| Vanishing Point (UQP Poetry Series) Publication Date: May 14, 2010| Series: UQP Poetry Series A surreal vision of creativity and mourning opens this collection of original poetry, returning to such human themes as desire, memory, and dreams. Exhibiting a dynamic range, the author traces the currents of eroticism and imagination, while charting the skeleton of feeling and the blood of beginnings. Using her voice as a guide through light and dark, chaos and order, the poise and passion of the pieces are striking, as they counterbalance a lyrical grace with a wild formalism. ...
 |  | Valley Verse: A collection of poems from Arra Warra Farm (Volume 1) Publication Date: February 28, 2012A collections of poems inspired by the beautiful surroundings and entertaining life of Arra Warra Farm. ...
 |  | Valence: Considering War Through Poetry and Theory Publication Date: October 1, 2012| ISBN-10: 1876756985 | ISBN-13: 978-1876756987In this remarkable annotated poem, Susan Hawthorne commits to words the horrors of war and dares to draw links between militarism, fundamentalism, and the sex industry. Shattering the conspiracy of silence, she rails against the violence of war and contemplates the link between place and the history of war that is infused into the earth. It is a work that looks at how war is generated and what keeps it going, asking important questions about what’s in it for those who go to war. This fresh examination t...
 |  | The Victims of Lightning Publication Date: August 1, 2010| ISBN-10: 0864736223 | ISBN-13: 978-0864736222Building on previous themes and introducing some new techniques, this collection reveals a respected poet at the height of his powers. Here are finely crafted lyrics, found poems, a bracket of songs, and complex emotionsall tempered by the use of humor. ...
 |  | Walls to Kick and Hills to Sing From: A Comedy with Interruptions Publication Date: July 1, 2010| ISBN-10: 1869404580 | ISBN-13: 978-1869404581Arranged in four acts, this collection of poems merrily experiments with voice, performance, and medium, exploring the craft through monologues, dialogues, choruses, songs, scene sets, and storyboards. Filled with experimental and stirring language, this anthology includes a piece confronting global warming as well as dramatic and satiric verse arranged with swagger and aplomb, citing surprising and surreal moments such as a seal reciting the poetry of R. A. K. Mason and a goat tied to a theater door. An array o...
 |  | Vivid Familiar Publication Date: April 1, 2010| ISBN-10: 0864735987 | ISBN-13: 978-0864735980Postured as a book of journeys, this collection's main feature is a nine-part poem in which a housebound poet is taken away by an airship that pulls up at her kitchen window. Other poems explore the long journey of the early European settlers of New Zealand, notions of distance and belonging, and dislocation and constraint, but equally important are the love of the local and a deep sense of the metaphysical world that sustain the spirit. ...
 |  | The Unfortunate Singer Publication Date: April 1, 2003| ISBN-10: 0864734360 | ISBN-13: 978-0864734365This collection extends the themes of the poet's acclaimed debut. The poems represent acts of love for something known or something dreamed about and reflect the obsessions of the poet. ...
 |  | The Violinist in Spring Publication Date: April 28, 2006| ISBN-10: 0864735022 | ISBN-13: 978-0864735027Tender and playful musings on the feeling of belonging guide this perceptive first collection of poems that draws attention to the everyday and commonplace and rewards readers with fresh insights and elegant vistas. ...
 |  | Villon in Millerton Publication Date: September 1, 2007Three sequences of verse come together in this poetry collection that ranges in tone from meditative to satirical. The title sequence imagines the 14th-century French poet François Villon stranded in the isolated and semideserted coal-mining town of Millerton; another vividly evokes the mysteries of the Indian rope trick; and the final one turns its focus on Samuel Marsden, the 19th-century missionary whose character is intriguingly contradictory. ...
 |  | Warbat: Magic Love Songs of the Tolais (Papua Pocket Poets, 23) ...
