Exploring Lifespan Development (2nd Edition)

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Exploring Lifespan Development (2nd Edition): Laura E. Berk: 9780205748594: Books

Book Description:

February 22, 2010 0205748597 978-0205748594 2

This shorter, essentials version of Berk’s best-selling Development Through the Lifespan, 5/e, covers the same topics and contains the same number of chapters, but presents only the essential information with an exceptionally strong emphasis on applications. Exploring Lifespan Development includes all the features Berk’s texts are known for: Engaging writing style, exceptional cross-cultural focus, rich examples, the most up-to-date research, and practical applications that help students relate the subject to their personal and professional lives.


Laura Berk, renowned professor and researcher, has refashioned her text to provide the core information in the field with an exceptionally strong emphasis on applications.  Visually stunning, pedagogically balanced, and fully integrated, the Exploring edition has all the great features of Development Through the Lifespan, 5e, in an abbreviated form.  The latest theories and findings in the field are made accessible to students in a manageable and relevant way.


Berk’s signature storytelling style invites students to actively learn beside the text’s “characters,” who share their influential experiences and developmental milestones. Students are provided with an exceptionally clear and coherent understanding of the sequence and underlying processes of human development, emphasizing the interrelatedness of all domains—physical, cognitive, emotional, social—throughout the text narrative and in special features.


Berk also helps students connect their learning to their personal and professional areas of interest.  Her voice comes through when speaking directly about issues students will face in their future pursuits as parents, educators, heath care providers, social workers, and researchers.  As members of a global and diverse human community, students are called to intelligently approach the responsibility of understanding and responding to the needs and concerns of both young and old. 


Berk presents the most important classic and emerging theories in an especially clear, coherent, engaging writing style, with a multitude of research-based, real-world, and cross-cultural examples. Strengthening the connections among developmental domains and highlighting the application of theories and research to the real world, this text presents the most important scholarship in the changing field of human development.

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Product Details:

  • Paperback: 672 pages
  • Publisher: Pearson; 2 edition (February 22, 2010)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0205748597
  • ISBN-13: 978-0205748594
  • Product Dimensions: 8.5 x 0.9 x 10.9 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 3 pounds

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