| Little Horse Publication Date: January 2002| Age Level: 8 and up Weak in body but strong in spirit, Little Horse survives prejudice in his herd and leads the other wild horses to the New Land, where they will be safe from the two-legged ones. ...
 |  | Mamita, Hay Un Ninito Debajo de Mi Cama! (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: May 15, 2010"Mamita, Hay Un Ninito Debaja di Mi Cama!"is the story of a little monster, Markito, who is terrifed that there is a little boy hiding under his bed. The story is about how children fear and distrust people and things that are different, but in the most important ways, we are all the same. It is a lesson even parents sometimes need to learn. ...
 |  | Lift Every Voice and Sing Release Date: October 16, 2007| Age Level: 4 and upSing a song full of the faith that the dark past has taught us,Sing a song full of the hope that the present has brought us. Written by James Weldon Johnson in 1900 to celebrate Abraham Lincoln's birthday, "Lift Every Voice and Sing" has become an anthem for African Americans in the struggle for equality. Bryan Collier's vibrant, stunning artwork offers an inspirational and rousing interpretation of this powerful song that continues to influence and shape new generations of children today....
 |  | Lunch-Box Dream Release Date: January 8, 2013| Age Level: 10 and up Bobby and his family are visiting Civil War battlefields on the eve of the war’s centenary, while inside their car, quiet battles rage. When an accident cuts their trip short, they return home on a bus and witness an incident that threatens to deny a black family seats. What they don’t know is the reason for the family’s desperation to be on that bus: a few towns away, their child is missing.Lunch-Box Dream presents Jim Crow, racism, and segregation from multiple perspectives. In this story of witnessing wi...
 |  | Mary Lou Likes Blue Publication Date: May 1, 1999This is an illustrated childrens book written for thesole purpose of teaching children the consequences of being prejudice.It is an entertaining look at a small girl who loves the color blueand thinks it would be great if everything in the world were blue.After getting her wish she soon discovers how important it is for theworld to have all the colors and she is glad it does. ...
 |  | Martin Luther King, JR.: We Shall Overcome (African-American Biographies (Enslow)) ...
 |  | Maybe Tomorrow Release Date: September 1, 2000| Age Level: 10 and up | Grade Level: 5 and up It seems only yesterday that we arrived at this school, each of us alone, each of us searching, each of us a little afraid.Suddenly the year is over. We are leaving.Again, each of us will be alone. But each has discovered there is no need to be afraid. For no matter how far apart two friends must journey, it is still the same sunrise. And, maybe tomorrow, what we have all been searching for will all come clear. In a time when Canada is still young and prejudice against its native peoples still socially acceptable, ...
 |  | Little Rock Publication Date: October 1, 1994| Age Level: 9 and up | Grade Level: 4 and up...
 |  | Lost Soul Publication Date: April 14, 2003| Age Level: 4 and up Fourteen-year-old Elisa Mathers is a middle-class, African-American teen who dreams of college and escaping small-town life. For now, though, she has to worry about avoiding school bullies and surviving high school. Because she is labeled an Oreo at school, Elisa has few friends, and she is often the main target of the clique, Parfait, and its leader, Correne. What makes matters worse is that Elisas ex-best friend, Rachel, has joined Parfait, and Elisa still feels the sting of betrayal. Even so, Elisa tries to look forwa...
 |  | Little Polar Bear Publication Date: December 17, 2010| Age Level: 7 and up...
 |  | Lost for Words ...
 |  | The Message Writer Publication Date: January 1997| Age Level: 8 and up Twelve-year-old Naomi is short, she has Russell-SilverSyndrome. Her best friend is Tara, from Laos. Both girls are beingtormented by the mysterious message writer who progresses fromname-calling, chalk-scribbled writings on the sidewalks in front ofthe girls homes to threats and thefts.Told by Naomi, the story of prejudice unfolds in preteen tempo andvocabulary. Naiomis views of the world and how the world views herwill be parallel to the readers.As Naomi and Tara attempt to discover the message writersidentity, their relationships with sch...
 |  | THE LEOPARD'S DRUM : An Asante Talefrom West Africa ...
 |  | Martin Luther King, Jr.: Young Man With A Dream (Turtleback School & Library Binding Edition) (Childhood of Famous Americans (Pb)) Publication Date: November 1, 1983| Age Level: 9 and up | Grade Level: 4 and up...
 |  | Little Nippers - Festivals: Pack A (Little Nippers: Festivals): Pack A (Little Nippers: Festivals) ...
 |  | Martin Luther King, JR.: Civil Rights Hero (Famous Lives (Raintree)) ...
 |  | Los Ni Publication Date: March 1, 2012Ansaba Gavor nació en Providence, Rhode Island, de padres Ghaneses. El hecho de haber nacido en una cultura diferente a la nativa de sus padres, hizo que la autora tenga que adaptarse a dos culturas y lidiar entre los valores de sus padres y los de sus amigos Americanos. Actualmente como madre experimenta lo mismo educando a su niña de una manera bicultural inspirandose en escribir su primer libro Los Niños Son Como los Pasteles, para motivar a su hija y a todos los niños a sentirse cómodos con sus diferencias. ...
 |  | Martin Luther King, Jr. (Leading Lives) ...
 |  | Maizon at Blue Hill ...
 |  | Miles Song Publication Date: January 2002It is 1851.Miles is a house slave on the Tilery Plantation, but when he is caught looking at an open book, he is sent to the breaking ground where he learns what it really means to be a slave.12-year-old Miles is allowed to work in the great house on the Tillery Plantation, where he is training to be a house servant, rather than labor in the fields.But after he is caught looking at an open book while dusting the library, Miles is banished from the mansion and sent to the breaking ground.There, he learns what it truly means to feel like a slave.But it is also at ...
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