| The Measured Word: On Poetry and Science Publication Date: April 16, 2001| ISBN-10: 0820322873 | ISBN-13: 978-0820322872Though the interests of science and art frequently seem to inhabit opposite poles, The Measured Word assembles a brilliant anthology of twelve essays that illumine the historic--and newly emerging--relationships between the poetic and scientific imaginations. Assembling the writings of leading contemporary poets, essayists, and thinkers, Kurt Brown highlights ways in which poets use scientific discoveries and mathematical ideas to their artistic advantage--and offers insight on the recently apparent integratio...
 |  | Selected Translations Publication Date: October 30, 2012"Mr. Merwin is an undisputed master."The New York Times"Merwin writes that the act of translation is 'plainly impossible and nevertheless indispensable.' We can be grateful that he feels compelled to master the impossible. . . . And that gift alone is priceless."The Wichita EagleSelected Translations is the lifework from one of America's greatest poets and translators. Dedicated to the art of translation since his undergraduate years at Princeton, Poet Laureate W.S. Merwin achieved an unmatched oeuvre of translated poems from every corner of the ...
 |  | Grow Long, Blessed Night: Love Poems from Classical India Publication Date: February 8, 2001| ISBN-10: 019512734X | ISBN-13: 978-0195127348| Edition: First Edition Like red earth and streaming rain, our loving hearts merged all by themselves. Captured in these centuries-old verses are the intoxication of new love, the romance of courtship, and the longing of separated lovers. Here are the voices of older women advising their younger friends, the words of messengers conveying secrets between lovers, and the musings of lovers to themselves. Culled from large anthologies that date from as early as the first century CE to as late as the eighth, Mar...
 |  | Seven Ages: An Anthology of Poetry With Music Publication Date: February 2000| Series: Poetry This highly entertaining anthology of verse is the comic, tender and telling story of life's seven ages - from childhood to old age. Within the framework of Shakespeare's speech, "The Seven Ages of Man", performed by Sir Ian McKellan, are 150 great poems from all ages - from Chaucer to Ted Hughes. They are presented by the finest cast ever assembled on one recording. ...
 |  | Masterplots: 1,801 Plot Stories and Critical Evaluations of the World's Finest Literature (12 Volume Set) ...
 |  | The Invisible Ladder: An Anthology of Contemporary American Poems for Young Readers Publication Date: October 15, 1996| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up Sitting by the barbecuewaiting for sausages and hot dogs..........I see a tiny spider..........a silver speckglisteningat its mouth,climbing the invisible ladder--from "Dinner Together" by Diana RiveraThis anthology of poems by America's best poets glistens too, and offers its own silvery ladder for readers to climb.Liz Rosenberg, herself an accomplished poet, wanted to make contemporary poems for adults accessible to a broader readership. She searched for works which, in both feeling and expression, could reach ...
 |  | Angel Pawprints: Reflections On Loving and Losing a Canine Companion Publication Date: February 9, 2000This poignant and elegantly designed collection of stories and verse provides comfort and healing for anyone experiencing the grief of losing a dog. An essential resource for veterinarians, bereavement counselors, pet loss support groups, and, of course, pet owners themselves, Angel Pawprints is a heartwarming book for anyone who has ever loved and lost a dog. ...
 |  | Imagist Poetry: An Anthology (Dover Thrift Editions) Publication Date: March 17, 2011| Series: Dover Thrift Editions Over 180 well-chosen Imagist gems appear in this tribute to the 20th century poetic movement that stressed precise language and individual rhythmic style. This definitive collection includes short verse published between 1913 and 1922 by Ezra Pound, D. H. Lawrence, H. D. (Hilda Doolittle), James Joyce, Wallace Stevens, William Carlos Williams, and many others. ...
 |  | 100 Essential Modern Poems by Women Publication Date: April 4, 2008Presents the masterpieces of fifty great women poets in the English language over the past 150 years. Like the widely praised 100 Essential Modern Poems, this accessible volume is filled with wisdom and insights to delight. Includes ideas about courage and endurance, life and death, faith and hope, and the continuing search for meaning, as well as the favorite subjects of love, marriage, family dynamics, and nature. Selected by Joseph Parisi, former longtime editor of Poetry magazine, with Kathleen Welton, the collection features such acclaimed poets as Emily D...
 |  | Burning City: Poems of Metropolitan Modernity Publication Date: January 17, 2012| ISBN-10: 0983148023 | ISBN-13: 978-0983148029Poetry. BURNING CITY acts as a "multisensory Baedecker" to the many incarnations of international modernism from 1910-1939. Inspired by the abandoned plans of the early avant-garde poet Yvan Goll to write a history of modernity through the poetry of that era, scholars Jed Rasula and Tim Conley have carried out Goll's project, scouring the small journals and magazines of the period for both lost and seminal texts. BURNING CITY is organized not just according to the cities which inspired the texts—Paris,...
