| Why Can't My Turtle Be a Ninja? Publication Date: August 16, 2006If you want to laugh, you can read poems such as "The Wreck of the Ski Bum", "The Family Vacation", "Profit Motive", "Girl Troubles", or "A Forest of Fungus". If you want to bone-up on some of life's lessons, you can read poems such as "Simon Says", "Reginald Dixon Farnsworth, III", "Darwinian Theory", "The Wright Brothers", "Polly and Kevin" or "People Are Like Tea Bags".And yet, there are some of Keith's favorites, such as "Changing Lines", "Keegil's Law of Laughter", "Why Can't My Turtle Be a Ninja?", "Poker with Sasquatch", "Electric Eel", "Jersey Traffic...
 |  | Animal Rescue, Book 1, Seals, Sea Lions And Elephant Seals, Oh My! Publication Date: August 23, 2008This is the first book of the Animal Rescue Series, and photographer John D. Weigand and writer and poet Penelope Dyan continue with Bellissima Publishing, LLC's plan to save the planet one species at a time by making kids and adults aware of the plight of those creatures over which humankind has been given dominion.Their visit to Laguna Beach's Pacific marine Mammal Center brings home the wonderful work that is being done there to saveseals, sea lions and elephant seals that need a little help before they can move along on their way. Dyan is an award winning...
 |  | Nose Pickin': and 50 Other Ways to Tickle Your Brain! Publication Date: January 3, 2005| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up Slip into the classroom and find yourself a desk. Here you will find out what happens when your teacher is a crocodile. You'll also meet Joe Joe Johnson, Billy Von Tapple, and McFarley Ron Kimple with his nose dimple! You will visit the Dingy Den, go to a party with a pink singing zebra, eat an unusual type of trail mix and see what happens when you wear new shoes in Key West, Florida! So come along and see exactly what happens when you stop picking your nose and start tickling your brain with this hilarious colle...
 |  | The Queen of Eene Publication Date: March 1978Fourteen humorous poems including "Poor Old Penelope," "Curious Clyde," and "Uncle Bungle." --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title....
 |  | Carnival of The Animals Publication Date: January 5, 1996Recalling the nonsense verse of Ogden Nash and inspired by Camille Saint-Saens's comic musical fantasia of the same name, this book features 14 clever lyric poems that describe the particularities of carnival-bound beasts, from chickens to kangaroos to lions. The original color etchings convey the energy and excitement of the animals as they approach the festival. ...
 |  | There's an Awful Lot of Weirdos in Our Neighborhood: And Other Wickedly Funny Verse Release Date: August 26, 2002| Age Level: 6 and up | Grade Level: 1 and up A collection of humorous poems about eccentric characters. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title....
 |  | Big Bear Ball Release Date: May 28, 2002| Age Level: 3 and up | Grade Level: P and up Welcome friends, welcome all, welcome to the Big Bear Ball!Deep in the forest, under a full moon and starry sky, bears sway and stomp to the big bear beat. Wake the moles and rouse the foxes! Even a boisterous gator goes for a spin. Who can resist joining in the jump-jiving, splish-splashing midnight fun?Joanne Ryder's toe-tapping verse and Steven Kellogg's jubilant illustrations will set feet moving, fingers snapping, arms swinging, and bodies jumping. Don't waste a second -- leave your two left feet at the shore and co...
 |  | Anything But Hank Publication Date: September 15, 2008| Age Level: 2 and up A baby and pig seek out a Wizard and his Mexican beaded lizard to find a name. ...
 |  | You Are What You...: The Untied Shoelace & Other Revealing Poems Publication Date: April 28, 2000| Age Level: 7 and up Ever wonder what makes you...you? Come along on an inner exploration as Alexander Jenny gleefullyponders one of life's great questions. You'll meet a Creature ofHabits, tussle with Brain-Sucking Monsters, and search your head forjust the right tool to fix an Untied Shoelace. Whether you're a Geniusof Feelings or that Myst'rious Iceberg you keep hidden within, there'sa wondrously wacky-wise poem lurking inside these pages just for you.Eighty delightful india ink line drawings by award-winning artist JennMaynard illustrate Jenny's whimsical...
 |  | There's a Mouse in My House! Publication Date: September 1, 1999| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up In this charming, fun-to-read tale, a young boy is told to get rid of a mouse who has entered the family home. However, that may not be as easy as he thinks -- for this is no ordinary mouse. In order to avoid her certain demise, the mouse convinces the boy to grant her three wishes -- a glass of soda pop, some cheese and a chance to tell her story. And tell it she does......
