| Found in Translation: Modern Hebrew Poets (Bilingual Edition) ...
 |  | River of Words: Images and Poetry in Praise of Water Publication Date: January 1, 2003Poetry and art through the eyes of children Water--in all its splendid forms--is the subject and inspiration behind the alluring artwork and astounding poetry presented in River of Words: Images and Poetry in Praise of Water. Rivers, lakes, oceans, rain, and tears come alive in pages of verse and full-color art. This collection is all the more remarkable because it was created by surprisingly young poets and artists. Culled from the annual River of Words art and poetry contest, here is an exceptional selection of creative work from young people (ages 5-19) ac...
 |  | Maria Sabina: Selections (Poets for the Millennium) Publication Date: October 1, 2003A shaman and visionary--not a poet in any ordinary sense--María Sabina lived out her life in the Oaxacan mountain village of Huautla de Jiménez, and yet her words, always sung or spoken, have carried far and wide, a principal instance and a powerful reminder of how poetry can arise in a context far removed from literature as such. Seeking cures through language--with the help of Psilocybe mushrooms, said to be the source of language itself--she was, as Henry Munn describes her, "a genius [who] emerges from the soil of the communal, religious-the...
 |  | Break, Blow, Burn: Camille Paglia Reads Forty-three of the World's Best Poems Release Date: March 29, 2005Break, Blow, Burn: Camille Paglia Reads Forty-three of the World’s Best Poems is destined to become a landmark. In it, America’s premier intellectual provocateur explores and celebrates a series of great poems of the Western tradition, including some surprising discoveries of her own. She brings new energy and insight to our understanding of poems we already know, such as masterpieces by Shakespeare, Donne, Shelley, Dickinson, Lowell, and Plath. She leads us to appreciate the artistry of writers with whom we may not be familiar, such as Chuck Wachtel a...
 |  | The Oxford India Ghalib: Life, Letters and Ghazals Publication Date: December 31, 2009Introduced and selected by Ralph Russell, an eminent Urdu scholar, this collection presents a representative selection of the works of Ghalib, the most famous and popular of the Urdu poets that the Indian subcontinent has produced. This complete Ghalib anthrology comprises poetry and prose translated from both Persian and Urdu, as well as biographical details. ...
 |  | Optical Allusions: Screens, Paintings, and Poetry in Classical Japan (ca. 800-1200) (Brill's Japanese Studies Library) ...
 |  | The Collected Poems of Sterling A. Brown (English and English Edition) Publication Date: April 8, 1996new edition of great Afro-American poet's works...
 |  | Great Poets Across America Vol. 4 ...
 |  | Jade Ladder: Contemporary Chinese Poetry Publication Date: August 30, 2012Jade Ladder shows authoritatively, for the first time in English, the diversity of Chinese poetry as it renegotiates its relationship with Western modernist and postmodernist poetry, and re-engages with its Classical heritage. It is the most comprehensive single volume guide to what has been happening and what is happening now in a culture of undeniably global significance. It is indispensable reading for anyone with an interest in the future not just of China, but of poetry. ...
 |  | Southern Appalachian Poetry: An Anthology of Works by 37 Poets (Contributions to Southern Appalachian Studies) Publication Date: May 30, 2008| ISBN-10: 0786434295 | ISBN-13: 978-0786434299The mountain South thrives on centuries-old traditions, a fact well known to readers of Appalachian literature, which is among the richest and most evocative of any region in the country. This anthology collects 225 poems by 37 poets of Southern Appalachia, from James Still and Louise McNeill to Robert Morgan, Fred Chappell and Charles Wright. Embracing the region's strong narrative tradition, dialect and syntax, the collection also includes poems that redefine the terms of isolation, as technological change and...
 |  | Favorite Poems (Dover Thrift Editions) Publication Date: September 21, 1992| Series: Dover Thrift Editions Choice collection reflects the poet's mastery of a rich variety of poetic forms and meters. Included is one of his best narrative poems, "The Courtship of Miles Standish," along with such famous works as "The Village Blacksmith," "The Wreck of the Hesperus," and "Paul Revere's Ride." Alphabetical lists of titles and first lines. Includes a selection from the Common Core State Standards Initiative. ...
