| Watchfiends & Rack Screams Release Date: January 2, 2004Clayton Eshleman's translations are the finest and most authentic which have yet been made from Artaud's writing. Artaud's final work is his strongest and most enduring, and this collection has been wisely selected and magnificently realized. Artaud is being taken into the 21st century.--Stephen BarberAmong Antonin Artaud's most brilliant works are the scatological glossolalia composed in the final three years of his life (1945-1948), during and after his incarceration in an asylum at Rodez. These represent some of the most powerful outpourings ever recorded, a t...
 |  | Renard the Fox Publication Date: January 8, 1992| ISBN-10: 0520076842 | ISBN-13: 978-0520076846Renard the Fox is the first modern translation into English of one of the most important and influential medieval books. Valued for its comic spirit, its high literary quality, and its clever satire of feudal society, the tale uses animals to represent the members of various classes. This lively and accessible translation will be welcomed for courses in medieval literature and history, gender studies, and humanities, and will be a treat for the general reader as well. ...
 |  | The Lais of Marie de France (Penguin Classics) Release Date: January 1, 1995| Series: Penguin Classics Prose translations of the short, narrative poems by the first major woman writer in the western tradition. ...
 |  | Aime Cesaire, The Collected Poetry Publication Date: November 28, 1984This edition, containing an extensive introduction, notes, the French original, and a new translation of Césaire's poetry--the complex and challenging later works as well as the famous Notebook--will remain the definitive Césaire in English. ...
 |  | Furor & Mystery and Other Writings (English and French Edition) Publication Date: February 16, 2011Rene Char (1907-1988) was one of France's most respected 20th century poets. Part of the Surrealist group in the late 1920's-1930's, he gradually drifted away from the group. During WWII he joined the resistance and wrote his forceful prose poems describing what he saw and experienced. This large, bilingual anthology, includes all of his well known books Feuillets d'Hypnos and Fureur et Mystere as well as a sampling of other poems and prose poems. Insightful essays are provided by Sandra Bermann, Mary Ann Caws, and Nancy Kline. ...
 |  | Second Simplicity: New Poetry and Prose, 1991-2011 (The Margellos World Republic of Letters) (English and French Edition) Publication Date: January 24, 2012| Series: The Margellos World Republic of Letters Yves Bonnefoy, who will soon attain the age of ninety, has gratified his readers during the past two decades with the most prolific and innovative period of his splendid lifework. This volume presents in English and French an inviting array of his recent writings, carefully selected for their literary quality as well as their broad appeal. It features several works never published before and many that have never been translated into English. The first anthology of Bonnefoy's work to a...
 |  | The Poems of Francois Villon Publication Date: June 15, 1982This bilingual edition of the 15th-century poet's work incorporates recent scholarship. ...
 |  | Charles Baudelaire: Paris Blues: Poems in Prose (Le Spleen de Paris: Petits Poemes en prose) (Anvil Press Poetry) (English and French Edition) Publication Date: March 13, 2012| Series: Anvil Press Poetry Baudelaire’s prose poems were written over many years and published in magazines between 1855 and his death in 1867. Francis Scarfe’s translations reflect a lifetime’s passion for Baudelaire’s work and a deep understanding of it. The appeal of this beautiful book’, he says in his introduction, lies in its wide range of subjects, its variations of tone and mood, its great variety of presentation and above all in its psychological subtleties. It shows the poet at the height of his powers, totally uninhib...
 |  | Surrealist Painters and Poets: An Anthology Publication Date: September 9, 2002| ISBN-10: 0262532018 | ISBN-13: 978-0262532013| Edition: Reprint In 1951 Robert Motherwell published a collection of writings called The Dada Painters and Poets: An Anthology. Conceived as a sequel to that volume, Surrealist Painters and Poets: An Anthology does for Surrealism what Motherwell's book did for Dadaism. The concept and contents were discussed with Robert Motherwell and met with his enthusiastic approval.The essays, manifestos, poems, and texts in this anthology offer a composite picture of the Surrealists -- their convictions, styles, and ...
 |  | Rimbaud: A Biography Publication Date: December 2001"Superb...the single best work to read about this haunting and haunted poet."—Richard Howard, New York Times Book ReviewUnknown beyond the avant-garde at the time of his death, Arthur Rimbaud (1854-1891) has been one of the most destructive and liberating influences on twentieth-century culture. During his lifetime he was a bourgeois-baiting visionary, and the listof his known crimes is longer than the list ofhis published poems. But his posthumous careeris even more astonishing: saint to symbolistsand surrealists; poster child for anarchy anddrug use; g...
