| A Literate Passion: Letters of Ana Publication Date: April 22, 1989The intimacy between Nin and Miller, first disclosed in Henry and June, is documented further in this impassioned exchange of letters between the two controversial writers. Edited and with an Introduction by Gunther Stuhlmann; Index. ...
 |  | Mafia Princess Publication Date: November 1, 2011The story of a Goon and his DaughterSemaj Richardson was raised by the streets, and her ambition was to own them. Changing foreign whips as she hustles one major drug dealer after another is just a day in the life with her treacherous father as her #1 partner in crime. The devious duo s schemes lead to murder plots and countless setups.Unbeknownst to Semaj the same street life she relentlessly chased can be what may become her downfall. When she meets drug kingpin Quasim, who virtually changes her sheisty mindset overnight, her dreams become a reality. B...
 |  | Vida de Milarepa (Compactos Anagrama) (Compactos Anagrama) (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: February 15, 2004| Series: Compactos Anagrama (Book 331) Escrita a finales del siglo XV, es la obra mas destacada de la literatura tibetana, y su protagonista, la figura mas representativa de los habitantes del Techo del Mundo. A Milarepa se le venera como a un heroe espiritual, simbolo de la realizacion trascendente, que supo ademas, como gran poeta, enseñar cantando en verso sus profundas experiencias misticas. Es esta una narracion sobria, a veces ingenua y tierna, otras sobrecogedora, llena de hondo lirismo. El budismo tantrico impregna toda la obra; resulta todo u...
 |  | Eudora Welty : Complete Novels: The Robber Bridegroom, Delta Wedding, The Ponder Heart, Losing Battles, The Optimist's Daughter (Library of America) Release Date: August 1, 1998| Series: Library of America (Book 101) This two-volume collection reveals the singular imaginative power of one of America's most admired Southern writers. "Complete Novels" gathers all of Welty's longer fiction, from "The Robber Bridegroom" (1942) to her Pulitzer Prize-winning "The Optimist's Daughter" (1972). ...
 |  | Sensual Math Publication Date: April 1, 1995Drawing upon science, myth, popular culture, feminist theory and autobiography, this collection of poems demonstrates Alice Fulton's poetic virtuosity. ...
 |  | Breaking Poems Publication Date: December 1, 2008In Breaking Poems Suheir Hammad departs from her previous poetry books with a bold and explosive style to do what the best poets have always done: create a new language. Using "break" as a trigger for every poem, Hammad destructs, constructs, and reconstructs the English language for us to hear the sound of a breath, a woman's body, a land, a culture, falling apart, broken, and put back together again. ...
 |  | Books and Readers in Early Modern England: Material Studies (Material Texts) Publication Date: November 8, 2001| Series: Material Texts Books and Readers in Early Modern England examines readers, reading, and publication practices from the Renaissance to the Restoration. The essays draw on an array of documentary evidence—from library catalogs, prefaces, title pages and dedications, marginalia, commonplace books, and letters to ink, paper, and bindings—to explore individual reading habits and experiences in a period of religious dissent, political instability, and cultural transformation. Chapters in the volume cover oral, scribal, and print cultures, exa...
 |  | Can We Save Them? Endangered Species of North America Publication Date: March 1, 1997| Age Level: 5 and up | Grade Level: K and up With a captivating text and breathtaking illustrations, Can We Save Them? introduces readers to twelve species of endangered animals and plants in North America and suggests way to restore each one's natural environment. Full color. ...
 |  | Tell Me You Want Me Publication Date: July 4, 2012**2nd Edition** Evolved Publishing presents "Tell Me You Want Me" by Amelia James, a steamy romance sure to get your juices flowing. FOR ADULTS ONLY. ~~~~~~~~~~ ...“I can give you exactly what you’re asking for, Janie, and I can give it to you all night long.”... Their first kiss is impulsive, fun, a little wicked—everything Jane Elliot isn’t looking for in a man, but desperately needs. Their second kiss is slow, deliberate, an instant connection—everything Austin Sinclair never had with a woman, and doesn’t want....
 |  | Erra More and the Sibitti: Gods and Thurs (Volume 2) Publication Date: July 25, 2012When things turn sour between Sarah and Dustin, Erra steps in to intervene, encouraging Sarah to get the keys of heaven. Seven angels hide the keys. It becomes a journey saturated in muscled arms and brilliant lights when Sarah is forced to take back the keys before Dustin's anger destroys again. Taken to Hel, embroiled in wild parties and a love dynamic nothing could prepare her for, Sarah finds the holiest ring of all. This is book 2 in the Gods and Thurs Romance series. ...
 |  | The Iron Men Release Date: October 31, 1994At the end of World War II, Axel Mader and Jorn Furman -- two young officers who wear Germany's highest class of Iron Cross -- barely escape the retribution of the SS. Decades later, their fates are entangled with that of Jake Tallon, an American soldier stationed in Berlin who falls in love with Mader's daughter. Tallon, too, is a decorated war hero, though from Vietnam, not WWII. Together, the three iron men join together in Berlin just before the fall of the Wall to confront the legacy of the past . . . and defeat it. ...
 |  | Eye Classics (Sherlock Holmes Graphic Novel) Publication Date: January 2, 2010| Series: Sherlock Holmes Graphic Novel Readers meet Sherlock Holmes for the first time in A Study in Scarlet. Doctor Watson relates how he met Holmes in the course of an impossible crime investigation which baffled the police. In the second half of the graphic novel, readers follow the detective as he tries to solve a murder in a Mormon community. Beautifully illustrated and masterfully adapted by Eisner Award-nominated writer Ian Edginton, A Study in Scarlet is an essential addition to the Sherlock Holmes graphic novel series. ...
 |  | Ngaio Marsh Her Life in Crime ...
 |  | Perseus and Medusa (Graphic Revolve) Publication Date: January 2009| Age Level: 10 and up | Grade Level: 5 and up...
 |  | Tashi and the Genie (Tashi series) Publication Date: April 1, 2007| Age Level: 7 and up | Grade Level: 2 and up...
 |  | Touchdown! (Step into Reading, Step 4, paper) Release Date: August 31, 1999| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up...
 |  | Ice Skaters ...
 |  | Then There Were Five (Melendy Quartet) Release Date: January 22, 2008| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up...
 |  | Staarabu was Wise, Anana was Gentle Publication Date: June 11, 2010| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up Staarabu Was Wise, Anana Was Gentle is beautifully illustrated and cleverly written in verse. It tells the story of two young animals on the African plain. Their families are facing homelessness due to a life threatening drought and they decide to solve the problem. Although they are inexperienced and afraid, they find the courage and display the creativity necessary to restore water to their homes. In the process, Staarabu and Anana experience an exciting journey; one that leaves them much more confident in themsel...
 |  | Todd's Day, God's Way (Heritage Builders (Standard)) ...
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