The Year of Adverbs

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The Year of Adverbs: Elizabeth Smither: 9781869403942: Books

Book Description:

October 1, 2007
Arriving eight years after the poet's last prize-winning offering, this collection explores the stuff of daily life, fizzing with personalities and alive with incidents. Traveling from New Zealand to Paris and back again, the poems trace a wedding, a birth, and several deaths, and offer revealing glimpses of Fats Waller, Eliza Bennet, Dorothy Parker, John Steinbeck, and Jean-Paul Sartre. Featuring such imagery as a horse playing an accordion, the compendium adeptly showcases the poet's verbal playfulness, distinctive wit, and unique style.
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Product Details:

  • Paperback: 64 pages
  • Publisher: Auckland University Press (October 1, 2007)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1869403940
  • ISBN-13: 978-1869403942
  • Product Dimensions: 6.8 x 0.1 x 8.3 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 3.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

What Can Be ProvenWhat Can Be Proven
Publication Date: December 27, 2007Winner, Best Poetry, IP Picks 2007. Australia Council Supported Title.An ambitious, assured, mature poetic voice, Mark O Flynn sifts through memories and sensations in his exploration of life s anomalies. The title of the collection is ironic, he says. I m more interested in doubt, in what cannot be proven, in questions rather than answers, in mystery and confusion. The poems wander between the urban and the rural, childhood and adulthood, the mundane and the bizarre, holding up shards of memory to the light for inspection. Intelligent, searching, poignant,...
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Publication Date: April 1, 2004The poems in this sixth collection from a celebrated poet explore the nature of the unknown and the uncultivated, from the oceans and the bush to the emotional realities of the distant past and powerful passion. Travel anecdotes from England link these Antipodean landscapes to family stories and describe the changing shape of relationships. These verses reveal the paradox of the urban and civilized world through a mature and polished language. ...
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The Willing EyeThe Willing Eye
Publication Date: May 22, 2000In these powerful poems, the nettle sting, the splinter, the milk tooth and the love bite, the acts of translation, are borderline experiences that become sacramental, while physical states-myopia, childbirth, speed, and prostration-create their own knowledge, as vital as what the eye takes in and the heart grieves over. This is a book open to the shocks and pleasures of seeing and daily life, driven by a fascination with the shifting and precarious boundaries between self and world. ...
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With One BrushWith One Brush
Publication Date: May 15, 2008Winner, Best First Book, IP Picks 2007. With One Brush showcases Dean s previously published and awarded work. She uses visual art as a departure point for creative exploration of experience, memory, sensation, and imagination. Her passion for art and her innate, vibrant sense of colour and texture bursts forth from the page in visually sumptuous passages. The act of painting takes on metaphorical significance as Dean navigates themes of creation and documentation of life through art. What emerges is a sensuously layered and intriguing meditation on the past tha...
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Publication Date: October 15, 2011Like water spilling over stones, these poems seem to bubble up from the depths.Uncaged by calendars and watches, one character retreats into rainforests; A twelve-year-old shoots a rattlesnake, an octogenarian pulls vines in the public park. Wolves travel in a van inspiring dreams of the boundless rush and yap of belonging; and a whale offers solace on a balmy night on the Coral Sea.These are luminous reflections on the complex and sometimes fraught relationships between society and the natural world. ...
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Weather ReportWeather Report
Publication Date: March 24, 2000Like the shifting and often turbulent skies of our own emotional meteorology, Rhonda Batchelor's poems forecast the shifting patterns of a marriage from quiet moments of a graceful dawn to stormy seas of absence, from brilliant love-strewn sunshowers to dark moments of loss and bitter nights upon the shore. In three sections, "Backbone of the Moon", "Ghostly Dialogues" and "Still Breathing", Batchelor explores the fleeting forever trilogy of expectations, unions and releases that comprise the tidelike phases of a lover's cycle. Dedicated to respected Canadian ...
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