 |  | Views of the Hudson Publication Date: July 15, 2009'Views of the Hudson', written during a visit to New York in 2008, explores ideas of belonging and displacement. In a flood of images from this overcrowded information-rich city it weaves a narrative that suggests both the intoxication and dangers of believing in Promised Lands. Views of the Hudson shows the life of a city that is complicated and enriched for being at once both sacred and profane. ...
 |  | The Unforgiving Poem ...
 |  | Under the Coolabah Tree Publication Date: August 31, 2012Fun, sometimes rowdy and always delightfully full of Australian colour, this collection of Australian Bush poems by Wendy Laing is sure to amuse. Ream 'em aloud if you dare to try an Aussie accent! ...
 |  | Vanilla Wine Publication Date: April 1, 2004| ISBN-10: 0864734719 | ISBN-13: 978-0864734716Featuring a sequence of poems on the life of eccentric French composer Erik Satie, this collection confidently builds on the poet's earlier efforts. Still present, however, are the lush and unsettling lyrics for which Cochrane is best known as well as spare and precise language that fixes on a melancholy mood and doggedly stays with it through complex shifts of thought and imagery. ...
 |  | The Unhaunting (Salt Modern Poets S.) Publication Date: July 25, 2009| ISBN-10: 1844713482 | ISBN-13: 978-1844713486"The unhaunting" has great variety of tone, preoccupation, style and form, ranging across countries and situations with an ear for the music of language and the harmonies and dissonances of human experience. Taylor's Collected Poems showed him as a poet of ceaseless experiment and continual relevance, and this new collection reinforces his reputation as both a consolidator and innovator. ...
 |  | Untreated: Poems by Black Writers Publication Date: January 1, 2001This anthology of poetry brings together all the big names in Aboriginal writing and features a wide array of styles and topics. With a foreword by Kim Scott joint winner of the Miles Franklin Literary Award, 2000, for his novel Benang. Poets include Lisa Bellear, John Muk Muk Burke, Graeme Dixon, Anita Heiss, Ruby Langford Ginibi, Ken Laughton, Melissa Lucashenko, Romaine Moreton, Bruce Pascoe, Boori Monty Pryor, Kerry Reed-Gilbert, Alf Taylor, Pat Mamanjun Torres and Samuel Wagan Watson. ...
 |  | Visitants Publication Date: January 31, 2000Australian poet John Kinsella offers up explorations and investigations of the paranormal, of recollection and childhood, of borrowed memories, cults and conspiracies. This is 21st century pastoral, a traditional/experimental hybrid poetry both extraterrestrial and excavated from terra firma: those lights glowing in the Australian wheat lands and, a short drive away, the alien outback, where people have disappeared. ...
 |  | Valparaiso Publication Date: September 1, 2002In this collection, Orr captures the essence of present-day Auckland and of his own rural Waikato childhood. His verse, containing a wide range of literary allusions, from Rimbaud to Pasternak to Neruda, locates the poet within a particular local and international context, and reflects such diverse settings as the Chilean coast, Waiheke Island, and Ponsonby. ...
 |  | Walking to Africa Publication Date: December 1, 2009| ISBN-10: 1869404467 | ISBN-13: 978-1869404468Portraying a parent’s experience of coming to terms with the new and frightening world of mental health care, this narrative explores the myriad foreign ways of diagnosis and treatment. Written from a mother’s perspective, the poetic sequence displays the anguish and complexity of dealing with mental illness, describing the events of an ordinary family—the numerous visits to doctors, the treatments that don’t work, and the people who suddenly have answers and heartbreaking histori...
 |  | Waltzing Matilda: The Secret History of Australia's Favourite Song Publication Date: June 1, 2012An expose of two cover-ups: one the death of a swagman by a billabong; the other, a torrid affair between Banjo Paterson and his fiancee's best friend, and how the two events come together in Australia's best-loved national song. Australians know Waltzing Matilda, written by their most popular poet Banjo Paterson, as their most loved song and unofficial national anthem. What Australians don't know is that their song is embroiled in a web of secrecy, violence and a triangular love affair. Written at a pivotal time in Australia's history, Waltzing Matild...
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