| The Mystery of Being Jewish Publication Date: October 1989| ISBN-10: 0807404012 | ISBN-13: 978-0807404010Presents biographies of men and women whose Jewishness influenced their lives and whose lives often had an extraordinary influence on the world around them. ...
 | Mother Teresa (Biography (Lerner Hardcover)) Publication Date: April 1999| Age Level: 11 and up...
 | Pope John Paul II (Breaking Barriers) Publication Date: September 2002| Age Level: 9 and up...
 | Remember Who You Are: Stories About Being Jewish (Walker Large Print Books) Publication Date: January 1992 ...
 | Mother Teresa: An Unauthorized Biography (Heinemann Profiles) Publication Date: August 1, 2000| Age Level: 9 and up | Grade Level: 4 and up...
 | Saint Joan of Arc (Biography (Lerner Hardcover)) Publication Date: August 18, 2000| Age Level: 11 and up | Grade Level: 6 and up...
 | My Little Book About Joseph ...
 | Mother Teresa (Woa) (Women of Achievement) ...
 | Sor Juana Ines De La Cruz Publication Date: March 1, 1994| Age Level: 7 and up...
 | Mother Theresa (Great Names) ...
 | The Rise of Islam (Biographical History) Publication Date: March 1995| Age Level: 11 and up...
 | Saint Nicholas: The Story of the Real Santa Claus ...
 | Poor Pio Publication Date: April 1, 2008Born in poverty-stricken southern Italy in 1887, Francesco Forgione manifested spiritual gifts from God as early as age five when he began to have visions of his guardian angel, Mary, and Jesus. After Francesco's ordination in 1910, he was known as Padre Pio, and his holiness impressed his fellow friars and drew thousands of "spiritual children" to him. The Padre counseled, encouraged, and often healed the millions of pilgrims from all over the world who climbed the mountain to reach the friary of Our Lady of Grace where St. Pio ministered to all who came to hi...
 | Pope John Paul II (Importance of) ...
 | Where is Love Publication Date: March 13, 2008Powerful Book on Purity. As the passion to share her story grew, Cindy began seeking ways to help others learn from her mistakes.She knew that if her experiences could help at least one other person, then she would have found a way to comfort them too.This book was borne from her many seminars, Bible studies, one-on-one sessions, and prayer for the Lord's direction.I know you will sense Cindy's thirst for God, as you read this chronicle of pain and perseverance.May you also find forgiveness, compassion and healing in the One who alone can fill our love-hunger:...
 | Remembering Martin Luther King, Jr.: His Life and Crusade in Pictures (Time Inc. Home Entertainment Library-Bound Titles) ...
 | The Story of Jesus: Photographed As If You Were There! Publication Date: August 1997The life of Jesus is recounted in easy-to-read language for children, while full-color photos of authentically costumed models give young readers a visual recreation of Biblical times. Major events from the New Testament are retold in this narrative, including the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, young Jesus in the Temple of Jerusalem, and the gathering of the Apostles. ...
 | Sojourner Truth: American Abolitionist (Heroes of the Faith) Publication Date: May 1998| Age Level: 11 and up...
 | Mother Teresa (History Maker Bios (Lerner)) Publication Date: March 1, 2009| Age Level: 7 and up | Grade Level: 2 and up...
 | Rosa Young (Hero of Faith) ...