiments: Mighty Machines: Shar Levine,Leslie Johnstone: 9781402740510:
Book Description:
Publication Date: August 28, 2006 | Age Level: 5 and up | Series: First Science Experiments
How do machines work? Kids will have a blast constructing a mini-seesaw to illustrate the way a lever operates or creating their very own pulley from an empty spool, string, ribbon, pails, pennies, a broom, and two chairs. They’ll find out why they can’t put in a screw using only their fingers and examine the different parts of compound machines. In another experiment, a child’s bicycle becomes a laboratory for understanding whether wheels have to be smooth to run. A good time will be had by all.
Robots Release Date: September 14, 2010| Age Level: 3 and up Collect samples from the crater of a red-hot volcano using a robotic investigator. Guide a landing rover across the surface of Mars, and search for lifeforms. Ride with medical nanobots through the human body, and observe a sunken shipwreck through the cameras of an ROV (remotely operated vehicle). Use the whizz-kid guide to find out what’s what in every scene....