| Understanding Exposure, 3rd Edition: How to Shoot Great Photographs with Any Camera Release Date: August 10, 2010With more than 350,000 copies sold, Understanding Exposure has demystified the complex concepts of exposure for countless photographers. Now updated with current technologies, more than one hundred new images, and an all-new chapter, this new edition will inspire you more than ever to free yourself from “auto” and create the pictures you truly want.In his trademark easy-to-understand style, author Bryan Peterson explains the relationship between aperture and shutter speed, including how to achieve successful exposures in seemingly difficult situatio...
 |  | The Women's Warrior Society (Sun Tracks) Publication Date: March 1, 2008| Series: Sun Tracks (Book 62) The Womens Warrior Society is a remarkable gathering of characters and voices used to expose truths about Native American life. In tightly woven prose, Lois Beardslee tells stories about people from all over North America and from either side of the line between abused and abuser. Both individual and archetypal, Native and non-Native, male and female, her characters take up arms against widely accepted stereotypes about Native people. The women warriors in these tales have lived through a variety of mishaps, experiencing the...
 |  | Happily Ever Madder: Misadventures of a Mad Fat Girl Release Date: November 6, 2012Diary of a Mad Fat Girl’s plus-sized spitfire Graciela “Ace” Jones returns in a hilarious new adventure from New York Times bestselling author Stephanie McAfee. Ace has left the tiny Mississippi town of Bugtussle for the palm fronds and mojitos of Pelican Cove, Florida. She’s finally opening her long-dreamed-of art gallery, is kick-starting a life with her fiancé, Mason, and has vowed to leave her straight-talking, sassy ways behind her. From now on, she’s going to be as sweet as sugar. Unfortunately, something comes along to...
 |  | Green Card, Blue Blood Publication Date: January 11, 2010this book is a political thriller depicting the search Victoria has for the mystery of her family geneaology. The poltical intrigue it reveals proves to be life-threatening until she finds the insurance her father left her. ...
 |  | New Collected Poems Publication Date: February 27, 2003The lyric and satirical muses have kept busy with Les Murray. Subhuman Redneck Poems, awarded the 1996 T.S. Eliot Prize, Dog Fox Field (1991), Translations from the Natural World (1993) and Conscious and Verbal (1999) are added to his expanded and corrected volume, bringing the first 60 years of his life into memorable focus. 'It would be as myopic to regard Mr Murray as an Australian poet as to call Yeats an Irishman. He is, quite simply, the one by whom the language lives', Joseph Brodsky said. And Derek Walcott: 'There is no poetry in the English languag...
 |  | Ifa Divination: Communication between Gods and Men in West Africa (Midland Book) Release Date: March 22, 1991| ISBN-10: 0253206383 | ISBN-13: 978-0253206381| Edition: Reprint "The sacred texts of Ifa, repository of the accumulated wisdom of countless generations of Yoruba people, are an invaluable source not only for all students of African oral literature and Yoruba civilization, but also for future generations interested in the continuing vitality of Ifa divination and a Yoruba way of life and thought." —Henry DrewalThis landmark study of Ifa, the most important and elaborate system of divination of the Yoruba people of Nigeria, remains a monumental contribu...
 |  | Myths of the world: Original title: Orpheus ...
 |  | The Plays of Menander Publication Date: September 1, 1971Plays of Menander, The, by Menander; tr. by Lionel Casson. 8vo. ...
 |  | Barbarous Dissonance and Images of Voice in Milton's Epics Publication Date: November 1996An examination of relative status and authority of the multiple narrative voices in "Paradise lost" and "Paradise regained". In this work, it is argued that Milton's epics accommodate a variety of interpretive voices, episodes, and dramatic and discursive exchanges that resist the monological containment of the poems' dominant narratives. The author investigates the texts' discursive practices and the politics of their orchestration of voice exploring the ways in which Milton's multivocal poems interrogated dominant structures of authority in the 17th century a...
 |  | James Clarence Mangan: A Biography (Works of James Clarence Mangan) ...
 |  | Carl Einstein in Documents ...
 |  | Theophrastus: Enquiry into Plants, Volume I, Books 1-5 (Loeb Classical Library No. 70) Publication Date: January 1, 1916| ISBN-10: 0674990773 | ISBN-13: 978-0674990777Theophrastus of Eresus in Lesbos, born about 370 BCE, is the author of the most important botanical works that have survived from classical antiquity. He was in turn student, collaborator, and successor of Aristotle. Like his predecessor he was interested in all aspects of human knowledge and experience, especially natural science. His writings on plants form a counterpart to Aristotle's zoological works.In the Enquiry into Plants Theophrastus classifies and describes varietiescovering trees, plants of ...
 |  | The Sea King's Daughter: A Russian Legend (15th Anniversary Edition) Publication Date: April 7, 2011 TEACHERS AND LIBRARIANS -- A READER'S THEATER SCRIPT OF THIS BOOK IS AVAILABLE IN AARON'S BOOK "FOLKTALES ON STAGE," OR FREE ON AARON'S WEB SITE. Sadko the musician loved his city of Novgorod, the richest and most free in all Russia. With its great feasts, its white stone churches, its merchant visitors from many lands, Sadko felt there was no better place to be. Yet he was lonely too, for the rich young ladies who danced to his music would never favor anyone so poor. One night he takes his twelve-string gusli and goes alone to play by...
 |  | Football Stars:Sanders, Aikman, Rice, Sanders (All Aboard Reading, Level 3) Release Date: August 25, 1997| Age Level: 7 and up Deion Sanders, Jerry Rice, Troy Aikman, Barry Sanders.They're tough, they're strong, and they have just one aim--to win.Read about these amazing NFL superheroes--and how they became football legends. ...
 |  | Boats, Boats, Boats (My First Reader) Publication Date: April 1990 ...
 |  | Visual Perceptual Skill Building, Book 1 Publication Date: January 2, 1998 ...
 |  | The Ugly Guide to Being Alive and Staying That Way (Uglydolls) Release Date: January 27, 2009| Age Level: 6 and up | Grade Level: 1 and up...
 |  | The Sacrifice Release Date: August 28, 2007| Age Level: 10 and up In the year 1692, life changes forever for ten-year-old Abigail Faulkner and her family. In Salem, Massachusetts, witches have been found, and widespread fear and panic reign mere miles from Abigail's home of Andover. When two girls are brought from Salem to identify witches in Andover, suspicion sweeps the town as well-respected members of the community are accused of witchcraft. It isn't long before chaos consumes Andover, and the Faulkners find themselves in the center of it all when friend turns themselves in the center of it all when f...
 |  | Rebecca and the Movies (American Girls Collection) Release Date: May 31, 2009| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up...
 |  | The Number Devil: A Mathematical Adventure Publication Date: May 1, 2000| Age Level: 10 and up | Grade Level: 5 and up The international best-seller that makes mathematics a thrilling exploration.In twelve dreams, Robert, a boy who hates math, meets a Number Devil, who leads him to discover the amazing world of numbers: infinite numbers, prime numbers, Fibonacci numbers, numbers that magically appear in triangles, and numbers that expand without . As we dream with him, we are taken further and further into mathematical theory, where ideas eventually take flight, until everyone-from those who fumble over fractions to those who solve c...
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