| Shibboleth (Oxford Paperbacks) Publication Date: December 15, 1988| Series: Oxford Paperbacks This is Michael Donaghy's first full-length collection of verse.The critic Alfred Corn commented, "Michael Donaghy's poems have the fine-tuned precision of a ten-speed bike...Poems so original, wry, and philosophical as this are hard to come by.Don't think of passing them up." ...
 |  | Faust I and II (Goethe's Collected Works, Volume 2) Publication Date: September 1984Goethe's most complex and profound work, Faust was the effort of the great poet's entire lifetime. Written over 60 years, it can be read as a document of Goethe's moral and artistic development. Faust is made available to the English reader in a completely new translation that communicates both its poetic variety and its many levels of tone. The language is present-day English, and Goethe's formal and rhythmic variety is reproduced in all its richness. ...
 |  | Nelly Sachs, Flight and Metamorphosis: An Illustrated Biography Publication Date: February 1, 2012This richly illustrated biography is the first book in English to chronicle the life of Nelly Sachs (1891–1970), recipient of the 1966 Nobel Prize in Literature. The book follows Sachs from her secluded years in Berlin as the only child of assimilated German Jews, through her last-minute flight from the Nazis in 1940, to her exile in "peaceful Sweden"—a time of poverty and isolation, but also of growing fame. Enriched by over 300 images of Sachs's manuscripts, photographs, and possessions, Flight and Metamorphosis not only offers detailed insight...
 |  | A. Sutzkever: Selected Poetry and Prose Publication Date: April 16, 1991The work of A. Sutzkever, one of the major twentieth-century masters of verse and the last of the great Yiddish poets, is presented to the English reader in this banquet of poetry, narrative verse, and poetic fiction. Sutzkever's imposing body of work links images from Israel's present and past with the extinction of the Jews of Europe and with deeply personal reflection on human existence.In Sutzkever's poetry the Yiddish language attains a refinement, richness of sound, and complexity of meaning unknown before. His poetry has been translated into many langua...
 |  | Von Der Deutschen Klassik Bis Zum Naturalismus: An Anthology of German Literature Publication Date: July 1998PUBLISHED IN GERMAN. This volume, with its emphasis oncomplete texts, offers the classics Iphigenie auf Tauris, Der blondeEckbert, Der goldne Topf, Woyzeck, Deutschland, Ein Wintermarchen,Granit, Die Judenbuche, Maria Magdalena, Romeo und Julia auf demDorfe, Bahnwarter Thiel, and Die Familie Selicke in completeversions. In addition, there are nearly 100 pages of poetry, fromGoethe, Schiller, and Holderlin via the Romantics and Young Germans tothe Realists and Naturalists, all chosen because they represent theirtimes or the literary movements to which they belonged....
 |  | Saracens and Conversion: Chivalric Ideals in Aliscans and Wolfram's Willehalm (Studies in Old Germanic Languages and Literature) Publication Date: May 21, 2012| ISBN-10: 3034307810 | ISBN-13: 978-3034307819At the heart of Wolfram von Eschenbach's Willehalm are Saracens: instrumental figures in the driving themes of conquest, loyalty, vassalage, chivalry, love-service and redemption that run through the text. When compared with Wolfram's French sources, La Prise d'Orange and Aliscans, Willehalm is revealed to be innovative yet true to the themes and figures of the original chansons de geste, indicating that Wolfram continued the retelling process that also played a part in the composition of his French sources. Thi...
 |  | Fredy Neptune: A Novel In Verse Publication Date: February 17, 1999A riveting, beautiful novel in verse by Australia's greatest contemporary poet, winner of the 1996 T. S. Eliot Prize.I never learned the old top ropes,I was always in steam. Less capstan, less climbing,more re-stowing cargo. Which could be hard and slowas farming- but to say Why this is Valparaiso!Or: I'm in Singapore and know my way abouttakes a long time to get stale.-from Book I, "The Middle Sea"When German-Australian sailor Friedrich "Fredy" Boettcher is shanghaied aboard a German Navy battleship at the outbreak of World War I, the sight of frenzied mob...
 |  | Song of the Broken String: After the /Xam Bushmen--Poems from a Lost Oral Tradition ...
 |  | Novemberland: Selected Poems 1956-1993 Publication Date: April 29, 1996These fifty-four poems, spanning four decades, depict a landscape at once recognizably mundane and grotesquely surreal.Grass's spirited humor and linguistic creativity transcend the cant of political poetry. The German originals face the translation. Translated by Michael Hamburger. A Helen and Kurt Wolff Book ...
