The Lord's Day (Harry Jones)

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The Lord's Day (Harry Jones): Michael Dobbs: 9780857208064: Books

Book Description:

July 17, 2012 Harry Jones
The drama of the greatest siege since Troy is set in the House of Lords in the fourth innovative Harry Jones thriller that breaks all the rules
The boundaries of parental love and filial devotion are explored to their breaking point in this unique and breathtaking thriller. Once a year, the Queen, the Prime Minister, the Cabinet, the judges, and the bishops, assemble in the House of Lords for the State Opening of Parliament. On this day, the Lords' Day, the gathering is still more impressive, for sitting beside his mother is the heir to the throne and up in the galleries are the sons of both the U.S. President and the British Prime Minister. But they are all about to be taken hostage. As the world watches on live television and holds its breath, President and Prime Minister are torn in two between their duty as statesmen, and their love as parents. Harry Jones, a man who is already undergoing the worst day of his life, becomes swept up in the maelstrom. The siege will lead some to selfless sacrifice, others to lose the respect of those they love most dearly.
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Product Details:

  • Paperback: 400 pages
  • Publisher: Simon & Schuster UK (July 17, 2012)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0857208063
  • ISBN-13: 978-0857208064
  • Product Dimensions: 5.1 x 1.3 x 7.8 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 10.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

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