| Applicative Constructions (Oxford Studies in Typology and Linguistic Theory) Publication Date: March 1, 2007| ISBN-10: 0199270929 | ISBN-13: 978-0199270927| Edition: 1 This book presents the first systematic typological analysis of applicatives across African, American Indian, and East Asian languages. It is also the first to address their functions in discourse, the derivation of their semantic and syntactic properties, and how and why they have changed over time. ...
| | Any Good Movies? Commentaries on Our Modern Literature Publication Date: 2006Fate and free will. Modernity. Postmodernism. In Any Good Movies? Phil Steele talks back to over 500 films in commentaries that see cinema as a principal currency of our culture and are not just helpful to deciding what movies to watch but are especially for people who like to think and talk about what they've just seen on the screen. ...
| | Approaching Postmodernism: Papers Presented at a Workshop on Postmodernism, 21-23 September 1984, University of Utrecht (Utrecht Publications in General and Comparative Literature, V. 21) ...
| | The Art of Conversation Publication Date: December 1993| ISBN-10: 0801429560 | ISBN-13: 978-0801429569With this pioneering work, Peter Burke provides the first comprehensive social history of language in early modern Europe. Utilizing a method that will interest all social and cultural historians, he focuses on the dynamic roles of class distinction, ethnic and religious difference, and sexual politics in order to illuminate the intricate ties between language and identity formation. ...
| | Argument Encoding in Japanese Conversation Release Date: March 24, 2005| ISBN-10: 1403937052 | ISBN-13: 978-1403937056Japanese is well known for its array of argument encoding types, but how is speakers' choice of encoding types to be described? This book investigates the encoding of subject and direct object in conversational Japanese and attempts to explain Japanese argument encodingas a unified system. Qualitative and quantitative analyses of conversation are provided, withthe emphasison speakers' use of the encoding types rather than their acceptability for given arguments. ...
| | Analysing Talk (Studies in English Language) Publication Date: August 23, 1994| ISBN-10: 0333428595 | ISBN-13: 978-0333428597The book offers a step-by-step approach to the task of describing what is systematic in conversational behaviour. The book is organised as a series of practical exercises, teaching skills such as transcribing verbal interaction and identifying and describing special events'. An investigation is made into how participants show awareness of patterns of speech structure (eg taking turns and interrupting). ...
| | Applying Conversation Analysis Release Date: August 11, 2005| ISBN-10: 1403942331 | ISBN-13: 978-1403942333| Edition: First Edition This book explores the relationship between conversation analysis and applied linguistics, demonstrating how the analysis of institutional talk can contribute to professional practice. With a foreword by Paul Drew, the core of the collection brings together researchers from a wide range of applied areas, dealing with topics such as language impairment and speech therapy, medical general practice, retailing, cross-cultural training, radio journalism, higher education and language teaching ...
| | Big Rock Candy Town Release Date: July 6, 2006Big Rock Candy Town is the story of two sisters from Ontario who return to Fernie, BC in the fifties to live with their miner father and his new family. ...
| | Approaches to Discourse (Blackwell Textbooks in Linguistics) Publication Date: January 1994| ISBN-10: 063116622X | ISBN-13: 978-0631166221This book is a guide to the various frameworks, concepts and methods available for the analysis of discourse within linguistics. It compares six dominant approaches to discourse analysis: speech act theory, pragmatics, ethnomethodology, interactional sociolinguistics, ethnography of communication, and variation theory. The author not only considers each approach from several standpoints but she also illustrates each approach through extensive applications to a variety of concrete social and linguistic problems f...
| | Beyond Postmodernism: Reassessment in Literature, Theory, and Culture Publication Date: September 22, 2003After the veritable hype concerning postmodernism in the 1980s and early 1990s, when questions about when it began, what it means and which texts it comprises were apt to trigger heated discussions, the excitement has notably cooled down at the turn of the century. Voices are now beginning to be heard which seem to suggest a new episteme in the making which points beyond postmodernism, while it remains at the same time very uncertain whether what appears as newness is not rather a return to traditional concepts, theoretical premises, and authorial practice...
| | Approaching Postmodernism (Utrecht Publications in General and Comparative Literature,) ...
| | Authors on Writing: Metaphors and Intellectual Labor Release Date: August 11, 2005| ISBN-10: 140394895X | ISBN-13: 978-1403948953Through an original method of interpreting metaphorical stories, Tomlinson argues that writing is both an individual activity and a collective practice, a solitary activity that depends upon rich, sustained, and complex social networks, institutions, and beliefs. This new book draws upon interviews with writers including: Seamus Heaney, Roald Dahl, Samuel Beckett, Bret Easton Ellis, John Fowles, Allen Ginsberg, Alice Walker and Gore Vidal. ...
| | Analyzing Language in Restricted Domains: Sublanguage Description and Processing ...
| | Between Philosophy and Rhetoric: Aesthetics and Meaning in the Postmodern Composition Classroom ...
| | Apocalypse and After: Modern Strategy and Postmodern Tactics in Pound, Williams, and Zukofsky Publication Date: January 30, 1995 Apocalypse and After examines the development of Modernism into Postmodernism as it occurs in the works of three major poets and attends closely to the social and political dimensions of that development as embodied in these writers’ distinctive poetics. Modernism’s struggle to develop a new global strategy was to a great extent a response to the catastrophe of World War I, while the Postmodern resort to fragmentary tactics stems from the failure of Modernist strategy both to avert World War II and to come to terms with ...
| | Anaphora, Discourse, and Understanding: Evidence from English and French Publication Date: July 1, 1999| ISBN-10: 0198236484 | ISBN-13: 978-0198236481"This was a different man," said Mr Welbecker. "Listen! This man was called Hamlet and his uncle had killed his father because he wanted to marry his mother." "What did he want to marry his mother for?" said William. "I've never heard of anyone wanting to marry their mother."* In almost any conversation the meaning of what is said depends on the listener seeing how some words refer to what has already been said, and that others must be related to the characteristics of time, place, or person of the situation aro...
| | Atopian Limits Publication Date: November 8, 2002This comprehensive study of postmodern subjectivity explores some of the most significant challenges confronting the individual in the third millennium - from the role of ethnic difference and immigration in the public sphere, to questions of sexual politics in the work- and market-place, to the effects of technological interference with human and animal bodies, to the increasing unpredictability of global economics. What emerges from the analysis of these issues is a work of unique foresight, clarity, and scholarly integrity - a relentlessly meticulous scru...
| | Being Here: Sociology As Poetry, Self-construction, and Our Time As Language ...
| | Bilingual Couples Talk: The Discursive Construction of Hybridity (Studies in Bilingualism) Publication Date: November 2002| ISBN-10: 158811287X | ISBN-13: 978-1588112873| Edition: New edition This sociolinguistic study of the linguistic practices of bilingual couples describes the conditions, processes and results of private language contact. It is based on a unique corpus of more than 20 hours of private conversations between partners in bilingual marriages. Adding to its breadth of coverage, these private conversations are supplemented with larger public discourses about international couplehood. The volume thus offers a corpus-driven investigation of the ways in which ideol...
| | Analyzing Conversation: Rules and Units in the Structure of Talk (Language and Communication Library) ...
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