 |  | On Our Own - Widowhood for Smarties Publication Date: August 31, 2012Widowhood...a status with some deference but a role few seek. A new beginning usually greeted with dread rather than anticipation. The writers of this collection express the range of emotions at the loss of a spouse but the overwhelming message is affirmation of the strength they find to create new lives after deep loss. Widows and widowers will read these stories and poems with knowing nods, sighs and smiles. Other readers will find insight into a common human condition and perhaps courage to face their own unsought new beginnings. As the subtitle suggests, ...
 |  | Strange Attractors: Poems of Love and Mathematics Publication Date: November 11, 2008| ISBN-10: 1568813414 | ISBN-13: 978-1568813417What, after all, is mathematics but the poetry of the mind, and what is poetry but the mathematics of the heart? So wrote the American mathematician and educator David Eugene Smith. In a similar vein, the German mathematician Karl Weierstrass declared, A mathematician who is not at the same time something of a poet will never be a full mathematician. Most mathematicians will know what they meant. But what do professional poets think of mathematics? In this delightful collection, the editors present the view...
 |  | The Poetry of Arab Women Publication Date: October 2000Arab women poets work within one of the oldest literary traditions in the world, yet they are virtually unknown in the West. Uniting Arab women poets from the all over the Arab World anti abroad, Nathalie Handal has put together an outstanding collection that introduces poets who write in Arabic, French, English, and Swedish, among them some of the twentieth century's most accomplished poets and today's most exciting new voices.Translated by distinguished translators and poets from around the world, The Poetry of Arab Women showcases the work of 82 poets, among ...
 |  | The Basic Oxford Picture Dictionary, 2nd Edition: Literacy Program Publication Date: September 1, 1996| ISBN-10: 0194345734 | ISBN-13: 978-0194345736| Edition: 2nd A new edition of this popular topic-based dictionary which focuses on everyday, key vocabulary. ...
 |  | Art and Artists: Poems (Everyman's Library Pocket Poets) Release Date: July 10, 2012| Series: Everyman's Library Pocket Poets Art and Artists: Poems is a sumptuous collection of visions in verse—the work of centuries of poets who have used their own art form to illuminate art created by others.A wide variety of visual art forms have inspired great poetry, from painting, sculpture, and photography to tapestry, folk art, and calligraphy. Included here are poems that celebrate Leonardo da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, Claude Monet’s Water Lilies, and Grant Wood’s American Gothic. Here are such well-known poems as John Keats’s &ldqu...
 |  | The Columbia Book of Later Chinese Poetry Publication Date: April 15, 1986| ISBN-10: 0231061498 | ISBN-13: 978-0231061490 0 Jonathan Chaves makes available a vast store of rich and significant poems by both major and minor poets from China's last three dynasties. Featured are poems from the Yuan dynasty, which range from quiet landscape depictions to expansive, freely expressive works; from the Ming era, notable for its stylistic quality and its diversity; and from tte Ch'ing dynasty, known for poets who, by refusing to fit into any category, helped continue the fascinating richness of late Ming cultural life. Annotated with biogr...
 |  | Haiku Moment: An Anthology of Contemporary North American Haiku Publication Date: July 15, 1993This extraordinary collection is the most comprehensive volume of contemporary North American haiku written in English, containing over 800 haiku by 170 poets. ...
 |  | The New Anthology of American Poetry: Vol. III: Postmodernisms 1950-Present Publication Date: April 15, 2012Steven Gould Axelrod, Camille Roman, and Thomas Travisano continue the standard of excellence set in Volumes I and II of this extraordinary anthology. Volume III provides the most compelling and wide-ranging selection available of American poetry from 1950 to the present. Its contents are just as diverse and multifaceted as America itself and invite readers to explore the world of poetry in the larger historical context of American culture.Nearly three hundred poems allow readers to explore canonical works by such poets as Elizabeth Bishop, Robert Lowell, and ...
 |  | Postwar Polish Poetry: Third Expanded Edition Publication Date: July 8, 1983This expanded edition of Postwar Polish Poetry (which was originally published in 1965) presents 125 poems by 25 poets, including Czeslaw Milosz and other Polish poets living outside Poland.The stress of the anthology is on poetry written after 1956, the year when the lifting of censorship and the berakdown of doctrines provoked and explosion of new schools and talents.The victory of Solidarity in August 1980 once again opened new vistas for a short time; the coup of December closed that chapter. It is too early yet to predict the impact these events will have o...
 |  | The Rumi Collection: An Anthology of Translations of Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi (Shambhala Classics) Release Date: November 14, 2000| Series: Shambhala Classics Here is a wonderfully rich introduction to the work of the great mystical poet, featuring the leading literary translations of his verse. Translators include Coleman Barks, Robert Bly, Andrew Harvey, Kabir and Camille Helminski, Daniel Liebert, and Peter Lamborn Wilson.The Rumi Collectionalso includes a biography of Rumi by Andrew Harvey, as well as an introductory essay by Kabir Helminski on the challenges of translating Rumi into English. ...
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