| The Bakehesarian fountain ...
 | The Blue Lagoon: Anthology of Modern Russian Poetry/Volume 3B ...
 | The Book of 2 poems ...
 | Beloi akatsii grozdia dushistye-- (Kniga v podarok) (Russian Edition) ...
 | Bards of the North;: Favorite verses and folk songs from the Russian, Scandinavian and Finnish, ...
 | Anna Bunina (1774-1829) and the Origins of Women's Poetry in Russia (Studies in Slavic Language and Literature) Publication Date: September 1997| ISBN-10: 0773485279 | ISBN-13: 978-0773485273This is one of the first studies of Bunina's poems and life, using archives and contemporary periodicals. It describes the cultural expectations which she challenged, her unconventional lyric persona, her strategic choices of poetic language and genre, the reception of her work, and her success in living by the pen. It aims to illuminate the pre-history of feminism and the feminine literary tradition in Russia through the writings of one of the most gifted early women writers. ...
 | "Bogun" - Poetry (Volume 1) (Ukrainian Edition) Publication Date: June 30, 2012Historical poetry. ...
 | Anatomical Theater (In the Grip of Strange Thoughts) Publication Date: December 11, 2012| Series: In the Grip of Strange Thoughts Few of Andrei Sen-Senkov's patients and colleagues know of his status as one of Russia's better-known contemporary poets, but he doesn't lose much sleep over this. Indeed, in person Sen-Senkov exhibits none of the pathos of the Inspired Lyricist. He is just as likely to complain about the weather, bemoan the latest political or natural disaster, or exclaim breathlessly over a newly discovered jazz musician as he is to discuss poetry. And when you read his poems, it all makes sense: for Sen-Senkov, anything can be po...
 | Avtobiograficheskii mif v tvorchestve A. Bloka (Russian Edition) ...
 | Bardy (Russian Edition) ...
 | Blok: An Anthology of Essays and Memoirs ...
 | Babel: Four Stories (Russian Text) (Russian Texts) ...
 | Because the Sea Is Black: Poems (Wesleyan Poetry in Translation) ...
 | And Poetry Is Born: Russian Classical Poetry ...
 | An Anthology of Russian Poetry of Colorado: Vladimir Beliaev:: Russian Poets of Colorado (Volume 16) (Russian Edition) Publication Date: April 18, 2012Volume 16 of Russian poetry written by residents of Colorado State represented by Vladimir Beliaev creations. ...
 | Anna Akhmatova 1889-1989: Papers from the Akhmatova Centennial Conference, Bellagio Study and Conference Center, June 1989 (Modern Russian Literature and Culture, Studies and Texts) ...
 | A Book of Russian Verse ...
 | The Bakchesarian Fountain Publication Date: October 1987This is an OCR edition without illustrations or index. It may have numerous typos or missing text. However, purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original rare book from the publisher's website (GeneralBooksClub.com). You can also preview excerpts of the book there. Purchasers are also entitled to a free trial membership in the General Books Club where they can select from more than a million books without charge. Subjects: Russian poetry; American poetry; Literary Criticism / Russian ...
 | Blue Lagoon: Anthology of Russian Poetry, 2A ...