| The Palaeotypography of the French Renaissance: Selected Papers on Sixteenth-century Typefaces (Library of the Written Word) Publication Date: December 2008| ISBN-10: 9004169822 | ISBN-13: 978-9004169821This collection of thirteen essays examines sixteenth-century type design in France. Typefaces developed during this period were to influence decisively the typography of the centuries which followed, and they continue to influence a great many contemporary typefaces. The papers' common goal is to establish the paternity of the typefaces described and critically to appraise their attributions, many of which have previously been inadequately ascribed. Such an approach will be of interest to type historians and t...
| | Aristoxenus of Tarentum: Discussion (Rutgers University Studies in Classical Humanities) Publication Date: December 22, 2011| Series: Rutgers University Studies in Classical HumanitiesAristoxenus of Tarentum was reported to have been bitterly disappointed when Theophrastus was chosen instead of him to succeed Aristotle as the head of the Peripatetic School. He had a truly phenomenal output of some 453 volumes, most of which survive only in fragments. He was the most famous music theorist in antiquity and came to be referred to simply as “the musician.” In addition, he was a founder of Greek biography and wrote the life histories of Pythagoras, Archytas, Socrates, a...
| | Phantasmagoria: Spirit Visions, Metaphors, and Media into the Twenty-first Century Publication Date: December 7, 2006With over thirty illustrations in color and black and white, Phantasmagoria takes readers on an intellectually exhilarating tour of ideas of spirit and soul in the modern world, illuminating key questions of imagination and cognition. Warner tells the unexpected and often disturbing story about shifts in thought about consciousness and the individual person, from the first public waxworks portraits at the end of the eighteenth century to stories of hauntings, possession, and loss of self in modern times. She probes the perceived distinctions between fantasy ...
| | Robin Hood (Third Edition) Publication Date: June 1, 2011| ISBN-10: 0500289352 | ISBN-13: 978-0500289358| Edition: Third Edition "Highly recommended to all armchair swashbucklers."—Fresno BeeThe legend of Robin Hood began more than 600 years ago. Theman, if he existed at all, lived even earlier. In this definitive work,Professor Sir James Holt, one of Britain’s premier historians andauthor of the standard work on the Magna Carta, unravels pureinvention from real possibility and offers the results of some thirtyyears of research. He assesses the evidence for the historical Robin Hood andfinds that the...
| | The Body of Beatrice ...
| | A Commentary on Horace: Odes Book III Publication Date: April 19, 2007| ISBN-10: 0199288747 | ISBN-13: 978-0199288748This Commentary takes critical account of recent writing on the Odes. It deals with detailed questions of interpretation, and shows how Horace combined the tact of a court-poet with a humane individualism, and how he wrote within a literary tradition without losing a highly personal voice. Though the book is not intended for beginners, the editors aim throughout at clarity. ...
| | Elizabeth I and the Sovereign Arts:: Essays in Literature, History, and Culture (Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Studies) ...
| | Fresh Verdicts on Joan of Arc (The New Middle Ages) Publication Date: August 1, 1999| ISBN-10: 0815336640 | ISBN-13: 978-0815336648| Edition: 1st This volume of original essays employs the latest tools of historical analysis, literary criticism, and feminist inquiry to reval why Joan of Arc was such an important figure. ...
| | The Histories, Volume VI: Books 28-39. Fragments (Loeb Classical Library) Publication Date: October 22, 2012| Series: Loeb Classical Library (Book 161) The historian Polybius (ca. 200–118 bce) was born into a leading family of Megalopolis in the Peloponnese and served the Achaean League in arms and diplomacy for many years. From 168 to 151 he was held hostage in Rome, where he became a friend of Scipio Aemilianus, whose campaigns, including the destruction of Carthage, he later attended. As a trusted mediator between Greece and the Romans, he helped in the discussions that preceded the final war with Carthage, and after 146 was entrusted by the Romans with t...
| | Dialogi (Oxford Classical Texts) ...
| | The Case of the Animals versus Man Before the King of the Jinn Publication Date: March 24, 2012This is a new English translation of a classic of medieval Islamic learning, which illuminates the intellectual debates of its age and speaks vividly to the concerns of our own. It is the most famous work of the Brethren of Purity, a tenth-century esoteric fraternity based in Basra and Baghdad.In this rich allegorical fable the exploited and oppressed animals pursue a case against humanity. They are granted the gift of speech and presented as subjects with views and interests of their own. Over the course of the hearing they rebuke and criticise human weakness...