 |  | My Dog Is a Carrot Release Date: February 1, 2003| Age Level: 6 and up | Grade Level: 1 and up Fans of the silly and outlandish will laugh out loud at this offbeat collection of poems, mischievously illustrated by the poet himself. my doggie don’t wear glassesso they’re lying when they saya dog looks like its owneraren’t theyJohn Hegley’s doggie may not wear glasses, but then, she is a carrot. Enter this celebrated poet’s weird, witty, and bespectacled world and meet the organic leek who has learned how to speak, the octopus who gets a nasty shocktopus, the boy who pretends h...
 |  | Christmas Poems Publication Date: January 6, 2000| Age Level: 4 and up This delightful collection of Christmas poems for young children is lavishly illustrated with entertaining, full-color drawings. Each poem boasts its own two-page color spread featuring the imaginative creations of award-winning artist Nick Sharratt. The anthology includes poems about robins and reindeer, snow and trees, bells and decorations, angels and stars. Santa Claus, of course, figures prominently in most of these short, lively pieces. Among other useful things, kids will learn how Christmas is celebrated "in far-off lands and nea...
 |  | Revolting Poems to Make You Squirm Publication Date: January 6, 2008| Age Level: 9 and up | Grade Level: 4 and up Ready to be grossed out? And made to laugh at the same time? Here are all sorts of disgusting poems about hairs in your food, snot and bogey pie, exploding spots, blood-sucking leeches, slobbery saliva, not to mention things that get caught in your teacher's beard-and between their toes.A hilarious book, this collection of poetry is perfect for reading aloud to your friends and family.Poets include Jack Prelutsky, Wendy Cope, Paul Cookson, and Roger Stevens. ...
 |  | Wee Three: A Mother's Love in Verse Publication Date: December 22, 2009Wee Three, is a place where you can return to the pure joy of innocence, the cherished dreams of one’s youth. Walking with them through each poem you are able to throw off the chains and stresses of everyday life, find serenity, lightness of spirit and love. So enter into the lives, hearts and minds of children either by yourself or in reading it to your children. Share the adventures of “Two-Gun Dink,” Travel to “Up-Side Down Land” or sit in “The Crying Chair.” Let go of the age of computers, television and ...
 |  | Hey! You Aren't the Boss of Me! Publication Date: February 14, 2007Bob Fessler found inspiration from such great children's poets as Shel Silverstein and Dr. Seuss; however, his enthusiasm for poetry has been inspired by his six grandchildren. Poems such as "Skully the Skunk," "Freddy the Frog," "Haircut," and "The Gator with the Cloak and the Cup" offer poetic tales with "morals to the stories" that children will find funny. "Hey, You Aren't the Boss of Me," "I Wouldn't Want to Be a Mom," and "The Name Game" speak to children's relationships with family. All of the poems in Part 1 of this book provide views of the world a...
 |  | Calling All Animals: The First Book of Punoetry (Punoetry, 1) Publication Date: December 2003 ...
 |  | No Perfect People, Please! Poems Publication Date: November 30, 2007This is an illustrated collection of humorous poems about 26 children and their not-so-perfect personalities. Each kid has a funny tongue-twisting name that begins with a letter of the alphabet and reflects a personality trait. From Adam Amazola to Zippy Zelda Zimmerman, children will see themselves in the characters in this book and laugh at how friends and family hilariously cope with their behavior. An Audio CD comes with the book containing eleven poems performed by the author. Asitimbay s funny accents and sound effects will have both younger and older...
 |  | Hugs and Popsicles: A cure for the imagine-Nation Publication Date: September 21, 2010A collection of magical poems to encourage the importance and wonder of imagination, both in children and in the adults who bring them up into this marvelous world. ...
 |  | Maine: The Way Life Is: A Year of Wicked Good Poetry Publication Date: September 2001Funny children's poetry about real Maine topicssuch as skidders, blackflies, and wearing blazeorange. Pottle's Giggle, Giggle, Snicker, Laugh! Has been afavorite web site of children around the world. NowPottle brings readers on a journey through his home state. MAINE:The Way Life Is will be loved by children, cherished byseasonal visitors, and treasured by all those who loveMaine, both young and old. ...
 |  | Don't Take Your Elephant to School: An Alphabet of Poems Publication Date: October 1, 2006| Age Level: 7 and up | Grade Level: 2 and up In this collection—Steve Turner's fifth children's poetry book—he returns to much of the word play and wit of the best-selling, The Day I Fell Down the Toilet. Using the alphabet as a framework, he has written three poems for each letter. This highly entertaining book will delight all Turner fans and teachers will appreciate the varied poetry forms, such as concrete, limerick, nonsense, free, rhyming, and more. ...
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