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文章標題 |
人氣 |
2012-10-01 |
The Outlaws of Medieval Legend [Fine]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
The Owl, The Raven, and the Dove: The Religious Meaning of the Grimms' Magic Fairy Tales [Best]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
Drawing Stories from around the World and a Sampling of European Handkerchief Stories [Good]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
King Vikram and the Vampire: Classic Hindu Tales of Adventure, Magic, and Romance [Excellent]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
The Mystery Animals of the British Isles: Northumberland and Tyneside [Best]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
Yanomamo: The Fierce People (Case Studies in Cultural Anthropology) [Recommend products]
(1) |
2012-10-01 |
The Glass Mountain: Twenty-Eight Ancient Polish Folktales and Fables [Recommend products]
(1) |
2012-10-01 |
Creature Teachers: A Guide to the Spirit Animals of the Native American Tradition [Praise]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
Kokopelli: Fluteplayer Images in Rock Art [Best]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
Pollita chiquita [Good]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
Death in early America: The history and folklore of customs and superstitions of early medicine, funerals, burials, and mourning [Well]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
Southern Paiutes: Legends, Lore, Language and Lineage [Good]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
Alice Nizzy Nazzy: The Witch of Santa Fe [Best]
(2) |
2012-10-01 |
An Introduction to the Russian Folktale (The Complete Russian Folktale, 1) (v. 1) [Well]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
Crash Course in Storytime Fundamentals [Recommend products]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
Priests, Tongues, and Rites: The London-Leiden Magical Manuscripts and Translation in Egyptian Ritual, 100-300 CE (Religions in the Graeco-Roman World) [Excellent]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
Myths of Greece and Rome, Narrated With Special Reference to Literature and Art (Classic Reprint) [Good]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
The Golden Bough: A Study of Magic and Religion (Two Volume Set) [Praise]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
The Stories of I. C. Eason, King of the Dog People [Fine]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
Celtic Lore & Legend [Well]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
Festivals Together: A Guide to Multi-Cultural Celebration (Lifeways Series) [Best]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
A State of Intrigue: The Epic of Banama Segu (Fontes Historiae Africanae Series Varia) [Excellent]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
The Snow Lion's Turquoise Mane [Fine]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
The Stepmother in Fairy Tales: Bereavement and the Feminine Shadow [Recommend products]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
Deutsche Sagen und Legenden (German Edition) [Excellent]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
By Stephen Harris, Gloria Platzner: Classical Mythology: Images and Insights Sixth (6th) Edition [Excellent]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
The hairy toe: A traditional American tale (Reading together at home) [Fine]
(4) |
2012-10-01 |
Jewish Magic and Superstition: A Study in Folk Religion [Well]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
Rhyme Stew [Good]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
Milton's Rival Hermeneutics: "Reason Is But Choosing" (Medieval & Renaissance Literary Studies) [Praise]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
Edward Young: Night Thoughts [Excellent]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
Forever and Ever: Devotional Poems [Praise]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
The 64 Sonnets [Recommend products]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
Visions of the Daughters of Albion [Best]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
The Romantic Sublime: Studies in the Structure and Psychology of Transcendence [Fine]
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2012-10-01 |
The Odes of John Keats (Belknap Press) [Best]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
The Triumph of Augustan Poetics: English Literary Culture from Butler to Johnson (Cambridge Studies in Eighteenth-Century English Literature and Thought) [Good]
(1) |
2012-10-01 |
Pre-Raphaelite Poetry: An Anthology (Dover Thrift Editions) [Well]
(2) |
2012-10-01 |
Posthumous Keats: A Personal Biography [Well]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
Sonnets from the Portuguese and Other Poems (Dover Thrift Editions) [Best]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
Magic Windows [Recommend products]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
Sidereal [Good]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
The Triumph Tree: Scotland's Earliest Poetry AD 550-1350 (Canongate Scottish Classics) [Praise]
(1) |
2012-10-01 |
Warrior Women and Popular Balladry, 1650-1850 [Excellent]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
Life & Works of William Bu 2D (Naxos Audio) [Recommend products]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
Collected Poems [Good]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
Anathemata: Fragments of an Attempted Writing [Good]
(0) |
2012-10-01 |
1000 Years of Irish Poetry: The Gaelic and Anglo Irish Poets from Pagan Times to the Present [Praise]
(0) |
2012-09-30 |
A Sensible Life [Praise]
(0) |
2012-09-30 |
Buddha Kiss [Well]
(1) |