The Shape of the Round Table: Structures of Middle High German Arthurian Romance

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Product Details:

  • Hardcover: 249 pages
  • Publisher: Univ. of Toronto Press; First Edition edition (June 1983)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0802024661
  • ISBN-13: 978-0802024664

The Object and Cause in the Vulgate Cycle (Legenda) (Legenda Main Series)The Object and Cause in the Vulgate Cycle (Legenda) (Legenda Main Series)
Publication Date: November 10, 2005| ISBN-10: 190075567X | ISBN-13: 978-1900755672The thirteenth-century French Vulgate Cycle is the earliest vernacular text to trace the Arthurian world from the beginning of the Holy Grail at Christ's crucifixion to the death of the kingdom and its king. In this study, one of the first to treat the Cycle's five texts as a unified work, Miranda Griffin explores notions of chronology and causality within the Cycle, as the text seeks to explain the origins of Arthurian characters, objects and motifs. Informed by psychoanalytical theory, her reading focuses...
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Re-Viewing Le Morte Darthur: Texts and Contexts, Characters and Themes (Arthurian Studies)Re-Viewing Le Morte Darthur: Texts and Contexts, Characters and Themes (Arthurian Studies)
Publication Date: February 15, 2005| ISBN-10: 1843840359 | ISBN-13: 978-1843840350| Edition: First Edition The essays in this collection present a range of new ideas and approaches in Malory studies, looking again (as the title suggests) at several of the most debated critical points. A number of articles focus closely on the implications of the production of the text, ranging from the repercussions of the working habits of the Winchester scribes, as well as of Malory's printers and editors, to a reassessment of Caxton's Preface. There are also nuanced readings of geography and politics ...
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The Poem as Green Girdle: Commercium in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (Humanities Monograph Series)The Poem as Green Girdle: Commercium in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (Humanities Monograph Series)
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Penninc & Pieter Vostaert: Roman Van Walewein (Library of Medieval Literature)Penninc & Pieter Vostaert: Roman Van Walewein (Library of Medieval Literature)
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The Perilous Cemetery (L'Atre perilleux) (Garland Library of Medieval Literature)The Perilous Cemetery (L'Atre perilleux) (Garland Library of Medieval Literature)
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Reconstructing Camelot: French Romantic Medievalism and the Arthurian Tradition (Arthurian Studies)Reconstructing Camelot: French Romantic Medievalism and the Arthurian Tradition (Arthurian Studies)
Publication Date: September 7, 1995| Series: Arthurian Studies (Book 36) French Romanticism was a widespread movement, as apparent in the works of historians and scholars as in the works of creative writers. One of its principal characteristics was the cult of the middle ages, and this book examines the treatment of the Arthurian legends in French Romantic medievalism. Taking into account works of historiography and literary history, as well as literary texts proper, it assesses the place of the Arthurian material in French culture in the period up to 1860, the date of publication of Edgar Q...
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R.I., The Most Pleasant History of Tom a Lincolne (Renaissance English Text Society vol. 7)R.I., The Most Pleasant History of Tom a Lincolne (Renaissance English Text Society vol. 7)
Publication Date: December 1978| Series: Publications / Renaissance English Text Society, 4th Ser., Vol. 7-8 Private printing for the Newberry Library by the University of South Carolina Press ...
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Reading the Morte Darthur (Athurian Studies)Reading the Morte Darthur (Athurian Studies)
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Origins of Arthurian Romances: Early Sources for the Legends of Tristan, the Grail and the Abduction of the QueenOrigins of Arthurian Romances: Early Sources for the Legends of Tristan, the Grail and the Abduction of the Queen
Publication Date: August 23, 2012| ISBN-10: 0786468580 | ISBN-13: 978-0786468584There are three archetypal and widespread Arthurian stories--the abduction of Guinevere, the Holy Grail, and Tristan. Through the author's painstaking research of the literature and comparative literature of the stories, and by studying the history, laws, and archaeology of the post-Roman period, a new methodology was found for approaching sources. This led to strong reasons for making a number of groundbreaking conclusions. Arthurian literature is a potential wealth of information on Arthur's Britain. More i...
