| Deutsche Sagen und Legenden (German Edition) Publication Date: January 1, 1998| ISBN-10: 0844220752 | ISBN-13: 978-0844220758A German reader for intermediate studentsDeutsche Sagen und Legenden: A Collection of Legends from the German-Speaking World (Kernecker and Flippo) is an illustrated collection of delightful tales from the German-speaking world that encourages student interest in culture while building their language skills. This reader is softcover, 6” × 9”, and 152 pages in length. ...
 |  | Best-Loved Folktales of the World Publication Date: 1982A collection of over 200 folk and fairy tales from all over the world, this is the only edition that encompasses all cultures. Arranged geographically by region, this book also includes category index groups that list the stories by plot and character. ...
 |  | Performing Dreams: Discourses of Immortality Among the Xavante of Central Brazil Publication Date: October 1995Over several centuries, the Xavante of Central Brazil have maintained an invincible sense of identity and feeling of control over historical processes, despite repeated invasions by colonists and settlers, capitalist commercial ventures, and most recently, an enormous government-sponsored agricultural project. In this discourse-centered study, Laura Graham explores how the Xavante use the ritual performance of myths and dreams to maintain their culture despite these disruptive forces. At the heart of the book is an extraordinary performance, in which a community...
 |  | Touches of Sweet Harmony: Pythagorean Mythology and Renaissance Poetics Publication Date: June 1974| ISBN-10: 0873280636 | ISBN-13: 978-0873280631Excerpt from the preface: "The method I have prepared for, however, approaches literature from the opposite direction. I have sough to reconstruct a doctrine which was prominent in the renaissance - indeed, as it was expressed in cosmology, it was the most forceful orthodox determinant of renaissance thought. The notion of a divinely ordered universe is one of our most ancient propositions, having emanated from the school of Pythagoras as early as the sixth century B.C. It was assimilated by Plato and thence by the...
 |  | LA REGLA KIMBISA DEL SANTO CRISTO DEL BUEN VIAJE (Coleccion Del Chichereku En El Exilio) (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: December 1, 1986| Series: Coleccion Del Chichereku En El Exilio Los orígenes de los Palos Mayombe y Kimbiza se encuentran en algunospaíses africanos tales como el Zaire, Angola, Congo, Sambia, Namibia y entodos los países donde se hallan las tribus Bantu. La religión de Palo sedesarrolló en Cuba, Haiti y otras partes del Caribe. A mediados de 1841, elprimer grupo de personas procedentes de diferentes zonas de Nigeria y de las tribus Bantu, el pueblo de Calabar fundó una sociedad. Esta sociedad se llama la sociedad Abakuá. La sociedad Abaku...
 |  | The Snow Lion's Turquoise Mane Release Date: December 4, 1992This remarkable book brings together more than 150 authentic Buddhist teaching tales from the Hidden Kingdom of Tibet — most never before translated into English. These captivating stories, legends and yarns — passed orally from teacher to student — capture the vibrant wisdom of an ancient and still-living oral tradition. Magical, whimsical, witty and ribald, The Snow Lion's Turquoise Mane unfolds a luminous vision of a universe where basic goodness, harmony, and hope prevails. ...
 |  | By Stephen Harris, Gloria Platzner: Classical Mythology: Images and Insights Sixth (6th) Edition ...
 |  | Yellow Woman and a Beauty of the Spirit: Essays on Native American Life Today Publication Date: March 7, 1996Defiant essays on the culture of Native Americans and their position in society consider such topics as the earth, the weather, and the injustice of the Anglo-American legal system. 20,000 first printing. Tour. ...
 |  | Festivals Together: A Guide to Multi-Cultural Celebration (Lifeways Series) Publication Date: October 1993| Series: Lifeways Series A resource guide for celebration, and for observing special days, according to traditions based on many cultures, this book brings together the experience, sharing and activities of individuals from a multi-faith community - Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jewish, Muslim and Sikh. It draws on backgrounds as diverse as North and West Africa, the Caribbean, China, India, Ireland, Japan, New England, the Philippines and more. Its unifying thread is our need for meaning, for continuity and for joy. Here are stories, songs, crafts, activities an...
 |  | Heroes and Monsters of Greek Myth Publication Date: February 1987FOR USE IN SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES ONLY. A timeless collection of mythical adventures, including the exciting tales of Perseus, Theseus, Atalanta, and Pygmalion. --This text refers to the School & Library Binding edition....
 |  | Ozark Baptizings, Hangings, and Other Diversions: Theatrical Folkways of Rural Missouri, 1885-1910 Publication Date: March 15, 1990Ozark Baptizings, Hangings, and Other Diversions is about the people of a unique corner of America and how they entertained themselves at the turn of the century.In the years from 1885 to 1910 most Ozark communities were still relatively isolated from the outside and from each other. Thus they had to rely on their own resources for diversion from the difficult and often solitary business of everyday living. The most popular of their entertainments were those that brought some "theater" into their lives. They especially delighted in "literaries," debates, mock ...
 |  | Stories and legends of the Palm Springs Indians, ...
 |  | Myths of Greece and Rome, Narrated With Special Reference to Literature and Art (Classic Reprint) Publication Date: June 13, 2012Grecian andR oman mythology in such a manner that the student will appreciate its great influence upon literature and art. These myths, an inexhaustible fund of inspiration for the poets and artists of the past, have also inspired many noted modem works. To impress this fact forcibly upon the student, appropriate quotations from the poetical writings of all ages, from Hesiod sW orks and Days, toT ennyson sCE none, have been inserted in the text, while reproductions of ancient masterpieces and noted examples of modem painting and sculpture are plentifully used a...
 |  | Hoodoo Medicine: Gullah Herbal Remedies, Revised Edition Publication Date: November 11, 2011Hoodoo Medicine is a unique record of nearly lost African-American folk culture. It documents herbal medicines used for centuries, from the 1600s until recent decades, by the slaves and later their freed descendants, in the South Carolina Sea Islands. The Sea Island people, also called the Gullah, were unusually isolated from other slave groups by the creeks and marshes of the Low Country. They maintained strong African influences on their speech, social customs, and beliefs, long after other American blacks had lost this connection. Likewise, their folk me...
 |  | The Study of American Folklore ...
 |  | El Cuento del Gato y Otras Poesias Favoritas: Shared Reading Charts, Blue Set (Developing Literacy Through Poetry and Folklore) ...
 |  | The hairy toe: A traditional American tale (Reading together at home) ...
 |  | The Little Cookie (Beginning to Read-Fairy Tales and Folklore) Publication Date: February 1, 2006| Age Level: 5 and up | Grade Level: K and up...
 |  | The Stories of I. C. Eason, King of the Dog People ...
 |  | Once upon a Dyke: New Exploits of Fairy Tale Lesbians Publication Date: June 1, 2004Once upon a time, four of your favorite lesbian novelists embarked on a magical journey to bring their favorite fairy tale characters out of the closet and into the sheets. The result is a highly erotic and deliciously tongue-in-cheek collection that brings a whole new meaning to the term "bedtime stories."Lie back and let these fantasy femmes and a butch in wonderland take you deep into the forest, high into castles, and through the looking glass. Youll be enchanted as Rapunzel lets down more than her hair, the Little Mermaid gets soaking we...
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