| Dumpy at School Release Date: October 1, 2000| Grade Level: P and up Charlie, who is nervous about his first day of school, and Dumpy the Dumptruck, who is nervous about his first construction job, gradually adjust to their new settings after making new friends. ...
 |  | Birthday Vicious (The Ashleys, Book 3) Release Date: August 5, 2008| Age Level: 9 and up Ashley spencer considers her birthday to be the most important event next to . . well, okay, it's just the most important event, period. Hello. So when the invite list is cast and the custom embossed invitations are sent, it's a who's-who list of San Francisco's best tweens. If people don't yet know whether they are in or out, this party is sure to draw the lines of coolness in the most permanent of inks. Ashley intends to prove that there's a reason she's been at the top of the social food chain her entire life, and she's not about to be uns...
 |  | Northward to the Moon (My One Hundred Adventures) Release Date: February 23, 2010| Age Level: 10 and up | Grade Level: 5 and up...
 |  | Big Brother Now: A Story about Me and Our New Baby Publication Date: October 1, 2008| Age Level: 2 and up In this story, Jake "a new big brother" explains his feelings of being left out and forgotten when his baby sister Abby arrives. He experiences the typical confusion and mixed emotions that result in having to share his parents with a new and demanding sibling. But with wit and a resourceful nature, Jake explores his new role and achieves the confidence to embrace his little sister. Ultimately, the story demonstrates how kids can feel warm, safe, and loved in their family as they move from being a beloved only child to occupying a new an...
 |  | Ruby's Slippers Release Date: July 20, 2010| Age Level: 9 and up Ruby Lee has never downloaded an iTune, heard of Facebook, nor seen a video on YouTube. Raised in rural Kansas with her mom as her best friend, she’s cozy and content. But everything changes when she and her mom move to Florida to care for her grandmother, Nana Dottie. Ruby quickly realizes she’s definitely not in Kansas anymore—the kids in her huge school are totally different…but her new life is not so bad. What is bad is the fifteen-year-feud between Ruby’s mother and grandmother that shows no signs of end...
 |  | Maisy Goes on a Sleepover Release Date: May 8, 2012| Age Level: 3 and up | Grade Level: P and up...
 |  | Carmen Learns English Publication Date: July 1, 2011| Age Level: 5 and up | Grade Level: K and up The first day of school can be scary, especially when no one else speaks your language. Carmen, who speaks only Spanish, knows she must be brave. Her teacher's Spanish is muy terrible; but with a little encouragement from la Senora, Carmen teaches the class Spanish words and numbers, and she in turn learns English from her new friends. ...
 |  | Skylark Release Date: March 30, 1994| Age Level: 6 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up When Sarah came to the prairie, Anna and her brother Caleb worried that she would not stay and be their new mother. But Sarah fell in love with Caleb and Anna, and with their father, Jacob. Together they became a family. Jacob is a man of the land but for Sarah, the prairie isn't yet her home. So when a drought threatens to devastate their way of life, Jacob must save the farm. But the children go back to the home Sarah knew first, Maine, where there is family and an ocean. But will they ever be a family again on the p...
 |  | Дерево вишні Енді | Andy's Cherry Tree (Ukrainian Edition) Publication Date: January 23, 2007Andy's family is moving to a new house. His mother, his father, and his sister all pack up their favorite things. But Andy can't pack his favorite thing: It's growing in their backyard! It's a beautiful cherry tree, and Andy will miss it terribly. He picks some cherries to bring to the new house, and the family eats them with their lunch. When he mentions how much he misses his tree, his mother has a wonderful idea!Сім`я Енді переїжджає до ...
 |  | Mr. Ouchy's First Day Release Date: July 20, 2006| Age Level: 5 and up | Grade Level: P and up Mr. Ouchy is nervous about his first day of school . . . even though he’s the teacher! Will his students like him? Will he be able to find the bathroom? What if he can’t remember his students’ names? Fortunately, his classroom keeps him busy; his students have plenty of their own questions, and the first day of school turns into a great day discussing things like Mr. Ouchy’s funny name, how long a minute really lasts, and what everyone wants to learn in the upcoming year—things like whistli...
 |  | It's Your First Day of School, Annie Claire Publication Date: August 1, 2009| Age Level: 3 and up | Grade Level: P and up Is tomorrow the day? Yes it is, my dear.The first day of schoolWill finally be here. It’s Annie Claire’s first day of school, and she doesn’t know what to expect: What if she snores during nap time? What if the other kids count and color better than she can? What if no one plays with her? Perfect for every child who is about to start school and needs some reassurance about the changes to come, the cheerful text and soothing illustrations in It’s Your First Day of School, A...
 |  | The Adventure (Rip Squeak and Friends) (Rip Squeak and Friends) Publication Date: May 30, 2005| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up...
 |  | Grasper: A Young Crab's Discovery Release Date: March 1, 2004| Age Level: 5 and up | Grade Level: K and up A crab comes out of his shell, travels beyond his small, comfortable world, and brings back an inspirational message of possibility and courage to his fellow crabs who remained in the old tidepool. ...
 |  | When Jo Louis Won the Title Publication Date: August 26, 1996| Age Level: 5 and up | Grade Level: K and up Jo Louis dreads her first day in her new school because she is sure that the other children will make fun of her name. ...
 |  | I Like Where I Am Release Date: March 30, 2004| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up This boy has trouble. The movers are here and they're loading the truck without a care for his feelings.’Cause I like my room and I like my school,And we live real close to a swimming pool,And my best friend lives around the block.Why move to a place called Little RockAnyway? Any child who has ever had to move will relate to the feelings of loss and also rejoice in the boy's newfound pleasures when he gets to his new neighborhood. ...
 |  | Through the Mist Publication Date: May 10, 2012THROUGH THE MIST is about Takoda, an American Indian boy that is driven to discover how everything comes to be. Under the guidance of Wicasa, the wise old village chief, Takoda finds himself undertaking a journey to the top of Misty Mountain to personally meet the Great Spirit. But when things don't go the way Takoda expects them to, he learns to look within and discovers that the source he is really seeking is love itself! ...
 |  | Princess for Hire Release Date: March 16, 2010| Age Level: 10 and up | Grade Level: 5 and up...
 |  | Helping Hand Books: Lauren's Moving Day Publication Date: August 2, 2011| Age Level: 5 and up | Grade Level: K and up...
 |  | Walk On!: (Gift Edition) Publication Date: April 1, 2008| Age Level: 3 and up Trying something new is never easy. Like walking, for instance. But aren't you sick of sitting on your bottom day in and day out? Hasn't lying around all the time become a little bit boring? This handy guide, both practical and inspirational, is here to help. With useful tips, common pitfalls, and Marla Frazee's adorable illustrations, this book is perfect for anyone--from a baby to a graduate to a grown-up--who's about to take a scary first step. ...
 |  | I Fly Release Date: April 7, 1997| Age Level: 3 and up From the exhilaration of take-off to the joy of seeing one's family at the arrival gate, here is an ideal book to prepare a child for his or her first airline flight--solo or en famille. Anne Rockwell, beloved author of many popular children's books on transportation, takes readers on a typical flight, describing in fascinating detail the many sights, sounds, and feelings of the journey from a young traveler's point of view. Annette Cable's (Me on the Map) detailed and vibrant illustrations perfectly complement the child-friendly text while he...
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