 |  | Mute Objects of Expression Publication Date: March 1, 2006In Mute Objects of Expression, Francis Ponge proclaims his goal: to accept the challenge that things—-objects—offer to language. These objects and scenes are perceived with unique Pongean art and humor in this volume centering on the unoccupied southern Loire countryside, where his family lived from 1940 to 1943. Because of wartime shortages, much of the book was drafted in a small notebook that made up his sole supply of paper. The poems recall the voices of Marianne Moore and William Carlos Williams and evoke the violent perfume of the mimosa, the...
 |  | St Publication Date: March 1, 2012The Poems in Verse is Peter Manson s translation of the Poésies of Stéphane Mallarmé. Long overshadowed by Mallarmé's theoretical writings and by his legendary visual poem Un coup de Dés jamais n'abolira le Hasard, the Poésies are lyrics of a uniquely prescient and generative modernity. Grounded in a scrupulous sounding of the complex ambiguities of the original poems, Manson s English translations draw on the resources of the most innovative poetries of our own time these may be the first translations really to trust the English l...
 |  | The Flowers of Evil (Bilingual Edition) (New Directions Paperbook) Publication Date: October 17, 1989| ISBN-10: 0811211177 | ISBN-13: 978-0811211178In the annals of literature, few single volumes of poetry have achieved the influence and notoriety of The Flowers of Evil (Les Fleurs du Mal) by CharlesBaudelaire.Banned and slighted in his lifetime, the book that contains all of Baudelaire's verses has opened up vistas to the imagination and quickened sensibilities of poets everywhere. Yet it is questionable whether a single translator can give adequate voice to Baudelaire's full poetic range. In compiling their classic, bilingual edition of The Flowers of...
 |  | The Nature of Things (French Series) Publication Date: September 1, 1995| ISBN-10: 0873760808 | ISBN-13: 978-0873760805Poetry. Translated from the French by Lee Fahnestock. First published in 1942 and considered the keystone of Francis Ponge's work, Le parti pris de choses appears here in its entirety. It reveals his preoccupation with nature and its metaphoric transformation through the creative ambiguity of language. "My immediate reaction to Lee Fahnenstock's translation was: this must certainly be 'Ponge's voice in English'...[She] gives us his tones, rhythms, humor...[and] maneuvers his word play with respect and unost...
 |  | Introduction to French Poetry (Dual-Language) (English and French Edition) Publication Date: June 1, 1991| ISBN-10: 0486267113 | ISBN-13: 978-0486267111Immerse yourself in great poetic tradition — works by Villon, Ronsard, Voltaire, Lamartine, Hugo, Mallarmé, Verlaine, Rimbaud, Apollinaire, Saint-John Perse, Eluard and many more. Full texts in French with literal English translation on facing pages. Critical, biographical information on each poet. Introduction. 31 black-and-white illustrations. ...
 |  | Con los ojos hacia el sol (Spanish Edition) Release Date: November 30, 2011Este libro, no entusiama una obra maestra, ni es la hermosa poesia de Amado Nervo, ni la famosa obra de cien años de soledad, de Garcia Márquez, pero si son muchos años de soledad, en los cuales me he refugiado, en la página de un cuaderno o en un papel cualquíera cuando a mi mente a llegado un sueño un pensamiento, la rima ó un poema ...
 |  | The Art of Struggle Publication Date: September 1, 2012Translated for the first time into English, a dual-text edition of a prize-winning poetry collection from the always controversial novelistNotorious as a novelist, Michel Houellebecq was first known in France as a poet, and in many ways it is through poetry that he found his novelist's voice. The recipient of the prestigious poetry prize Prix de Flore, this collection of prose and verse pieces investigate issues of alienation, individualism, and disillusionment—themes that will be familiar to Houellebecq readers—while subtly adopt...
 |  | Conferencia De Los Pajaros (Spanish Edition) ...
 |  | Concierto/ Concert: Antologia Poetica (1935-2003)/ Poetic Anthology (1935-2003) (Spanish Edition) ...
 |  | Como acercarse a la poesia / How to Approach Poetry (Spanish Edition) ...
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