| Women of Hope: African-Americans Who Made a Difference Publication Date: November 1998| Age Level: 8 and up Features photographs and biographies of thirteen African-American women, including Maya Angelou, Ruby Dee, and Alice Walker. ...
 |  | Meet Abraham Lincoln Release Date: May 6, 1989This warmly told biography of our sixteenth president is enriched by many authentic but seldom told anecdotes and complemented by bold color illustrations that capture the spirit of Lincoln and his era. ...
 |  | The Adventures of Little Billy Barber: Billy's First Flight Lesson Publication Date: July 6, 2010Billy Barber was destined to become a world-class pilot. He was only 11 when he made his first solo flight. In his mid-20s, Captain William A. Barber became one of the youngest commercial airline captains in the United States. He was a flying renaissance man who performed aerobatic stunts for 25 years. "Billy's First Flight Lesson" is based on Billy's experiences as he embarked upon his remarkable career. ...
 |  | Aesock's Travels: Lights, Camera, Edison! / Los Viajes de Aesock: Publication Date: May 2004 ...
 |  | Maya Lin (Contemporary Biographies) Publication Date: January 1997 ...
 |  | DAVY CROCKETT (A Yearling Biography) Release Date: October 1, 1993 ...
 |  | Lew Wallace: Boy Writer (Young Patriots series) Publication Date: April 1, 2001| Age Level: 9 and up | Grade Level: 4 and up...
 |  | Sonia Sotomayor: Jueza de la Corte Suprema / Supreme Court Judge (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: September 2010| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up A free-verse biography of Americas first Hispanic Supreme Court justice. ...
 |  | Steven Spielberg: Master Storyteller (Newsmakers Biographies Series) Publication Date: January 1997 ...
 |  | Daniel Boone's Echo ...
 |  | Short Circus Release Date: March 15, 2010| Age Level: 9 and up | Grade Level: 4 and up Back to school, but not so fast! Jem Lockwood's first assignment is to write a composition on what he did during the summer, and he tells the teacher he could write a book. Short Circus is Jem's own story about his remarkable adventures with his Big Brother, Jesse Standish, and a host of neighbors and friends, plus a mysterious enemy who keeps sabotaging the swimming pond. There are bike jumping contests, fistfights, motorbikes, visits to seaside towns for festivals, and swimming in a waterfall. What begins as a glorio...
 |  | Hero on Horseback: The Story of Casimir Pulaski Release Date: September 30, 1997| Grade Level: K and up Casimir Pulaski was a Polish patriot who came to America to help the colonists win the American Revolution. Gen. George Washington put him in charge of developing cavalry units and teaching his fighting techniques to the soldiers, strategies that helped defeat the British. ( ...
 |  | The Destiny of Linus Hoppe Release Date: December 12, 2006| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up Linus Hoppe has always lived in Realm One, an ideal world. Now, at 14, he must be tested by the Great Processor to determine where he deserves to live from here on. If he achieves a high score, nothing in his life will change. But if he scores too low, he’ll be relegated to an inferior realm, possibly far from his family and friends. There’s really nothing for Linus to worry about—unless, of course, he chooses to alter his destiny.From the Hardcover edition. ...
 |  | E. B. White: Some Writer! Publication Date: April 30, 1992| Age Level: 11 and up The biography of the beloved author of Charlotte's Webrelates anecdotes and details of the writer's idyllic childhood andsuccessful career and explains the reasons for his intense shyness. ...
 |  | Super Cowboy Rides Publication Date: October 21, 2011Meet six-year-old Tommy Johnson, Super Cowboy and Super Story-teller. When Tommy explains why a boy needs a dog for a pet instead of a cat, he wins everyone over with his down-to-earth and humorous view of the world. But once Tommy starts school, things get complicated. He gets put in the lowest reading group and told to stay in the back of the classroom. He is picked on by teachers and mocked by classmates. When tragedy strikes, Tommy must carry a burden beyond what any first-grader should have to face. In the process of dealing with his grief, Tommy learns...
 |  | Jimmy Carter : Champion of Peace Publication Date: January 1, 2003 Nobel Peace Prize WinnerA peanut farmer and an obscure governor from the state of Georgia, Jimmy Carter was close to unknown until he ran for United States president in 1976. But throughout his presidency and in the years since he has left the White House, Jimmy Carter has worked so hard for peace -- even winning the Nobel Peace Prize -- that no on will ever ask, "Jimmy who?" again.Jimmy Carter is the world's peacemaker. He promotes human rights, social and economic justice, and works tirelessly with Habitat for Humanity to build housing for the poor and...
 |  | Rocks in His Head Release Date: May 8, 2001| Age Level: 5 and up | Grade Level: K and up Some people collect stamps. Other people collect coins. Carol Otis Hurst's father collected rocks. Nobody ever thought his obsession would amount to anything. They said, "You've got rocks in your head" and "There's no money in rocks." But year after year he kept on collecting, trading, displaying, and labeling his rocks. The Depression forced the family to sell their gas station and their house, but his interest in rocks never wavered. And in the end the science museum he had visited so often realized that a person with r...
 |  | Bad Guys: True Stories of Legendary Gunslingers, Sidewinders, Fourflushers, Drygulchers, Bushwhackers, Freebooters, and Downright Bad Guys and Gals of the Wild West Release Date: October 13, 1998| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up Legendary gunfighters come to life in this vivid look at eight of the most ornery guys and gals of the wild West. Here are the true stories of Wild Bill Hickock, Calamity Jane, Billy the Kid, Jesse James, Belle Starr, Doc Holliday, Black Bart, and Joaquin Murietta--often a far cry from the glamorous tales they told about themselves to the newspapers. Andrew Glass separates fact from fiction, and gives readers an overview of the rough and tumble days following the Civil War that produced these unlikely heroes. There's...
 |  | Cassie After Antietam Publication Date: January 15, 2004| Age Level: 9 and up | Grade Level: 4 and up The Battle of Antietam has turned the Hagerstown, Maryland, area into a vast hospital. There are crops to be saved, freed slaves to be educated, babies to be born, and sad songs to be sung. But will Mama Mary survive her latest pregnancy? Will sister Fannie ever see her beloved Frank again? And what does the future hold for Cassie?In Cassie After Antietam, Myrtle Long Haldeman picks up the story where she left off in Cassie: The Girl With the Hero's Heart. With careful historical research the author fills in the ...
 |  | And Then What Happened, Paul Revere? Release Date: October 22, 1973Describes some of the well-known as well as the lesser-known details of Paul Revere's life and exciting ride. ...
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