 |  | Der Welsche Gast/ The Italian Guest (Medieval German Texts in Bilingual Editions) ...
 |  | Ulrich von Zatzikhoven's `Lanzelet': Narrative Style and Entertainment (Arthurian Studies) Publication Date: December 7, 2000| Series: Arthurian Studies (Book 45) Ulrich von Zatzikhoven's Lanzelet, written around the turn of the thirteenth century, has long intrigued scholars both within and outside German studies: the only remaining trace of a Lancelot legend free of the adulterous affair with Guinevere, it has been seen both as a precursor of classical Arthurian romance in Germany, and as a post-classical imitation, and attempts to interpret it have often run foul of its contradictions. This new study takes a fresh look at its place in the history of German romance, arguing that...
 |  | From My Life: Poetry and Truth, Part 4 (Goethe: The Collected Works, Vol. 5) Publication Date: October 31, 1994| Series: Princeton Paperbacks Campaign in France 1792 -Siege of Mainz, Goethe's narrative of the unsuccessful campaign and the siege, has become a classic text for the history of Franco-German relations during the revolutionary period. A product of recollection, historical hindsight, and considerable study of other published sources, it is a fascinating document of the military catastrophe exposing the decline of Prussian power since the death of Frederick II, which eventually culminated in Napoleon's devastating 1806 victory at Jena and Auerstedt. ...
 |  | Rudiments of Runelore Publication Date: December 30, 2008| ISBN-10: 1898281165 | ISBN-13: 978-1898281160This little volume provides a useful introduction and guide to the ancient runes of the Germanic peoples. It discusses the origins and meaning of all the known runes, and includes text and translations of rune poems and riddles from England, Norway amd Iceland, as well as two short essays on `The Norfolk TIW runes' and `The Brandon runes'. ...
 |  | The German Lied and Its Poetry Publication Date: October 1, 1971Most Lieder composers chose their texts with great care, selecting only the better poems of the most significant poets. They hoped to endow these poems with music tha would enhance the words and thus make the poem more expressive.Since Professor Brody teaches music and Professor Fowkes teaches German the reader id offered a complete examination of Lieder from both an analysis of the musical score and the text of the poetry.The authors examine selected lieder from Mozart through Berg. After a brief summary of the formal contributions of the Minnesingers and Me...
 |  | Narratives of Ecstasy: The Romantic Temporality in Modern German Poetry ...
 |  | An Anthology of Modern Yiddish Poetry/Bilingual ...
 |  | With Everything We've Got: A Personal Anthology of Yiddish Poetry Publication Date: February 2, 2009In With Everything We've Got, translator and poet Richard J. Fein introduces English-speaking audiences to some of the most poignant and passionate voices of the twentieth century. This outstanding collection features the work of fifteen acclaimed Yiddish poets, and includes the translator's own poetic responses to their verse, and to the act of translation itself. The poems offer nuanced experiments in form, thoughtful meditations on the fate of the Yiddish language, and reflections on a diverse range of themes and concerns, from the joys and hardships of i...
 |  | ...
 |  | Remnants of Song: Trauma and the Experience of Modernity in Charles Baudelaire and Paul Celan (Cultural Memory in the Present) Publication Date: September 1, 2000| Series: Cultural Memory in the Present In a bold reassessment, this book analyzes the works of Charles Baudelaire and Paul Celan, two poets who frame our sense of modern poetry and define the beginning and end of modernity itself.The two poets share a feature that seems to block their placement in such an easy chronological or historical scheme: each accounts for an experience that will not fully enter memory, but dissipates in the mind in the form of trauma, fragments, and shock. While Baudelaire, as Paul Valéry was the first to show, explores the t...
 |  | Romantic Moods: Paranoia, Trauma, and Melancholy, 1790-1840 Publication Date: September 13, 2005| ISBN-10: 0801881978 | ISBN-13: 978-0801881978| Edition: 1 Thomas Pfau reinterprets the evolution of British and German Romanticism as a progress through three successive dominant moods, each manifested in the "voice" of an historical moment. Drawing on a multifaceted philosophical tradition ranging from Kant to Hegel to Heidegger—incorporating as well the psychosocial analyses of Freud, Benjamin, and Adorno—Pfau develops a new understanding of the Romantic writer's voice as the formal encryption of a complex cultural condition.Pfau focu...
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