Time of Useful Consciousness

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Time of Useful Consciousness: Lawrence Ferlinghetti: 9780811220316: Books

Book Description:

October 24, 2012 0811220311 978-0811220316 1

Lawrence Ferlinghetti's first book since Poetry as Insurgent Art, a new call to action and a vivid picture of civilization moving towards its brink.

New Directions is proud to announce a riveting and galvanizing new book by Lawrence Ferlinghetti. At ninety-three, he shows more power than most any other poet at work today. Ferlinghetti describes his new book, Time of Useful Consciousness, as “a fragmented recording of the American stream-of-consciousness, always westward streaming; a people’s poetic history in the tradition of William Carlos Williams’ Paterson, Charles Olson’s Maximus, Allen Ginsberg’s Fall of America, and Ed Sanders’ America: a History in Verse. ‘Time of Useful Consciousness, is an aeronautical term denoting the time between when one loses oxygen and when one passes out, the brief time in which some life-saving action is possible.”Ferlinghetti’s first book since Poetry as Insurgent Art, the fierce and immediate Time of Useful Consciousness presents poetry written “in ways that those who see poetry as the province of the few and educated had never imagined” (The New York Times Book Review).
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Product Details:

  • Hardcover: 96 pages
  • Publisher: New Directions; 1 edition (October 24, 2012)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0811220311
  • ISBN-13: 978-0811220316
  • Shipping Information: View shipping rates and policies

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