| The Eyes of Innocence Publication Date: October 29, 2008Little did her aunt and uncle know what they were letting themselves in for when they adopted three-year-old Kalina.By the age of five, Kalina begins showing psychic abilities and the power to heal.The Eyes of Innocence is the first book in a series by Tika Newman and begins when fifteen-year-old Kalina and her family must relocate again.Within days, Kalina manages to get herself suspended from school.Later the same day, Kalina falls in the woods and is tended to by a mysterious couple.Cory, her handsome neighbor, rescues Kalina on horseback.Join Kalina in t...
 |  | Lost Horizon Publication Date: January 1, 1973Lost Horizon is a novel by English writer James Hilton. It is best remembered as the origin of Shangri-La, a fictional utopian lamasery high in the mountains of Tibet. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title....
 |  | The SecondEnlightener Publication Date: April 7, 2012This is the biography of Soter, second enlightener of the Archonite people on the planet Pleroma. His mission brings him into conflict with the imperium. This leads eventually to Soter's arrest, execution, and, in a manner of speaking, his resurrection. ...
 |  | Preludio a la fundacion (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: January 7, 2004Corre el ano 12020 de la Era Galactica y el emperador Cleon se siente incomodo en su trono. En Trantor, la gran capital del Imperio Galactico, 40.000 millones de personas han creado una civilizacion de una complejidad tecnologica y cultural inimaginable. Cuando el joven psicohistoriador Hari Seidon llega a Trantor para participar en un congreso, se convierte en el hombre mas buscado del Imperio. El psicohistoriador intentara que su portentosa teoria sobre el futuro no caiga en malas manos mientras forja la llave del futuro: un poder que sera conocido como la ...
 |  | Lilith's Awakening Publication Date: December 29, 2011As a psychic and medium, Viktoria Nelson is accustomed to living within the paranormal realm as she assists the local police department and conducts private readings. But one day, when a young woman trailed by a dark presence visits her for a reading, Viktoria's life takes an ominous turn-plunging her into a murder investigation that has the potential to change the world. In a matter of hours, Viktoria is in a race against time to prevent the doors of hell from being opened. As if a murder is not enough, Viktoria is now facing evil, demons, and jinns who wa...
 |  | Beautiful Snare Publication Date: July 10, 2012In Celtic Britain circa 80 ad, a village has been destroyed, and the lady Rebekah and her yeoman Ywain return to find only four survivors. They travel north in hopes of raising an army to fight the invaders who are led by the mysterious dark stranger, Doyle. With her mare, falcon, and hunting hound by her side, Bekah rides into battle guided by the Goddess's divine visions, mentored by a powerful witch, Rowena. But Bekah must also contend with overpowering emotions and an unforgivable attraction to her worst enemy. As violence rages and the death count rises, B...
 |  | The Messiah Condition Publication Date: January 16, 2010A spiritual adventure into the occult where Judaism, Christianity, Kaballah and Quantum physics interact. Now know how the universe works! ...
 |  | Indra's Net Publication Date: October 26, 2011Indra's Net is an adventure novel with a metaphysical twist. Readers who love action and philosophy, history and imagination, mystery and revelation will find this book a unique and provocative blend. Indra's Net has rave reviews from secular and religious figures including among the latter Rabbi David Cooper (author of God Is a Verb), Father Joe Maier (Director of the Mercy Center, Bangkok), Reverend John Peterson (Pastor, Covenant Presbyterian Church, U.S.) and Murshid Asha Greer (Sufi/Moslem Spiritual Guide). The novel is set in Thailand in 1968 at the he...
 |  | Emergence: A journey of love, Twin souls, and Shamanic Journeys Publication Date: February 16, 2011A gifted young native man meets a beautiful Hopi woman who is his "Twin Soul." Their "sacred Union" sends them into a series of unusual events and changes. As their love deepens, the realization of their destiny becomes entwined with "Hopi prophecy," "Shamanism." and other worlds. They emerge into a force beyond comprehension, and become "Wisdom Keepers." The knowledge they would pass on to others could change their life forever, and prepare them for the "Fifth World." ...
 |  | Bring Me the Brain of Nikola Tesla Publication Date: June 12, 2007When Tony Contis former lover, Mary Lynn Kagan, comes back into his lifeafter a long absence, he is soon immersed in the hunt for her husbandskillers. Tonys friends, Roscoe and Linda, join Tony and Mary Lynn in theirquest as they also search for their holy grailthe missing papers of NikolaTesla, the world-renowned inventor, physicist, and engineer.The trail of the killers and the missing papers takes the friends from theUnited States to Europe, where they encounter a nationalist groupidentified only by the initials SCNF. The group kidnap...
