| The Pledge of Allegiance in Translation: What It Really Means (Fact Finders: Kids' Translations) Publication Date: September 1, 2008| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up...
 | What Are Citizens' Basic Rights? (My American Government) Publication Date: January 2008| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up...
 | America's Electoral College: Choosing the President: Comparing and Analyzing Charts, Graphs, and Tables (Powermath) ...
 | When Thunder Comes: Poems for Civil Rights Leaders Publication Date: December 26, 2012| Grade Level: P and up In moving verse, Children's Poet Laureate J. Patrick Lewis gives new voice to seventeen heroes of civil rights. Exquisitely illustrated by five extraordinary artists, this commanding collection of poems invites the reader to hear in each verse the thunder that lies in every voice, no matter how small. Featuring civil rights luminaries Coretta Scott King, Harvey Milk, Mohandas Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Sylvia Mendez, Aung San Suu Kyi, Mamie Carthan Till, Helen Zia, Josh Gibson, Dennis James Banks, Mitsuye Endo, Ellison Onizuka, Jackie R...
 | COMO ELEGIMOS A NUESTROS LIDERES? /HOW DO WE ELECT OUR LEADERS? (Mi Gobierno De Estados Unidos) (Spanish Edition) ...
 | The Democratic Party: The Story of the People's Party (Snapshots in History) Publication Date: January 2007| Age Level: 11 and up | Grade Level: 6 and up...
 | Colonialism (Key Concepts in American History) ...
 | McDougal Littell American History: Document-Based Questions Practice Workbook Grades 6-8 ...
 | Freedom of Speech (True Books: Civics) Publication Date: September 1, 2004| Age Level: 7 and up | Grade Level: 2 and up...
 | Understanding the U.S. Constitution (Documenting Early America) ...
 | Focus on Science: Level A ...
 | Democracy, Law, and Justice, Grades 5 - 8 Release Date: February 9, 1996| Age Level: 10 and up | Grade Level: 5 and up Bring the judge and jury into the classroom using Democracy, Law, and Justice for grades 5 and up! This 80-page book covers topics such as citizen rights, civil law, the judicial process, juvenile justice, the Salem witch trials, and the FBI. The book presents and reinforces information through captivating reading passages and a variety of activities and worksheets. It also includes a complete answer key and reproducibles. ...
 | McDougal Littell Creating America: Reading Study Guide Grades 6-8 ...
 | Exploring American Citizenship (Globe/Exploring American Citizenship) Publication Date: December 1998| Age Level: 6 and up | Grade Level: 1 and up...
 | Terrorism (Key Concepts in American History) ...
 | Space Dogs: Pioneers of Space Travel Publication Date: March 23, 2003| Age Level: 9 and up | Grade Level: 4 and up Back when scientists knew nothing about space travel, back when rockets were new, a group of Russian cosmonauts rode rockets to the edge of space and into earth orbit. These pioneer space travelers were dogs, space dogs of the Soviet space program.For 15 years, space dogs occupied the world stage, blazing trails as the first astronauts.Their flights taught scientists how living beings reacted to rocket travel and tested the equipment that would be used for human space flight. The age of the space dog extended from ...
 | The Travels of Samuel de Champlain Sb-Ee (Explorers & Exploration) Publication Date: June 21, 2000| ISBN-10: 0739833391 | ISBN-13: 978-0739833391| Edition: 1 Travel with Champlain as he settles New France and founds a settlement at Quebec. Recommended in Laura Berquist Syllabus Grade 4Author: Joanne MatternAge: 9-12Pages: 48, PaperbackPublisher: Steck-VaughnISBN: 0-618-15428-0 ...
 | American Civil Rights: Primary Sources Release Date: July 23, 1999| Age Level: 11 and up | Grade Level: 6 and up Presents fifteen documents, including speeches, autobiographical text, and proclamations, related to the civil rights movement and arranged in the categories of economic rights, desegregation, and human rights. ...
 | The Terrorist Attacks of September 11, 2001 (Landmark Events in American History) ...
 | Julius K Nyerere: Servant of God or Untarnished Tyrant? Publication Date: May 1, 2010In January 2005, the Catholic Church in Tanzania, announced that The Vatican had given 'approval' that, Julius Kambarage Nyerere, the country's post-independence ruler-an autocratic one as it turned out-be called 'Servant of God'. This 'approval' paved the way for the Catholic Church in Tanzania to commence a formal investigation process, which, if found to be above reproach, would lead to the beatification of Nyerere and ultimately to the offical canonisation of this 'Servant of God' thereby declaring Julius Kambarage Nyerere a saint. However, the author provide...