| Love's Ripening: Rumi on the Heart's Journey Release Date: December 2, 2008Although alone, the lover is never lonely,Forever hidden with the Beloved.Love is the meaning of our existence, the raw material of transformation, the glorious way of access to Divine intimacy. This teaching infuses the lyric verse of Rumi (1207–1273), the greatest of the Sufi poets. The poems in this collection, taken from among the master's many volumes of work, focus on one of his greatest themes: how love grows and matures for those on the spiritual path. Kabir Helminski and Ahmad Rezwani have crafted a translation that remains faithful to the origi...
 |  | De Rerum Natura (The Nature of Things): A Poetic Translation (Joan Palevsky Classic Literature Book) Publication Date: August 6, 2008| Series: Joan Palevsky Classic Literature Book This elegant new translation at last restores the poetry to one of the greatest and most influential poems in the Western tradition. De Rerum Natura is Lucretius's majestic elaboration of Greek Epicurean physics and psychology in an epic that unfolds over the course of six books. This sumptuous account of a secular cosmos argues that the soul is mortal, that pleasure is the object of life, and that humanity has free will, among other ideas. Renowned author, translator, and poet David R. Slavitt has captured Lucre...
 |  | Selected Philosophical Poems of Tommaso Campanella: A Bilingual Edition Publication Date: March 30, 2011A contemporary of Giordano Bruno and Galileo, Tommaso Campanella (1568–1639) was a controversial philosopher, theologian, astrologer, and poet who was persecuted during the Inquisition and spent much of his adult life imprisoned because of his heterodox views. He is best known today for two works: The City of the Sun, a dialogue inspired by Plato’s Republic, in which he prophesies a vision of a unified, peaceful world governed by a theocratic monarchy; and his well-meaning Defense of Galileo, which may have done Galileo more harm than good because ...
 |  | Both English and Latin: Bilingualism and Biculturalism in Milton s Neo-Latin Writings: Transactions, APS (Vol. 102, Part 1) Publication Date: May 1, 2012This study examines the interplay of Latin and English in a selection of John Milton s neo-Latin writings. It argues that this interplay is indicative of an inherent bilingualism that proceeds hand-in-hand with a self-fashioning that is bicultural in essence. Interlingual flexibility ultimately proved central to the poet of Paradise Lost, an epic uniquely characterized by its Latinate vernacular and its vernacular Latinitas. Author Estelle Haan (Sheehan) is Professor of English and Neo-Latin Studies at The Queen s University of Belfast. She is a well-known and we...
 |  | Old Norse Poems Publication Date: March 9, 2010THE GROUP of poems offered in this volume comprises practically all the more considerable (non-Skaldic) verse material not in the Edda. Indeed, it has been subtitled "the most important non-skaldic verse not included in the poetic edda". It is a supplement to the Edda and it shows, even better than that remarkable collection, the wealth of independent poetic inventions and forms that flourished in the Scandinavian North before and immediately after the introduction of Christianity, especially when we bear in mind that much has been irretrievably lost.As to the ...
 |  | God and the Goddesses: Vision, Poetry, and Belief in the Middle Ages (Middle Ages Series) Publication Date: October 2002| Series: Middle Ages Series "A wonderful book that makes a very big, new interdisciplinary argument. It will have as marked an effect on the field of medieval religious studies as anything published in the last few decades."--Nicholas Watson, Harvard University "Barbara Newman has always insisted upon the necessity of reading medieval culture as a text whose demands are matched by its rewards. . . . With ...
 |  | Satires of Rome: Threatening Poses from Lucilius to Juvenal Publication Date: November 26, 2001The first complete study of Roman verse satire to appear since 1976 provides a fresh and exciting survey of the field. Rather than describing satire's history as a series of discrete achievements, it relates those achievements to one another in such a way that, in the movement from Lucilius, to Horace, to Persius, to Juvenal, we are made to sense, and see performed, the increasing pressure of imperial oversight in ancient Rome. ...
 |  | Virgil: Volume II. Aeneid, Books VII-XII. The Minor Poems (Loeb Classical Library) Publication Date: June 1978| Series: Loeb Classical Library (Book 64) Virgil's classic poem, the Aeneid with additional minor poems, commentary and index. ...
 |  | Ovid With Love: Selections from Ars Amatoria Books I and II (Bk. 1) (Bk. 1 & 2) Publication Date: June 1, 1982| ISBN-10: 0865160155 | ISBN-13: 978-0865160156This book contains 770 lines from Ars Amatoria, Books I and II, a full introduction on Ovid's life, 148 pages of vocabulary, and commentary that offers insights on Ovid's stylistic choices. The notes provide a wealth of information on Roman customs, mythology, history, and literary tradition.Also available:Ovid: Selections from Ars Amatoria Remedia Amoris - ISBN 0865163952Ovid: Metamorphoses, Book I - ISBN 0865160406For over 30 years Bolchazy-Carducci Publishers has produced the highest quality Latin and ancient...
 |  | Greek Poetry of the Imperial Period: An Anthology (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics - Imperial Library) Publication Date: November 25, 1994| ISBN-10: 0521423139 | ISBN-13: 978-0521423137This book contains a selection of pagan Greek poetic texts ranging in date from the first to the sixth century A.D. It makes easily accessible for the first time work by poets hitherto neglected in Classical syllabuses. Genres represented include epic, epyllion, didactic, epigram, lyric and the verse fable. There is a brief general introduction, and in addition each section of detailed commentary is prefaced by a discussion of literary aspects of the poems and of their wider contexts. ...
