| Mr. Browne and the Rose Show Publication Date: May 18, 2010Mr. Browne's roses are participating in the town of Perennial's rose show! Their unique shades of brown make them perfect for the competition, but not everyone is excited about roses that are different. Mr. Browne and the Rose Show is a touching story of overcoming prejudice, embracing individuality, and the innocence of children. Follow along and see if Mr. Browne's prized roses have what it takes to win the show. ...
 | More Alike Than Different: Coloring Book Publication Date: May 31, 2012Christian Friends Coloring Story Book for Children of all Ages. Matthew has many friends and each of them is unique in his or her own way. Juan is from Mexico, Amira from the Middle east. Mia is from China and Connor lives on a farm (instead of the city, like Matthew). Still, no matter if they eat different foods, have differently-colored skin or eyes, or whether or not they use a wheelchair to get around, these friends always find that they when they play and have fun, they are much more alike than different! ...
 | Mother's Rights Publication Date: December 1996Description from the publisher: Through these eight little stories from Hadith and events in our history, children are taught the high status accorded to the mother in Islam. Illustrated in colour. Table Contents: Asma's Mother. Imam al-Ghazali's Mother A Mother' Right. A King and a Gardener. Women's Place in Islam. The Allowance for Children. Umm Salamah ...
 | Moving on (Fyi) Publication Date: March 22, 2009| Series: Fyi Should Minty follow a traditional Traveller life? Or can she find a new way? A truthful powerful look at Gypsies and Travelllers today. Barrington Stoke specialise in books for reluctant, struggling and dyslexic readers. ...
 | Martin Luther King, Jr.: Young Man With A Dream (Turtleback School & Library Binding Edition) (Childhood of Famous Americans (Pb)) Publication Date: November 1, 1983| Age Level: 9 and up | Grade Level: 4 and up...
 | Miles Song Publication Date: January 2002It is 1851.Miles is a house slave on the Tilery Plantation, but when he is caught looking at an open book, he is sent to the breaking ground where he learns what it really means to be a slave.12-year-old Miles is allowed to work in the great house on the Tillery Plantation, where he is training to be a house servant, rather than labor in the fields.But after he is caught looking at an open book while dusting the library, Miles is banished from the mansion and sent to the breaking ground.There, he learns what it truly means to feel like a slave.But it is also at ...
 | Mary Lou Likes Blue Publication Date: May 1, 1999This is an illustrated childrens book written for thesole purpose of teaching children the consequences of being prejudice.It is an entertaining look at a small girl who loves the color blueand thinks it would be great if everything in the world were blue.After getting her wish she soon discovers how important it is for theworld to have all the colors and she is glad it does. ...
 | The Montgomery Bus Boycott (American Moments) ...
 | Martin Luther King, JR.: We Shall Overcome (African-American Biographies (Enslow)) ...
 | Multicultural World (Understanding Immigration) Publication Date: October 13, 2005 ...
 | Mr. Browne's Roses Publication Date: August 5, 1999"Mr. Browne's Roses" is a fictional story for the veryyoung reader who has yet to discover the world of color awareness.It verifies the fact that children are inherently innocent. We, asadults, are responsible for cultivating seeds of respect, compassionand tolerance. ...
 | The Mixed-Up Pup Publication Date: November 19, 1999| Age Level: 4 and up Butch a newcomer from the Land of People dislikes all cats and any dogs that don't look like him.Will he persuade all the young islanders to judge others by their looks? Or will the grown up islanders convince Butch that what really matters is what is on the inside?Read it and find out whether "The Mixed-Up Pup" stays mixed up. ...
 | Mind's Eye (Shades) Publication Date: November 1, 2011| Age Level: 11 and up | Grade Level: 5 and up...
 | The Moving Activity Book Publication Date: July 15, 2005Companion book to New Home, New School, this fun-filled activity book invites children to join in the fun of Wordsworth's big move. ...
 | Mississippi Chariot Publication Date: January 1997| Age Level: 9 and up | Grade Level: 4 and up In Mississippi in 1936, twelve-year-old Shortning Bread Jackson tries to help his falsely convicted father while dealing with the troubled racial climate in his town. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title....
 | Misfits -Lib -Nop/097 Publication Date: December 1, 2002| Age Level: 10 and up A little too smart, a little too fat, Bobby Goodspeed has always been a go along to get along kind of guy. But when his friend Addie decides to tackle the student council elections, Bobby finds himself changing in ways he never could have imagined in this tender, touching, utterly hilarious novel of life as a middle school misfit. ...
 | Moonchap (Flying Foxes) ...
 | Maybe Tomorrow Release Date: September 1, 2000| Age Level: 10 and up | Grade Level: 5 and up It seems only yesterday that we arrived at this school, each of us alone, each of us searching, each of us a little afraid.Suddenly the year is over. We are leaving.Again, each of us will be alone. But each has discovered there is no need to be afraid. For no matter how far apart two friends must journey, it is still the same sunrise. And, maybe tomorrow, what we have all been searching for will all come clear. In a time when Canada is still young and prejudice against its native peoples still socially acceptable, ...
 | The Message Writer Publication Date: January 1997| Age Level: 8 and up Twelve-year-old Naomi is short, she has Russell-SilverSyndrome. Her best friend is Tara, from Laos. Both girls are beingtormented by the mysterious message writer who progresses fromname-calling, chalk-scribbled writings on the sidewalks in front ofthe girls homes to threats and thefts.Told by Naomi, the story of prejudice unfolds in preteen tempo andvocabulary. Naiomis views of the world and how the world views herwill be parallel to the readers.As Naomi and Tara attempt to discover the message writersidentity, their relationships with sch...
 | Mr. Touchdown Publication Date: July 29, 2005In 1965, the South remained defiantly segregated. Eddie Russell, a star football player, and his timid sister, Lakeesha, are told they will be helping to desegregate an all-white high school. Their father tells them they will be fighting for a righteous cause, but they arent buying itbecause they have no choice in the matter.From the first day of school, the wall of hostility Eddie and Lakeesha face at Forrest High School seems unbreakable, until they meet cheerleader Nancy Martin. She sees the cruelty and crosses the line to befriend the black stud...