| Egermeier's Picture Story Life of Jesus ...
 | Breaking Barriers Set II ...
 | Gladys Aylward: The Little Woman Publication Date: June 1996A solitary woman. A foreign country. An unknown language. An impossible dream? No. With no mission board to support or guide her and less than ten dollars in her pocket, Gladys Aylward left her home in England to answer God's call to take the message of the gospel to China. With the Sino-Japanese War waging around her, she struggled to bring the basics of life and the fullness of God to orphaned children. Time after time, God triumphed over impossible situations, and drew people to Himself. The Little Woman tells the story of one woman's determination to serve God ...
 | Dalai Lama (Great Names) ...
 | Hannah Szenes: A Song of Light Publication Date: July 1998| ISBN-10: 0827606621 | ISBN-13: 978-0827606623| Edition: Rev Upd The true tragic story of a young girl who gave her life in the struggle to save the doomed Jews of Europe. ...
 | The Dream of Martin Luther King (Days That Shook the World) Publication Date: August 2003| Age Level: 10 and up | Grade Level: 5 and up...
 | Desmond Tutu (People Who Have Helped the World Series) ...
 | David, the Son of Jesse Publication Date: May 11, 2011This book draws the story of David's life out from the lengthy history of Judah.The poetry makes it easy to read and explain to children. I loved drawing the pictures which tell a story in themselves. I hope the children and adults will be drawn to a closer knowledge of why David was also called, " A Man after God's own Heart." Like us David was far from perfect, but always turned to God when he needed help. ...
 | Conversion of the Russian Jew Isaac Levinsohn Publication Date: December 1996| Age Level: 9 and up Isaac was born in Russia to devote Jewish parents. He chronicles his early years and his studies. One great question consumed him, "If death should summon me, will I be unworthy to stand before God unpardoned?" Thus Isaac embarks on a lifetime journey. Troubles plague him, but he has the love and support of his family. Then he meets a fellow Jew in a Christian church. His progress is related through letters to his father and thereplies he received. The conclusion of the book is a series of fragments from his wanderings in the land of his f...
 | Brother Andrew ...
 | C.S. Lewis: Author of Mere Christianity (Heroes of the Faith (Chelsea House)) Publication Date: August 1998 ...
 | By Cross and Anchor Study Edition: The Story of Frederic Baraga on Lake Superior Publication Date: July 16, 2012Discover the exciting, and often miraculous, missionary adventures of the "Snowshoe Priest"-Venerable Frederic Baraga, the first bishop of Michigan's Upper Peninsula. Declared "Venerable" by Pope Benedict XVI on May 10, 2012, this priest came to the United States from Slovenia in 1830 to undertake his mission as a "simple servant of God." For almost forty years, Fr. Frederic Baraga traveled across over 80,000 square miles of wilderness by snowshoe in winter and canoe in summer. In imitation of Christ, Bishop Baraga become poor so that he might bring the riches ...
 | bout Mary Color Book (10-Pack) Publication Date: June 1, 1988| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up Coloring book focusing on the life of our Blessed Mother. Imprimatur. Recommended in Catholic Heritage Preschool, Catholic Heritage Kindergarten, Seton Home Study Grade K Publisher: Catholic Book Format: 32 pages, paperback ISBN: 9780899426853 ...
 | Breaking Barriers ...
 | A Breath Away Release Date: December 10, 2003For a "boy next door" child in trouble, parents do whatever it takes to deal with their son when he chooses the wrong path to pursue. This is the true story of unconditional love, selfless sacrifice and parents wrapped up in the poor decisions of their son. There are areas of sex, drugs, violence, love, and tragedy involved. Scenes are high emotion and evolve around places known to everyone who has family or friends and their kids in trouble- this story relates to everyone! ...
 | Evangelist to the World: The Story of Billy Graham (Stories of Faith & Fame) Publication Date: May 1, 1989| Age Level: 9 and up | Grade Level: 4 and up...
 | Esther Finds the Way Release Date: March 11, 2005This is Esther's story . Her planned birth and education to begining our life together. ...
 | First Hymns (Presentation Edition) (First Books) Publication Date: December 1, 1987| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up...
 | Christopher Columbus: Man With a Vision Publication Date: July 3, 2011This book, designed for children, but porfitable reading for adults, emphasizes the zeal of Christopher Columbus to extend the Christ's Kingdom as a motivating force in his perseverence to "Sail on, sail on, sail on, and on." ...
 | George Washington Carver (Heroes of the Faith (Chelsea House)) Publication Date: December 1998| Age Level: 11 and up...