| The Truth About Them (Pioneers of Modern U.S. Hispanic Literature) Publication Date: December 1999| Series: Pioneers of Modern U.S. Hispanic Literature When Pini was a little boy, his Cuban-American familyalways spoke with mistrust of a mysterious "Them": the big-shotcapitalists, the good-old-boy southern crackers, the rich and thepowerful.Now that he's grown into a worldly, successful adult, however, theonly "Them" that still mystifies Pini is his own family. ...
 |  | Common Place: The Representation of Paris in Spanish American Fiction Publication Date: August 31, 2010This book charts the image of paris in Cortazar's Hopscotch, Ribeyro's La juventud en la otra ribera, Carpentier's Reasons of State, Fuentes's Distant Relations, Garro's Reencuentro de personajes, and Goytisolo's Landscapes after Battle. These novels were published between 1963 and 1982, a period that corresponds with the coming of age of Spanish American fiction. ...
 |  | The Lost Band: A Novel (Spanish Bit) Publication Date: April 15, 2000| Series: Spanish Bit A continuation of Don Coldsmith’s Spanish Bit series, The Lost Band traces the sage of the People, a fictional nation of American Plains Indians in the late eighteenth century. Annually the People celebrate the Sun Dance, and each year the Council circle leaves an empty place of honor for the Lost Band, whose members disappeared and are presumed killed in a genocidal raid in the Great Plains two hundred years earlier. This group is the Lost Band, their fate an ongoing mystery in the history of the People.In The Lost Band, Story Kee...
 |  | The Best of Gowanus: New Writing from Africa, Asia and the Caribbean Publication Date: May 1, 2001Short stories and essays from Africa, Asia and the Caribbean. ...
 |  | Brava, Valentine: A Novel Release Date: February 9, 2010 Adriana Trigiani's bestselling novels are beloved by millions of readers around the world. From the Big Stone Gap series to Lucia, Lucia, each is a sumptuous treat as Trigiani tells hilarious and romantic stories that we want to return to again and again. Very Valentine, an instant New York Times bestseller, introduced the contemporary family saga of the Roncalli and Angelini families, artisans of handcrafted wedding shoes in Greenwich Village since 1903. As Brava, Valentine begins, snow falls like glitter over Tuscany at the wedding of her grandmother, Teo...
 |  | Ark Publication Date: December 12, 2011John, the narrator, is a guy who just recently retired, hoping to devote his golden years towriting, and continue his passion as a booster for his alma mater's men's basketball program at Sunnyside College, a small, barely Division I school in Delaware.He has no idea what kind of passionate involvement he'll be getting into. He still lives in the area. and one night while driving home close to campus, he gets the urge to reminisce by driving over to the Ark, the nickname for the old gym where he loved to watch basketball games as a student.Strangely, he sen...
 |  | The Ghost Road Publication Date: December 1, 1995As World War I winds to a close, two men--Dr. William Rivers, apsychologist whose dedicated healing sends men back to the brutalfront, and Billy Prior, a shell-shocked soldier determined to rejointhe final English offensive--are profounded affected by the events ofthe era. Winner of the 1995 Booker Prize. 35,000 first printing.$35,000 ad/promo. ...
 |  | Juvenal: The Satires Publication Date: April 1, 2003A new commentary on the first book of satires of the Roman satirist Juvenal. The essays on each of the poems together with the overview of Book I in the Introduction present the first integrated reading of the Satires as an organic structure. ...
 |  | Growing Up Local: An Anthology of Poetry and Prose from Hawai'i Publication Date: January 1, 1998Poetry. Fiction. Pacific Island Studies. The anthology is the product of the combined vision of three organizations dedicated to the enhancement of education in Hawaii: Bamboo Ridge Press, Curriculum Research and Development Group, and Hawaii Education Association. ...
 |  | The Intellectual Life of the British Working Classes: Second Edition Publication Date: July 6, 2010Now in its second edition, this landmark book provides an intellectual history of the British working classes from the preindustrial era to the twentieth century. Drawing on workers’ memoirs, social surveys, library registers, and more, Jonathan Rose discovers which books people read, how they educated themselves, and what they knew. A new preface uncovers the author’s journey into labor history, and its rewarding link to intellectual history. (20090404) ...
 |  | The House of Blackwood: Author-Publisher Relations in the Victorian Era (Penn State Series in the History of the Book) Publication Date: April 1, 2002| ISBN-10: 0271021799 | ISBN-13: 978-0271021799The Scottish publishing house of William Blackwoood & Sons, founded in 1804, was a major force in 19th- and early 20th-century British literary history, publishing a diverse group of important authors - including George Eliot, John Galt, Thomas de Quincey, Margaret Oliphant, Anthony Trollope, Joseph Conrad, and John Buchan, among others - in book form and in its monthly "Blackwood's Magazine". In this title, David Finkelstein exposes the successes and failures of this onetime publishing powerhouse. He p...
 |  | Royal Pains: Sick Rich Release Date: January 3, 2012| Series: Royal Pains (Book 2) The Fourth of July weekend is fast approaching, and Dr. Hank Lawson andhis friends have been invited to the only party that matters. But whenlocal kids start exhibit strange symptoms, Hank fears that thefireworks aren't the only things that are about to burn out... ...
 |  | Guardian of Earth (Dc Super Heroes (Dc Super Villains)) Publication Date: January 2011| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up...
 |  | Three Claws in the City (Stone Arch Readers - Level 3 (Quality))) Publication Date: January 1, 2010| Age Level: 6 and up | Grade Level: 1 and up...
 |  | Don't Leave an Elephant to Go and Chase a Bird Publication Date: January 1, 1996| Age Level: 3 and up A rhythmically told, brilliantly illustrated tale from the award-winning author of Ajeemah and His Son. When Anancy Spiderman calls a morning greeting to the Skygod, a corncob appears in his hand. Can Anancy turn the corncob into something even better? He embarks on a series of trades, but just when it looks as though Anancy is going home with a truly spectacular gift, his greed gets the better of him. Full color. ...
 |  | The Wings of Merlin (Lost Years Of Merlin, Bk. Five) Release Date: October 9, 2000| Age Level: 10 and up | Grade Level: 5 and up Winter's longest night is rapidly approaching as Merlin faces the most difficult challenge of his life: to unite all the people of Fincayra against an invasion by the evil Rhita Gawr. But how can one man, in two weeks' time, gather them all—the dwarves, the canyon eagles, the walking trees, the living stones, and more—when none of them will listen? And now comes the mysterious Swordarms, who is hunting down Fincayra's children. Only if Merlin can unite the battling forces within himself, can he save the c...
 |  | Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb (Bright & Early Board Books(TM)) Release Date: January 20, 1998| Age Level: 2 and up...
 |  | The Olympic Experience in Your School Grades K-3 (United States Olympic Committee Curriculum Series) Release Date: November 12, 2004 ...
 |  | Hockey Superstars 1995-96: 16 Super Mini-Posters of Top Hockey Stars With Quotes and Facts and Useful Information Plus Your Own Record Keeper (Hockey Superstars (Firefly Books)) Publication Date: September 1995 ...
 |  | Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ Publication Date: October 18, 2007Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ (1880) by Lew Wallace is one of the most popular and beloved 19th century American novels.This faithful New Testament tale combines the events of the life of Jesus with grand historical spectacle in the exciting story of Judah of the House of Hur, a man who finds extraordinary redemption for himself and his family.A classic of faith, fortitude, and inspiration. ...
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