| Discover Science: Apes and Monkeys Release Date: August 16, 2011| Age Level: 5 and up | Grade Level: K and up...
 | Ooo Ooo Ooo Gorilla! Publication Date: April 28, 2008| Age Level: 3 and up Hooray! Gorilla has come to stayand he crashes through the door full of excitement and anticipation. At first he's not disappointed since the family has thought of everything to make him comfortable. But then it begins to snow. Although Gorilla likes the look and taste of snow, he's not a natural at all the snow-related activities they try. With skiing and skating, he wibbles and wobbles all over the place before falling over. "Ooo, ooo, ooo," he cries. He doesn't like it. Even his snowman falls on top of him! So how can the little ...
 | Willy the Champ Release Date: March 7, 1995Tired of being teased by suburban gorillas for his scant interest in macho pursuits, Willy takes up soccer, bike racing, and swimming--all with a notable lack of success. But when chief bully Buster Nose threatens Willy, our hero accidentally decks the thug, gaining hero status. ...
 | Little Chimp (Noisy Jungle Babies) Publication Date: February 1, 2007| Grade Level: PreK and up...
 | El mono que queria leer / The Monkey that Wanted to Read (El Duende Verde / the Green Elf) (Spanish Edition) ...
 | A Visual Introduction to Monkeys & Apes: A Visual Introduction to Monkeys and Apes (Animal Watch) Publication Date: March 2000| Age Level: 9 and up...
 | Curious George Animals Puzzle Book Publication Date: March 7, 2011| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up...
 | Just the Thing! Publication Date: April 18, 2005| Age Level: 3 and up...
 | I'm Lucy: A Day in the Life of a Young Bonobo Publication Date: March 1, 2008| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up Meet Lucy. She's a bonobo and she's a lot like you! In this story, you'll learn about Lucy and her family and see amazing photographs that will make you laugh out loud. What is a bonobo? Bonobos are our closest great ape relatives who live in a uniquely peaceful and matriarchal society. Tragically, scientists predict bonobo extinction within 10 years unless humans protect them and their habitat, the rainforests of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in Africa. People can help though! All profits from I'm Lucy go ...
 | Where is Curious George?: A Look and Find Book Release Date: February 12, 2013| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up...
 | Jane Goodall (History Maker Bios (Lerner)) ...
 | Gorillas (Amazing Animals) ...
 | Monkey Business (Sticker Stories) Release Date: January 19, 2006| Age Level: 3 and up | Grade Level: P and up...
 | Curious George Seasons Puzzle Book Publication Date: March 7, 2011| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up...
 | Don't Take Monkeys Home To Lunch Publication Date: November 17, 2011Jimmy learns how much trouble three hungry monkeys can cause when they follow him home from the zoo while searching for food. ...
 | Petit Singe cherche son refuge/Little Monkey's One Safe Place (French/English Edition) (English and French Edition) Publication Date: July 28, 2008| Age Level: 3 and up | Grade Level: P and up...
 | Anton y los banos de luna/ Anton and the Moontan (El Duende Verde / the Green Elf) (Spanish Edition) ...
 | Curious George Plays Mini Golf (Turtleback School & Library Binding Edition) (Curious George: An Early Reader: Level 1) Publication Date: August 25, 2008| Age Level: 6 and up | Grade Level: 1 and up...
![Monkey's Clever Tale [With CD (Audio)] (Traditional Tales with a Twist)](https://imageproxy.pixnet.cc/imgproxy?url=https://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51ztX7QOdkL._SL500_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-big,TopRight,35,-73_OU01_SS500_.jpg&width=150) | Monkey's Clever Tale [With CD (Audio)] (Traditional Tales with a Twist) Publication Date: April 1, 2011| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up...
 | Eres curioso todo el tiempo! Curious George Curious You: On Your Way! (English and Spanish Edition) Release Date: April 17, 2012| Age Level: 5 and up | Grade Level: K and up...