| Dr. Welch and the Great Grape Story ...
 | A Ripple of Hope: The Life of Robert F. Kennedy Release Date: August 1, 1997| Age Level: 10 and up A biography of Robert Kennedy ranges from his early days as a student in a competitive family, to his rise to political power, to his assassination in 1968, and features more than forty photographs, a timeline, bibliography, and index." ...
 | Mary Todd Lincoln: Girl of the Bluegrass (Childhood of Famous Americans) Publication Date: October 31, 1992 ...
 | Madaket Millie (Picture Books) Release Date: May 24, 1999 ...
 | Bewildered for Three Days: As to Why Daniel Boone Never Wore His Coonskin Cap Publication Date: September 1, 2000| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up With the help of what he learned from a Delaware Indian boy and an accommodating mother raccoon, young Daniel Boone escapes danger when a bear steals his coonskin cap. ...
 | Prince of Humbugs: A Life of P. T. Barnum Publication Date: November 1, 1994| Age Level: 11 and up A profile of entrepreneurial showman Phineas T. Barnum details his personal life, ambitious rise from poverty, and spectacular show business and circus career. By the author of Quest for a King....
 | The Ingenious Mr. Peale: Painter, Patriot, and Man of Science Publication Date: May 1, 1996| Age Level: 11 and up Narrates the life of the early American portrait painter who established the first public picture gallery in America and who pursued numerous other interests including natural history. ...
 | Mary Anne's Book (Baby-Sitters Club Portrait Collection) Publication Date: March 1996| Age Level: 8 and up The story of Baby-sitter Club member Mary Anne follows thechildhood loss of her mother, her creative way of handling a Mother'sDay tea party in kindergarten, her fight for the glasses she did notneed, and her many friendships....
 | Calamity Jane: Her Life and Her Legend Publication Date: August 25, 1997| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 4 and up Who was Calamity Jane? Simply a legend created by a popular novelist? Or did Calamity Jane, born Martha Jane Cannary, really live the life she claimed? Doris Faber sorts out fact from fiction to tell the true story of a remarkable American woman who was part of the legend that celebrated the freedom and adventure of the West. ...
 | Knuckle Down Publication Date: October 21, 2009After ten-year-old Hannah loses her father’s lucky boyhood marbles, bad things start to happen. Hannah’s not-quite-right little sister almost chokes to death on one of the marbles left behind, Daddy’s Liberty ship sails off to points unknown, and her mother has little time or energy to deal with the strife on the homefront. Unable to stay out of trouble for long, Hannah learns about love, death, and sacrifice as she struggles to find her place in a world at war. Resorting to petty crime, she boards the Red Car to the Long Beach Pike and ...
 | American Literature (Great Lives (Scribner)) Publication Date: June 1, 1995 ...
 | Frame-up on the Bowery: A Houdini & Nate Mystery (Houdini and Nate Mysteries) Release Date: October 13, 2009| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up...
 | The Sweetwater Run: The Story of Buffalo Bill Cody and the Pony Express (Picture Yearling Book) Release Date: October 13, 1998| Age Level: 6 and up...
 | American Government (Great Lives) Publication Date: October 30, 1988 ...
 | When Mr. Jefferson Came to Philadelphia: What I Learned of Freedom, 1776 Release Date: December 23, 2003| Age Level: 6 and upWhat did I know of freedom, of all the wild talk of independence that summer of 1776? Ned is just a boy helping his mother run their boardinghouse the summer that a tall, thin man named Mr. Jefferson comes to stay. He and other important colonists are there for the Congress in Philadelphia, to debate their charges against King George in England, which have erupted into a violent war. As Mr. Jefferson spends night after night writing in his room, Ned forgets the simple things he wants, like a new cap, and thinks instead about the ext...
 | Will Clark: Boy Adventurer (Childhood Of Famous Americans) Publication Date: August 1, 1997 ...
 | Scorpion Man: Exploring the World of Scorpions Release Date: April 14, 2008| Age Level: 7 and up | Grade Level: 2 and up Imagine how you would feel, standing alone in the desert at night, surrounded by scorpions.Biologist Gary A. Polis often puts himself in that situation.He is delighted to be there, studying some of the most fascinating and unusual animals on earth.SCORPION MAN: EXPLORING THE WORLD OF SCORPIONS tells how Gary Polis's childhood interest in nature led to his first scorpion studies in the California desert.It describes both adventures and mishaps in Polis's career of scorpion research around the world.SCORPION MAN reveals ...
 | Shots at Sea: A Houdini & Nate Mystery (Houdini and Nate Mysteries) Release Date: August 21, 2007| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up...
 | Crankee Doodle Release Date: June 4, 2013| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up “Yankee Doodle went to town / a-riding on a pony / stuck a feather in his hat / and called it macaroni.” Many know the song “Yankee Doodle Dandy,” but few understand it. This unapologetically silly picture book reveals that the legendary ride to town (and the whole macaroni thing) was all suggested by Mr. Doodle’s overeager pony. This just makes Mr. Doodle cranky: “I do not want macaroni. I do not want a feather. I do not want any other clothing, any other pasta, or any other parts of ...
 | Maxfield Parrish: A Treasury of Art and Children's Literature Publication Date: October 1, 1995Old King Cole,"" ""Snow White,"" ""Wynken Blynken and Nod,"" and ""The Frog Prince,"" all complemented by Maxfield Parrish's traditional and beautiful children's illustrations. ...