| The Orwell Mystique: A Study in Male Ideology Publication Date: October 4, 1984Historical perspective on the writings of George Orwell and the study in make ideology. ...
 |  | Opening The Nursery Door Publication Date: May 7, 1997| ISBN-10: 0415148995 | ISBN-13: 978-0415148993| Edition: 1 Opening the Nursery Door is a fascinating collection of essays inspired by the discovery of a tiny archive: the nursery library of Jane Johnson 1707-1759, wife of a Lincolnshire vicar. It has captured the scholarly interest of social anthropologists, historians, literary scholars, educationalists and archivists as it has opened up a range of questions about the nature of childhood within English cultural life over three centuries: the texts written and read to children, the multifarious ways childhoo...
 |  | Professional Literary Agent in Britain (Studies in Book and Print Culture) Publication Date: December 22, 2007| Series: Studies in Book and Print Culture Breaking new ground in the study of British literary culture during an important, transitional period, this new work by Mary Ann Gillies focuses on the professional literary agent whose emergence in Britain around 1880 coincided with, and accelerated, the transformation of both publishing and authorship.Like other recent studies in book and print culture, The Professional Literary Agent in Britain, 1880-1920 starts from the central premise that the business of authorship is inextricably linked with the aesthetics ...
 |  | Print, Power and People in 17th-Century France Publication Date: June 1, 1993| ISBN-10: 0810824779 | ISBN-13: 978-0810824775Available for the first time in English, this is a major work of scholarship, originally published in Geneva in 1969 by a distinguished French historian of the famous Annales school and President of the Institut du Livre. By placing the publishing trade at the center of the study of the intellectual, political, and economic evolution of Europe through examination of the physical evidence, Martin has revolutionized historical narrative. He shows the printed book to be the focus of society's cultural well-being.Th...
 |  | Publishing Culture and the Reading Nation: German Book History in the Long Nineteenth Century (Studies in German Literature Linguistics and Culture) Publication Date: June 30, 2010| ISBN-10: 1571134026 | ISBN-13: 978-1571134028Over the long nineteenth century, German book publishing experienced an unprecedented boom, outstripping by 1910 all other Western nations. Responding to the spread of literacy, publishers found new marketing methods and recalibrated their relationships to authors. Technical innovations made books for a range of budgets possible. Yearbooks, encyclopedias, and boxed sets also multiplied. A renewed interest in connoisseurship meant that books signified taste and affiliation. While reading could be a group activit...
 |  | Mother Was a Lady: Self and Society in Selected American Children's Periodicals, 1865-1890 (Contributions in American Studies) ...
 |  | The Marks in the Fields: Essays on the Uses of Manuscripts (Houghton Library Publications) Publication Date: February 1992| Series: Houghton Library Publications In celebration of the 50th anniversary of Harvard's Houghton Library in 1992, Curator of Manuscripts Rodney Dennis asked a stellar cast of critics, historians, and curators to write on items selected from the library's rich trove of manuscripts, which ranges from the papyrus fragments and ostraca of Antiquity to the papers of such modern figures as Elizabeth Bishop and Leon Trotsky. The result was Marks in the Fields, an extraordinary collection of essays by the likes of Helen Vendler, Christopher Ricks, and Lawrence Buel...
 |  | Privacy and Print: Reading and Writing in Seventeenth-Century England Publication Date: February 22, 1999AMIDST THE OTHER religious, political, and technological changes in seventeenth-century England, the ready availability of printed books was the most significant sign of the disappearance of old ways of thinking. The ability to read granted new independence as the interactions between reader, text, and author moved from the public forums of church and court to the privacy and solitude of the home.Privacy and Print proposes that the emergence of the concept of privacy as a personal right, as the very core of individuality, is connected in a complex fashion w...
 |  | Private Sphere to World Stage from Austen to Eliot Publication Date: May 15, 2008| ISBN-10: 0754661741 | ISBN-13: 978-0754661740Emily Dickinson's poem, 'This is my letter to the World/ That never wrote to Me - ', opens the Introduction, which focuses on the near-anonymity of nineteenth-century women novelists. Close readings of works by five British novelists - Jane Austen, Charlotte and Emily Bronte, Elizabeth Gaskell, and George Eliot - offer persuasive accounts of the ways in which women used stealth tactics to outmaneuver their detractors. Chapters examine the 'hidden manifesto' in Austen's works, whose imaginative heroines defend wo...
 |  | Mary Poppins and Myth (Skrifter Utgivna Av Svenska Barnboksinstitutet, Nr. 8.) ...
 |  | Masterwork Studies Series: A Little Princess (cloth) (Twayne's Masterwork Studies) ...
 |  | Presenting Gary Paulsen (Twayne's United States Authors Series) ...
 |  | Pyramid (Bookworms) ...
 |  | Paper Empires: A History of the Book in Australia 1946-2005 Publication Date: July 1, 2006| ISBN-10: 0702235733 | ISBN-13: 978-0702235733Will Australia’s once booming book industry be replaced by e-publishing? Are independent publishers and booksellers on the way out? In a world where one mega-author’ can sell millions of books, can anyone else compete?Paper Empires tells the inside story of Australian publishing over the past half-century. It begins with the larrikin pioneers of the 1950s and 60s and follows the fortunes of the independents and multinationals that followed in their wake. Two fascinating local successes includ...
 |  | A A Milne (Young at Heart) Publication Date: September 1992| Age Level: 9 and up | Grade Level: 4 and up...
 |  | Presenting Paul Zindel (Twayne's United States Authors Series) ...
 |  | Mary Mapes Dodge (Twayne United States Authors Series) ...
 |  | Press Censorship in Jacobean England Publication Date: September 10, 2001| ISBN-10: 0521782430 | ISBN-13: 978-0521782432This book examines the ways in which books were produced, read, and received during the reign of King James I. Cyndia Clegg contends that although the principal mechanisms for controlling the press altered little between 1558 and 1603, the actual practice of censorship under James I varied significantly from Elizabethan practice. The book combines historical analysis of documents with the reading of censored texts and will be an invaluable resource for scholars as well as historians. ...
 |  | 'Paper-contestations' and Textual Communities in England, 1640-1675 (Studies in Book and Print Culture) Publication Date: September 3, 2005| ISBN-10: 0802038840 | ISBN-13: 978-0802038845| Edition: 1 The mass production and dissemination of printed materials were unparalleled in England during the 1640s and 50s. While theatrical performance traditionally defined literary culture, print steadily gained ground, becoming more prevalent and enabling the formation of various networks of writers, readers, and consumers of books.In conjunction with an evolving print culture, seventeenth-century England experienced a rise of political instability and religious dissent, the closing of the theatres, ...
 |  | Masterwork Studies Series: Wind in the Willows (Twayne's Masterwork Studies) ...
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