| I Can Draw Cartoons ...
 | Draw Along with Stuart Little in the Big City with Book Publication Date: September 1999| Age Level: 4 and up Visit Stuart Little and his family, and join in a fun-filled trip around the city! Young artists will love following Stuarts adventures, inspired by Columbia Pictures engaging film Stuart Little. And now they can learn to draw their favorite things--from cats and cars to boats and ice cream! The drawing pad is preprinted with easy-to-follow, how-to-draw steps and simple line drawings that children can trace. Learning to draw has never been so much fun!Includes 40-page drawing pad! ...
 | How to Draw Cartoon Careers (Kid's Guide to Drawing) Publication Date: July 30, 2004| Age Level: 7 and up | Grade Level: 2 and up...
 | Fun with Cartoons Kit (Art Start!) Publication Date: January 1, 2003| Age Level: 8 and up...
 | Funpax: Create Your Own School Stickers Publication Date: March 15, 1998 ...
 | Fun to Finish Animals (Gift) Publication Date: November 1, 2012| Age Level: 5 and up | Grade Level: K and up...
 | Draw Horrible Stuff: A Step-by-Step Guide to Drawing All Things Yucky! Publication Date: August 15, 2012Draw Horrible Stuff is a fun-filled guide to drawing all things gross and yucky! Readers will learn how to draw horrible characters such as Frankenstein and Dracula, as well as foul new creations like the Ogglemonster and Chickenstein, all in clear, easy-to-follow steps. The book is divided into six exciting chapters: Mucky Monsters, Creepy Crawlies, Beastly Bodies, Seriously Spooky, Awful Animals, and Sickening Science, each containing step-by-step characters, imaginative doodles, exciting drawing activities, and large busy scenes to color in with added sear...
 | I Can Draw Cartoons ...
 | Heroes y villanos / Heroes and villains (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: June 30, 2009Para los ninos que quieran aprender a dibujar pero tambien para los que deseen introducirse en este mundo de la creatividad y del dibujo se presentan las tecnicas basicas los consejos practicos y otros conceptos. Dice el autor: En esta coleccion encontraras una manera de hacer las cosas: una receta que con el tiempo decidiras si quieres seguirla al pie de la letra hacer tu propia version o crear una receta completamente nueva . Caballeros con armadura guerreros de todos los tiempos cazadores de dragones heroes y superheroes hechiceras brujos hadas y duendes des...
 | Drawings and Cartoons (What Is Art?) Publication Date: September 1, 2008| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up...
 | Dibuja Manga! Nivel Basico: Xtreme Art: Draw Manga! (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: December 2004Nota: En los titulos y nombres de autores, los marcos ortograficos han sido omitidos para facilitar las busquedas de Internet.Quieres Dibujar Personajes Manga? Es Como Contrar Hasta 4! Calco o dibuja lo que ves en el paso 1, anade las lineas rojas de los pasos 2, 3 y 4. Sin darte cuenta, dibujaras personajes que sorprenderan a tus amigos y a tu familia. A que esperas ? Empieza a dibjuar. The first title in a cutting-edge series for tomorrows illustrator, "Xtreme Art: Draw Manga"Offers a fun-filled tutorial on the hottest art formOut therethe Japanes...
 | Heroes (How to Draw Manga) ...
 | Jovenes Dibujantes (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: January 2004Nota: En los titulos y nombres de autores, los marcos ortograficos han sido omitidos para facilitar las busquedas de Internet.Description del libro en espanol:Un titulo imprescindible para todos aquellos ninos y jovenes que quieren convertirse en dibujantes.Siguiendo los consejos de Daniel Torres, aprenderan paso a paso todo lo necesario para conseguirlo. El libro ensena desde como sentarse bien a la mesa de dibujo hasta que tipos de lapices escoger o como crear una composicion compleja. Muy ameno y sumamente pedagogico. Book Description in English: Following Da...
 | Drawing Cartoons (Infofax) ...
 | Editorial Cartoons by Kids 2001 ...
 | Drawing and cartooning sci fi: a step-by-step guid Release Date: July 1, 1996Tony Tallarico, who has written and illustrated hundreds of children's books, including the I Can Draw series, now offers a fun, easy-to-use guide that lets kids create their own mutant, far-out beasts and laser-eyed cyborgs. ...
 | Drawing and Cartooning Dinosaurs Release Date: July 1, 1993Provides step-by-step instructions for making drawings and cartoons of different dinosaurs. ...
 | Drawing Manga Expressions and Poses (Manga Magic) ...
 | Dibujar mangas shojo / Draw Manga Shojo (Spanish Edition) ...
 | I Can Draw Cartoons ...