| | The Making of Homeric Verse: The Collected Papers of Milman Parry Publication Date: November 19, 1987Milman Parry, who died in 1935 while a young assistant professor at Harvard, is now considered one of the leading classical scholars of this century.Yet Parry's articles and French dissertations--highly original contributions to the study of Homer--have until now been difficult to obtain. The Making of Homeric Verse for the first time collects these landmark works in one volume together with Parry's unpublished M.A. thesis and extracts from his Yugoslavian journal, which contains notes on Serbo-Croatian poetry and its relation to Homer.Adam Parry, the late ...
| | Engaging With Nature: Essays on the Natural World in Medieval and Early Modern Europe Publication Date: May 1, 2008| ISBN-10: 0268030839 | ISBN-13: 978-0268030834| Edition: 1st Historians and cultural critics face special challenges when treating the nonhuman natural world in the medieval and early modern periods. Their most daunting problem is that in both the visual and written records of the time, nature seems to be both everywhere and nowhere. In the broadest sense, nature was everywhere, for it was vital to human survival. Agriculture, animal husbandry, medicine, and the patterns of human settlement all have their basis in natural settings. Humans also marked persona...
| | Select Letters of Seneca (College Classical Series) Release Date: June 1, 1983| ISBN-10: 0862921201 | ISBN-13: 978-0862921200In Latin, with supporting materials in English. ...
| | Lucian: A Selection (Cambridge Greek and Latin Classics) Publication Date: December 22, 2008| ISBN-10: 0521603048 | ISBN-13: 978-0521603041| Edition: 1 Lucian of Samosata is one of the most brilliant and wide-ranging writers from antiquity, and yet few commentaries are available for those who wish to read Lucian in Greek. This edition presents a selection of rhetorical and satirical works in the original Greek illustrating his range, wit and literary sophistication. Texts include both more and less well-known texts such as The Dream, The Fly, Timon, A Literary Prometheus, Sigma versus Tau and Dialogues of the Sea-Gods. The Introduction discuss...
| | Commentarii: Volume I:Bello Gallico cum A. Hirti Supplemento (Oxford Classical Texts) Publication Date: December 31, 1968| Series: Oxford Classical Texts (Book 1) (Bellum Gallicum, cum A. Hirti supplemento.) Edited by R. L. A. Du Pontet. ...
| | Empire of Magic: Medieval Romance and the Politics of Cultural Fantasy Publication Date: October 6, 2004| ISBN-10: 0231125275 | ISBN-13: 978-0231125277 Empire of Magic offers a genesis and genealogy for medieval romance and the King Arthur legend through the history of Europe's encounters with the East in crusades, travel, missionizing, and empire formation. It also produces definitions of "race" and "nation" for the medieval period and posits that the Middle Ages and medieval fantasies of race and religion have recently returned.Drawing on feminist and gender theory, as well as cultural analyses of race, class, and colonialism, this provocative book revise...
| | Arabic Literary Salons in the Islamic Middle Ages: Poetry, Public Performance, and the Presentation of the Past (ND Poetics of Orality and Literacy) Publication Date: November 15, 2010| ISBN-10: 0268020329 | ISBN-13: 978-0268020323| Edition: 1st Arabic literary salons emerged in ninth-century Iraq and, by the tenth, were flourishing in Baghdad and other urban centers, In an age before broadcast media and classroom education, salons were the primary source of entertainment and escape for middle- and upper-rank members of society, serving also as a space and means for educating the young. Although salons relied on a culture of oral performance from memory, scholars of Arabic literature have focused almost exclusively on written sources...
| | Getting Medieval: Sexualities and Communities, Pre- and Postmodern (Series Q) Publication Date: September 22, 1999| Series: Series Q In Getting Medieval Carolyn Dinshaw examines communities—dissident and orthodox—in late-fourteenth and early-fifteenth-century England to create a new sense of queer history. Reaching beyond both medieval and queer studies, Dinshaw demonstrates in this challenging work how intellectual inquiry into pre-modern societies can contribute invaluably to current issues in cultural studies. In the process, she makes important connections between past and present cultures that until now have not been realized. In her pursuit of his...
| | A Companion to Boethius in the Middle Ages (Brill's Companions to the Christian Tradition) ...
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