| Brave Black Women: From Slavery to the Space Shuttle Publication Date: 1997| Age Level: 9 and up Brave black women have played important roles in American history. Before the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, black women bore the bonds of slavery with courage and strength. Since Emancipation, black women have supported schools, churches, and civic organizations, entered many professions, and helped to build strong communities. This book dramatizes their impressive story and celebrates their achievements.Writing especially for students in grades four through eight, Ruthe Winegarten and Sharon Kahn trace the history of black women from slaver...
 | Davy Crockett and the Highwaymen: A Historical Novel (Disney's American Frontier, Book 6) Publication Date: October 1992 ...
 | DK Readers: Flying Ace, The Story of Amelia Earhart (Level 4: Proficient Readers) Publication Date: April 1, 2000| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up...
 | Little Sure Shot: Annie Oakley Stars in Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show ...
 | A Letter to Mrs. Roosevelt Release Date: March 9, 1999| Age Level: 8 and up Eleven-year-old Margo Bandini has never been afraid of anything. Her life in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, with Mama and Papa and her little brother, Charlie, has always felt secure. But it's 1933, and the Great Depression is changing things for families all across America.One day the impossible happens: Papa cannot make the payments for their house, and the Sheriff Sale sign goes up on their door. They have two weeks to pay the bank, or leave their home forever. Now Margo is afraid--but she's also determined to find a way to help Papa save their h...
 | Tommy Nunez, NBA Referee: Taking My Best Shot Publication Date: 1996| Age Level: 10 and up | Grade Level: 5 and up Authorized biography of Tommy Nunez, the NBA's only Latino referee ...
 | Davy Crockett and the Pirates at Cave-In Rock: Based on the Walt Disney Television Show (Disney's American Frontier, Book 3) Publication Date: November 1991 ...
 | Short Circus Release Date: March 15, 2010| Age Level: 9 and up | Grade Level: 4 and up Back to school, but not so fast! Jem Lockwood's first assignment is to write a composition on what he did during the summer, and he tells the teacher he could write a book. Short Circus is Jem's own story about his remarkable adventures with his Big Brother, Jesse Standish, and a host of neighbors and friends, plus a mysterious enemy who keeps sabotaging the swimming pond. There are bike jumping contests, fistfights, motorbikes, visits to seaside towns for festivals, and swimming in a waterfall. What begins as a glorio...
 | E. B. White: Some Writer! Publication Date: April 30, 1992| Age Level: 11 and up The biography of the beloved author of Charlotte's Webrelates anecdotes and details of the writer's idyllic childhood andsuccessful career and explains the reasons for his intense shyness. ...
 | Bill Clinton/42nd President (Gateway Biographies) ...
 | VGM's Business Portraits: Apple Publication Date: January 11, 1997 ...
 | Jimmy Carter : Champion of Peace Publication Date: January 1, 2003 Nobel Peace Prize WinnerA peanut farmer and an obscure governor from the state of Georgia, Jimmy Carter was close to unknown until he ran for United States president in 1976. But throughout his presidency and in the years since he has left the White House, Jimmy Carter has worked so hard for peace -- even winning the Nobel Peace Prize -- that no on will ever ask, "Jimmy who?" again.Jimmy Carter is the world's peacemaker. He promotes human rights, social and economic justice, and works tirelessly with Habitat for Humanity to build housing for the poor and...
 | Franklin's Bear (Red Go Bananas) Publication Date: November 2005| Age Level: 7 and up | Grade Level: 2 and up...
 | Meet Abraham Lincoln Release Date: May 6, 1989This warmly told biography of our sixteenth president is enriched by many authentic but seldom told anecdotes and complemented by bold color illustrations that capture the spirit of Lincoln and his era. ...
 | Learning about Responsibility from the Life of Colin Powell (Modern-Day Heroes) Publication Date: January 2003| Age Level: 7 and up...
 | Living Dangerously: American Women Who Risked Their Lives for Adventure Publication Date: October 1991| Age Level: 8 and up Six stories of American women who defied social convention to undertake dangerous adventures. ...
 | Meet Martin Luther King, Jr. (Bullseye Biography) Release Date: December 28, 1993 ...
 | Lotta's Progress (An Avon Camelot Book) Release Date: May 1, 1998| Age Level: 8 and up...
 | Davy Crockett (Discovery Biog)(Z) (Discovery Biographies) Publication Date: December 1991| Age Level: 9 and up...
 | Martin's Big Words (First Book custom pub) ...