 |  | The Shock of Love Publication Date: April 15, 2011THE SHOCK of LOVE is a book about spirit.It is a book within a book. The book foundwithin is a manuscript entitled THE SHOCKof LOVE. It is purportedly written by PaoloCellini, Professor of Romance Languagesand a student of the era of the troubadoursand courtly love. Based on the idea of abook of the heart, current during that time,it is divided into nine chapters that giveallegorical detail of the journey of love, alove that completes the spirit in a person.There the reader follows the courtship, the'alchemical' marriage, and the darkgestation before emerging ...
 |  | When Water Runs UpHill Publication Date: June 27, 2007A spiritual fiction about one woman's powerful transfomation of consciousness. Her unusual altered experiences fail to accomodate and assimilate into her present worldview. She must make a choice; face a trauma of possible madness or transform and transcend into a higher and deeper structure within herself. A new worldview must arise that will allow her mind and heart more flexibility; a safe place for her soul and its powerful, subtle energy to emerge, and become a stable force for transmitting greater peace and harmony into the world. ...
 |  | The Magic Formula: It Works! ...
 |  | Los Doce. 21.12.2012. El comienzo de una nueva era para la humanidad (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: June 15, 2010Los Doce es una novela extraordinaria, inolvidable, sobre un heroe muy poco comun. De nino, Max vive en un mundo de colores y numeros, sin pronunciar palabra hasta los 6 anos.A los quince tiene una experiencia cercana a la muerte, durante la cual percibe una vision que le revela los nombres de doce individuos unicos. Aunque no comprende la importancia de esos doce nombres, no puede desprenderse de la idea de que tienen un profundo significado. Inicia un viaje de descubrimiento y conoce al primero, a partir de ahi luchara hasta revelar las identidades y roles de...
 |  | Starbrow: A Spiritual Adventure Publication Date: March 1, 2003An exciting adventure story with a New Age slant that presents vital spiritual principles, taking the reader through space, time, and different dimensions. ...
 |  | Witch Hunt Publication Date: June 27, 2011Leigh has been married to a Hawthorne for a decade, but never knew the family secret: the Hawthornes are witches. When the dynamic Preacher Cody instigates a new, world-wide witch hunt, Leigh must choose sides. Will she stand with her husband and children, or will she run?This isn't the first witch hunt the Hawthornes have faced, but it could be their last. Will anyone survive? www.NewWitchHunt.com ...
 |  | Screaming Hawk: Flying Eagle's Training of a Mystic Warrior Publication Date: September 1, 1994This visionary narrative, reminiscent of Robert Bach's Illusions, follows the spiritual initiation of a white Christian into the Native American tradition and reveals a deeper Christian impulse that is consistent with Native American wisdom. Set in the western United States on an unnamed Indian reservation, the novel describes the seeker, a White Man who has come to the home of Native American medicine man, Flying Eagle. Through Flying Eagle's teachings on a variety of subjects, the protagonist awakens to a new understanding of self, the nature of truth, an...
 |  | The Guardians of Time Publication Date: March 21, 2011Food riots. Resource wars. Catastrophic storms. Unprecedented mass extinctions. Coincidence?By the middle of the twenty-first century, the world is out of time. On the brink of a global environmental cataclysm, a physicist attempting to harness the ultimate renewable clean-energy source offers the only remaining option to delay the imminent disaster: time travel. But while helping to save the world through the method he develops-a mysterious and otherworldly combination of physics and metaphysics-Mark Lawson unwittingly plants the seeds for its misuse by those...
 |  | The Street Prophet Publication Date: April 17, 2011The ideologies of the New Age clash head on with the materialistic traditions of modern day America when the Street Prophet, a homeless wanderer, arrives in the extravagant and showy world of South Florida. It is karmic destiny that has brought this downtrodden-looking black man to Boca Raton, where he makes a home in the dense scrub down at the beach.He offers his powerful, soulful voice and prophetic insight in exchange for charity from strangers. Most view him as insane, watching his body gyrate to poetic verse which flies from his mouth with a frightening ...
 |  | Exodus 2012:A Mission To Save The Earth Publication Date: June 24, 2012In Exodus 2012: A Mission to Save the Earth, Jesus Christ returns, not on the clouds, but reincarnated as a Chinese Tai Chi master named Hu Jing Sheng, who brings a message designed to save the earth. Jing Sheng's message is based on both the Mayan prophecy about the year 2012 as well as the scripture verse Exodus 20:12. A global mission unfolds, with children as its centerpiece for saving life on earth.Following the story line of Moses in the book of Exodus, Jing Sheng gathers a new generation of disciples just as Christ did long ago, then leads an exodus from...
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