 |  | City of the Big Shoulders: An Anthology of Chicago Poetry Publication Date: April 1, 2012 Chicago has served as touchstone and muse to generations of writers and artists defined by their relationship to the city’s history, lore, inhabitants, landmarks, joys and sorrows, pride and shame. The poetic conversations inspired by Chicago have long been a vital part of America’s literary landscape, from Carl Sandburg and Gwendolyn Brooks to experimental writers and today’s slam poets. The one hundred contributors to this vibrant collection take their materials and their inspirations from the city itself in a way that continues this e...
 |  | Poems That Touch the Heart Release Date: October 15, 1984With over 650,000 copies in print, Poems That Touch The Heart is America's most popular collection of inspirational verse. ...
 |  | Poem, Revised: 54 Poems, Revisions, Discussions Publication Date: July 1, 2008| ISBN-10: 1933338253 | ISBN-13: 978-1933338255| Edition: 1st The creative world of the writer is uncovered in this captivating exploration of the techniques of poetry revision. An in-depth look at the writing processes of 54 poems, each by a different modern author, is provided, complete with early drafts, subsequent revised versions, and short essays from the poets themselves revealing how and why they made specific changes, as well as their editing secrets. Poetry lovers will enjoy browsing through their favorite works and authors, and budding writers wil...
 |  | Poetry in Person: Twenty-five Years of Conversation with America's Poets Release Date: September 6, 2011“In the fall of 1970, at the New School in Greenwich Village, a new teacher posted a flyer on the wall,” begins Alexander Neubauer’s introduction to this remarkable book. “It read ‘Meet Poets and Poetry, with Pearl London and Guests.’” Few students responded. No one knew Pearl London, the daughter of M. Lincoln Schuster, cofounder of Simon & Schuster. But the seminar’s first guests turned out to be John Ashbery, Adrienne Rich, and Robert Creely. Soon W. S. Merwin followed, then Mark Strand and Galway Kinnell.L...
 |  | The Bill Martin Jr Big Book of Poetry Release Date: November 4, 2008| Age Level: 4 and up The definitive anthology of children's poetry, collected by a beloved author Years in the making, this full-color treasury contains nearly two hundred poems, all of them handpicked by Bill Martin Jr. Traditional children's poems are presented alongside contemporary pieces, and the collection is capped off with tributes by Eric Carle and Steven Kellogg, two of Bill Martin Jr's best-known collaborators. This essential compilation also features original illustrations by award-winning artists, including Ashley Bryan, Lois Ehlert, Steven Kellogg...
 |  | The Poetry Of Iranian Women Publication Date: March 19, 2009The voice that comes through this book is daring rather than desperate, decisive rather than doleful, and fairly composed, given the constraints that govern the lives of the featured poets, as women and as artists. ...
 |  | Great Occasions: Readings for the Celebration of Birth, Coming-Of-Age, Marriage, and Death Publication Date: January 1, 2003Birth, maturity, marriage and death: These are the four cornerstones of human life, the great occasions. Over 650 memorable selections to commemorate the milestones of life. Poetry and prose from a broad spectrum of highly regarded writers, including Aiken, Pound, Dickinson, Seneca, Blake, Buddha, Bronte, Marcuse, Stevens, Sexton, Tagore, Lippman, Sandburg, Sarton, Pasternak, Lao Tzu, Yevtushenko, Yeats and many more.This treasury of words pays tribute to the watershed events of life. Prose and poetry selections are sorted by the occasion they...
 |  | Gasoline (City Lights Pocket Poets Series) Publication Date: January 1, 2001| Series: City Lights Pocket Poets Series (Book 8) Gregory Corso was born on March 26, 1930 in New York City. His first book of poetry was published by City Lights Press in 1955. ...
 |  | Very Bad Poetry Release Date: March 25, 1997Writing very bad poetry requires talent. It helps to have a wooden ear for words, a penchant for sinking into a mire of sentimentality, and an enviable confidence that allows one to write despite absolutely appalling incompetence.The 131 poems collected in this first-of-its-kind anthology are so glaringly awful that they embody a kind of genius. From Fred Emerson Brooks' "The Stuttering Lover" to Matthew Green's "The Spleen" to Georgia Bailey Parrington's misguided "An Elegy to a Dissected Puppy", they mangle meter, run rampant over rhyme, an...
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