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Reading Romance: Literacy, Psychology and Malory's "Le Morte D'Arthur"Reading Romance: Literacy, Psychology and Malory's "Le Morte D'Arthur"
Publication Date: November 1, 2000| Series: Studies in the Humanities (New York, N.Y.), Vol. 51. (Book 51) Sir Thomas Malory's Le Morte D'Arthur is one of the most enduring achievements of English literary history. This study offers a new interpretation of this seminal version of the Arthurian Romances beginning with recognition of its status as one of the first literary works to be mass produced by the typographic age. Acknowledging that literacy revolutionizes the human thought world, and maintaining the validity of exploring the psychological content of traditional literature, a specific ...
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The Return of King Arthur and the Nibelungen: National Myth in Nineteenth-Century English and German Literature (European Cultures, Vol 10)The Return of King Arthur and the Nibelungen: National Myth in Nineteenth-Century English and German Literature (European Cultures, Vol 10)
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The Romance of Arthur: An Anthology of Medieval Texts in TranslationThe Romance of Arthur: An Anthology of Medieval Texts in Translation
Publication Date: January 25, 2013| ISBN-10: 0415782880 | ISBN-13: 978-0415782883| Edition: 3 The Romance of Arthur, James J. Wilhelm’s classic anthology of Arthurian literature, is an essential text for students of the medieval Romance tradition.This fully updated third edition presents a comprehensive reader, mapping the course of Arthurian literature, and is expanded to fully cover: key authors such as Chrétien de Troyes, Thomas of Britain and Thomas Malory, as well as Arthurian texts by women and more obscure sources for Arthurian romanceextensive coverage of key ...
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Radio Camelot: Arthurian Legends on the BBC, 1922-2005 (Arthurian Studies)Radio Camelot: Arthurian Legends on the BBC, 1922-2005 (Arthurian Studies)
Publication Date: February 21, 2008| ISBN-10: 1843841401 | ISBN-13: 978-1843841401| Edition: First Edition Radio has been an important medium for the recreation of the Arthurian legend, reshaping the Matter of Britain in response to changing social and cultural contexts through adapting the traditional material and developing new genres. This pioneering study, drawing on unpublished sources in the BBC Written Archives, uncovers a wealth of material that greatly expands the Arthurian canon. It is both a lively but authoritative record, and critical evaluation, of broadcast music, drama, l...
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Passing of Arthur New Essays in Arthurian Tradition (Garland Reference Library of the Humanities)Passing of Arthur New Essays in Arthurian Tradition (Garland Reference Library of the Humanities)
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The Romance of Yder (Arthurian Studies)The Romance of Yder (Arthurian Studies)
Publication Date: June 16, 1983| Series: Arthurian Studies (Book 8) The Romance of Yder survives in a unique manuscript in Cambridge University Library, and has only once been edited; no translation survives. Yet it is a highly interesting work, reflecting a tradition which reaches back to the beginnings of Arthurian romance in the early 12th century; it is linked to the famous Arthurian sculpture on the cathedral at Modena, and contains an episode which foreshadows the temptation scene in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, while elsewhere Celtic material is much in evidence as the basis of th...
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The Quest of the Holy GrailThe Quest of the Holy Grail
Publication Date: July 18, 2001The noted author of From Ritual to Romance describes and analyzes the literature of the Grail cycle and surveys the leading theories about the origins and meaning of the legend. Her conclusion is that the Grail story is a confused and fragmentary record of a special form of nature worship, which, elevated to the dignity of a mystery, survived as a tradition. Appendix. Bibliography. Index. ...
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Perceval/Parzival: A Casebook (Arthurian Characters and Themes)Perceval/Parzival: A Casebook (Arthurian Characters and Themes)
Publication Date: February 15, 2002| ISBN-10: 0815307810 | ISBN-13: 978-0815307815| Edition: 1 This volume in the Arthurian Characters and Themes series treats the fascinating character of Perceval, the naive and flawed but gifted youth who becomes the Grail hero in some texts and yet is eclipsed in others by Galahad. Also includes eight musical examples. ...
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The Pleier's Arthurian Romances: Garel of the Blooming Valley Tandareis & Flordibel Meleranz (Library of Medieval Literature)The Pleier's Arthurian Romances: Garel of the Blooming Valley Tandareis & Flordibel Meleranz (Library of Medieval Literature)
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