 |  | The Tale of Sinuhe and Other Ancient Egyptian Poems, 1940-1640 BC (Oxford World's Classics) Publication Date: September 16, 1999| Series: Oxford World's Classics Drawing on recent advances in Egyptology, R. B. Parkinson's new translations bring to life for the modern reader the golden age of Egyptian fictional literature, the Middle Kingdom (c. 1940-1640 BC). The book features The Tale of Sinuhe, acclaimed as the masterpiece of Egyptian poetry, which tells of a courtier's adventures after he flees Egypt. Other works include stories of fantastic wonders from the court of the builder of the Great Pyramid, a lyrical dialogue between a man and his soul on the nature of death and the pr...
 |  | Orlando Furioso: A New Verse Translation Publication Date: November 15, 2009 The appearance of David R. Slavitt’s translation of Orlando Furioso (“Mad Orlando”), one of the great literary achievements of the Italian Renaissance, is a publishing event. With this lively new verse translation, Slavitt introduces readers to Ariosto’s now neglected masterpiece—a poem whose impact on Western literature can scarcely be exaggerated. It was a major influence on Spenser’s Faerie Queene. William Shakespeare borrowed one of its plots. Voltaire called it the equal of the Iliad, the Odyssey, and Don Quixote co...
 |  | Medieval English Verse (Classics) Release Date: January 30, 1964| Series: Classics Short narrative poems, religious and secular lyrics, and moral, political, and comic verses are all included in this comprehensive collection of works from the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. ...
 |  | Statius' Silvae and the Poetics of Empire Publication Date: January 14, 2010Statius' Silvae are argued in this book to be important social and literary productions. Traditionally derided as occasional and therefore inconsequential verse, they offer fascinating insight into the history, politics, art and literature of the Flavian period. They celebrate and explore in all its variety and ambiguity a flourishing literary and artistic culture which the condemnation of Domitian's memory after his assassination had largely suppressed. They deserve consideration for what they reveal about the role of poetry and patronage in imperial societ...
 |  | The Odyssey ...
 |  | The Erotics of Domination: Male Desire and the Mistress in Latin Love Poetry Publication Date: December 30, 1998The study of women in antiquity is a well-established area of research in the classics. In The Erotics of Domination, Ellen Greene reexamines long-held scholarly attitudes concerning the representation of male sexual desire and female subjection in the Latin love poetry of Catullus, Propertius, and Ovid. Examining first-person poetic personae that have often been romanticized by critics, Greene finds that male sexuality is consistently threatened as moral resolve and social status are undermined by desires that render men passively "womanish": powerless and...
 |  | The Eclogues of Virgil: A Translation (Latin and English Edition) Publication Date: August 1999A new version, by the acclaimed translator of The Odes of Horace and Gilgamesh.The greatest poet of Rome's golden age, Virgil was born in 70 b.c. in northern Italy. His Eclogues-satirical, passionate, nostalgic-are among the most influential poems of love and pastoral fancy ever written. David Ferry-whose versions of the Odes of Horace and Gilgamesh established him as a master translator-skillfully captures the playfulness and tones of Virgil's magical verse. This bilingual edition includes concise, informative notes and an excellent Introduction.Praise for David...
 |  | Statius' Thebaid and the Poetics of Civil War Publication Date: November 19, 2009This study focuses on ways in which Statius' epic Thebaid, a poem about the civil war between Oedipus' sons Eteocles and Polynices, reflects the theme of internal discord in its narrative strategies. At the same time that Statius reworks the Homeric and Virgilian epic traditions, he engages with Hellenistic poetic ideals as exemplified by Callimachus and the Roman Callimachean poets, especially Ovid. The result is a tension between the impulse towards the generic expectations of warfare and the desire for delay and postponement of such conflict. Ultimately,...
 |  | The Poems of Exile (Penguin Classics) Release Date: August 2, 1994| Series: Penguin Classics One of the wittiest Roman poets, Ovid (43BC - 17 or 18 AD) was banished in 8AD to Constanza, a remote barbarous outpost on the Black Sea, for an unknown crime against the Emperor Augustus. Pouring out polished verse, appealing for a pardon that never came, and describing the horrors of the land to which he had been exiled, he continued to write there until his death in 17AD. His poems in exile consist of "Tristia" (poems of lamentation) and the "Episulae Ex Ponto" (Black Sea letters) mostly short elegies or poems in defence of his career...
 |  | Ursus et Porcus: The Bear and the Pig (Latin Edition) Publication Date: June 15, 2008Ursus et Porcus is the first of the four-book 'I Am Reading Latin Stories' Series. By illustrations and a simple Latin story using only 35 words it tells of animals in the forest finding friendship and co-operation.Special Features* Original artwork* complete glossary of words with pronunciation guide and English derivatives* simple grammar explanation* questions to answer* English translationAlso available:Octavus Octopus: Octavus the Octopus - ISBN 9780865166981I am Reading Latin Stories - Set of Four Books - ISBN 9780865167032For over 30 years Bolchazy-Cardu...
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