| Benjamin Franklin: Writer, Inventor, Statesman (Biographies (Picture Window Books)) Publication Date: January 1, 2006| Age Level: 5 and up | Grade Level: K and up...
 | What the Native Americans Wore (Native American Life) ...
 | Founding Fathers (Chester Comix) Publication Date: July 1, 2006| Age Level: 9 and up | Grade Level: 4 and up...
 | The New Jersey Colony (Fact Finders: American Colonies) Publication Date: January 1, 2006| Age Level: 7 and up | Grade Level: 2 and up...
 | Pocahontas y las primeras colonias (En La Epoca De/ Life in the Time of) (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: February 6, 2008| Age Level: 6 and up | Grade Level: 1 and up...
 | The Eve of Revolution Release Date: July 1, 2003| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up...
 | Pocahontas and the Early Colonies (Life in the Time of) Publication Date: August 25, 2007| Age Level: 6 and up | Grade Level: 1 and up...
 | Life in Colonial Boston (Picture the Past) Publication Date: September 10, 2003| Age Level: 6 and up | Grade Level: 1 and up...
 | Paul Revere (American Lives) Publication Date: May 30, 2003| Age Level: 6 and up | Grade Level: 1 and up...
 | The Declaration of Independence (Cornerstones of Freedom: Third) Publication Date: September 1, 2011| Age Level: 9 and up | Grade Level: 4 and up...
 | Independence Hall (Symbols of Freedom) Publication Date: July 14, 2005| Age Level: 6 and up | Grade Level: 1 and up...
 | Fearless Captain: The Adventures of John Smith (Founders of the Republic) ...
 | The Life of Paul Revere (Famous Lives) ...
 | The Maryland Colony (Fact Finders: American Colonies) Publication Date: January 1, 2006| Age Level: 7 and up | Grade Level: 2 and up...
 | The North Carolina Colony (Fact Finders: American Colonies) Publication Date: January 1, 2006| Age Level: 7 and up | Grade Level: 2 and up...
 | Anne Hutchinson (American Lives) Publication Date: November 8, 2004| Age Level: 6 and up | Grade Level: 1 and up...
 | Colonial Traditions (Colonial Quest) Publication Date: September 1, 2011| Age Level: 7 and up | Grade Level: 2 and up...
 | John Adams (American Lives) Publication Date: November 8, 2004| Age Level: 6 and up | Grade Level: 1 and up...
 | The Story of the Star Spangled Banner Publication Date: April 2005Oh say, does that star spangled banner yet wave oer the land of the free and the home of the brave?Our national anthem, The Star Spangled Banner, is sung on many occasions, including sporting events, national celebrations, and school functions.But did you know the words of Francis Scott Key were inspired by a battle that determined the course of our countrys freedom?Read The Story of the Star Spangled Banner by Anne M. Beiter and Elizabeth A. Beiter to learn about this battle and to celebrate the birth of democracy in our countr...
 | The Battle of Bunker Hill: An Interactive History Adventure (You Choose Books) Publication Date: September 1, 2007| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up...