| American Christian Rulers Or Religion a (Russian Edition) ...
 | Yevtushenko Selected Poems ...
 | Velimir Khlebnikov: A Critical Study (Cambridge Studies in Russian Literature) Publication Date: October 1, 1987| ISBN-10: 0521326702 | ISBN-13: 978-0521326704Khlebnikov is now recognized as a major Russian poet of the twentieth century, having for years been dismissed as an unintelligible verbal trickster. Cooke provides the first broad study in English of Khlebnikov's writings.The book is both informative and interpretative, and maps the contours of Khlebnikov's still largely uncharted poetic world. This exploration highlights the complex relationship between the poet and his public, examines Khlebnikov's preoccupations with the meaning of language and images of ...
 | Abram Tertz and the Poetics of Crime (Russian Literature and Thought Series) Publication Date: June 28, 1995| Series: Russian Literature and Thought Series Andrei Sinyavsky, a post-Stalin Russian writer and author of fiction, essays and criticism, also wrote under the pseudonym Abram Tertz. In this book Tertz's writings are examined by the author, discussing the literary scandals and then analyzing individual works. ...
 | The Tales of Ensign Stal ...
 | Alexandre Pouchkine. Gloire de la poesie russe. La vie du grand ...
 | Unstable Equilibrium: Eight Russian Poetic Texts (Yale Russian and East European Publications No 9) (Russian Edition) ...
 | Anatomical Theater (In the Grip of Strange Thoughts) Publication Date: December 11, 2012| Series: In the Grip of Strange Thoughts Few of Andrei Sen-Senkov's patients and colleagues know of his status as one of Russia's better-known contemporary poets, but he doesn't lose much sleep over this. Indeed, in person Sen-Senkov exhibits none of the pathos of the Inspired Lyricist. He is just as likely to complain about the weather, bemoan the latest political or natural disaster, or exclaim breathlessly over a newly discovered jazz musician as he is to discuss poetry. And when you read his poems, it all makes sense: for Sen-Senkov, anything can be po...
 | Wind of the Journey Publication Date: May 2000Irina Ratushinskaya will forever be known as the poet who was arrested for her writing, sentanced to a Soviet prison camp. And who continued in the face of persecution to write new poems. She wrote them on bars of soap, memorised them, and then washed away the 'evidence'. Irina is a recognised poet in both the International community and the United States. Many of Irina's poems have the earmarks of a well-seasoned traveller: and eagerness for adventure, melancholy good-byes, and a faith forged from life's journey. ...
 | Alexander Vvedensky: An Invitation For Me To Think Release Date: April 2, 2013Alexander Vvedensky, co-founder with the poet Daniil Kharms of OBERIU, a small avant-garde collective in late-1920s Soviet Leningrad, is the least known of major Russian twentieth-century poets. He stands apart like a dark star in a constellation that includes Mandelstam, Akhmatova, Pasternak, Tsvetaeva, Mayakovsky, and Khlebnikov. Younger than these poets by a decade, Vvedensky came of age under the Soviet system, when the language used to describe reality appeared to have lost all literal meaning. He saw his task to be “the poetic critique of reason” ...
 | Alexander Pushkin: Epigrams & Satirical Verse ...
 | Anna Akhmatova 1889-1989: Papers from the Akhmatova Centennial Conference, Bellagio Study and Conference Center, June 1989 (Modern Russian Literature and Culture, Studies and Texts) ...
 | Anna Bunina (1774-1829) and the Origins of Women's Poetry in Russia (Studies in Slavic Language and Literature) Publication Date: September 1997| ISBN-10: 0773485279 | ISBN-13: 978-0773485273This is one of the first studies of Bunina's poems and life, using archives and contemporary periodicals. It describes the cultural expectations which she challenged, her unconventional lyric persona, her strategic choices of poetic language and genre, the reception of her work, and her success in living by the pen. It aims to illuminate the pre-history of feminism and the feminine literary tradition in Russia through the writings of one of the most gifted early women writers. ...
 | Through the Poet's Eye: The Travels of Zagajewski, Herbert, and Brodsky Publication Date: June 25, 2002An exploration of the sensory experience of travel and the corresponding revelatory perception of the visual arts in the essays of three major East European poets. ...
 | Alphabet of Masks Publication Date: September 20, 2011Alphabet of Masks is a collection of short stories and poems written on a mobile phone. It is an imaginative foray into the modern-day Russian experience. Dmitri Birman shows us how today's Russians straddle their Soviet past and their capitalist future in order to survive. The stories are wry, humorous, and sexually frank; the poems lyrical and elegiac about the narrator and his friends. The anti-Semitic reality of school bullies and army conscription, the adolescent yearning for classmates and teaching assistants, the Soviet dream of world travel and lux...
 | The Acmeist Movement in Russian Poetry: Culture and the Word (Oxford Modern Languages & Literature Monographs) Publication Date: June 29, 1995| Series: Oxford Modern Languages & Literature Monographs Acmeism is chiefly known through the three leading Russian poets--Nikolai Gumilev, Ann Akhmatova, and Osip Mandel'shtam--each of whom are discussed here, along with less well-known Acmeists, in the first extensive study in English of the movement. Doherty's fascinating study shows how early twentieth-century Acmeism developed into a specific way of thinking about poetry and the Russian literary tradition, and how this thinking evolved out of poetry criticism as practiced in the main Acmeist forum, Tsekh ...
 | Almost at the End ...
 | 20th Century Russian Poetry ...
 | And Poetry Is Born: Russian Classical Poetry ...
 | Aleksandr Blok's Confrontation and Disillusionment ...