| Living Single Release Date: August 1, 2002This is going to be Erin Weston's year. At thirty-two, she has decided to make a concentrated effort to find The One, though certainly not at the expense of her career in a Boston PR firm. But when she meets the married man-of-her-dreams, she has to figure out how to chase after the real Mr. Right, when Mr. Right - Now has swept her off her feet. Abby Walker is New England's version of a steel magnolia. A hopeless romantic, she has the unwavering determination to make her dream of becoming a wife and mother come true. Plus, she has the looks that make grown men sw...
 |  | The Collected Works of Mary Sidney Herbert, Countess of Pembroke: Volume II: The Psalmes of David (Oxford English Texts) Publication Date: June 4, 1998| ISBN-10: 0198184573 | ISBN-13: 978-0198184577Mary Sidney Herbert, Countess of Pembroke and sister to Sir Philip Sidney, is the most important woman writer of the Elizabethan era outside the royal family. This scholarly edition in two volumes is the first to include all her extant works: Volume I prints her three original poems, the disputed "Dolefull Lay of Clorinda," her translations from Petrarch, Mornay, and Garnier, and all her known letters. Volume II contains her metrical paraphrases of Psalms 44-150. The edition also provides a biographical introduc...
 |  | The Fifth Vial Release Date: November 27, 2007In Boston, a disgraced medical student is sent to deliver a research paper that could save her career… In a hospital four thousand miles away, a reclusive scientist, dying from an incurable disease that threatens to make each tortured breath his last, is on the verge of perfecting a serum that could save millions of lives--and bring others inestimable wealth… In Chicago, a disillusioned detective is hired to determine the identity of a John Doe, killed on a Florida highway, with mysterious marks on his body. Three seemingly disconnected lives...
 |  | First Wave: A Billy Boyle World War II Mystery (Billy Boyle Ww2 Mystery 2) Release Date: September 1, 2008| Series: Billy Boyle Ww2 Mystery 2 “ Benn follows up his first World War II mystery (Billy Boyle) with another danger-filled episode and delivers a cross-genre tale that is at once spy story, soldier story, and hard-Boyled detective.”—Library Journal (starred review) “The period details are spot-on and Billy . . . continues to make a thoroughly engaging detective.”—The Denver Post“Part Indiana Jones derring-do and part grown-up adventure novel with spies, black marketers, loyal and dastardly French, and the reliably ev...
 |  | The Mhystery of Everyone's Guardian Angel Publication Date: August 19, 2005That which mankind should know but doesn't, keeps trapped within the peace intended. Decipher The Mhystery of Everyone's Guardian Angel for yourself. Unlock the wells of knowledge and understanding. ...
 |  | Varmint, an Epic Poem on the Life of William Clarke Quantrill ...
 |  | Elusive Shadows: Ghazals and Poems by Jamshed ...
 |  | Land Very Fertile: Banks Peninsula in Poety and Prose Publication Date: April 1, 2009| ISBN-10: 1877257753 | ISBN-13: 978-1877257759Engaging a mix of style and content that embraces the peninsula's unique heritage and charm, this collection of poetry and prose about a special region in New Zealand draws from a wide variety of sources—including such New Zealand greats as Ursula Bethell, James K. Baxter, Denis Glover, Ngaio Marsh, Allen Curnow, and Maurice Shadbolt, along with many newer voices. The contributions are thematically arranged to capture the ambience of Banks Peninsula on the eastern coast of New Zealand's South Island, a p...
 |  | Han Wei liu chao fu lun ji (Mandarin Chinese Edition) ...
 |  | Playing the Other: Gender and Society in Classical Greek Literature (Women in Culture and Society) Publication Date: November 15, 1995| ISBN-10: 0226979229 | ISBN-13: 978-0226979229| Edition: 1 Relations between the sexes was a pervasive concern of ancient Greek thought and literature, extending from considerations of masculine and feminine roles in domestic and political spheres to the organization of the cosmos in a pantheon of gods and goddesses. In Playing the Other Froma Zeitlin explores the diversity and complexity of these interactions through the most influential literary texts of the archaic and classical periods ranging from epic (Homer) and didactic poetry (Hesiod) to the t...
 |  | Der postmoderne Kammerherr (German Edition) ...
 |  | Modernist Sexualities Publication Date: April 7, 2001| ISBN-10: 0719051614 | ISBN-13: 978-0719051616Leading critics from Britain, Canada, and the US examine modernism's imaginative rethinkings of sex, gender, and sexuality. Original essays show how modernism intersects with the suffragette movement, technological change and its effects on women and labor, the growth of pseudo-scientific writings, and the burgeoning lesbian and gay movement. They show how modernism upsets the fixities of gender and sexuality through its fascination with ambiguities, marginality, and the crossing of borders. Sex reformers and s...
 |  | To Seduce A Sinner (The Legend of the Four Soldiers) Publication Date: November 1, 2008| Series: The Legend of the Four Soldiers Jasper Renshaw, Viscount Vale, has a problem: he needs to marry and produce an heir to the title. All Jasper wants is to find a lady who will put up with him long enough to wed so he can retreat to his life of debauchery--a life that keeps the haunting memories of his past at bay. Knowing that Jasper is under pressure to marry, Melisande Flemming grasps her fate with both hands and volunteers to wed him. Although Jasper is initially only interested in producing an heir, he soon becomes entranced by his wife--prim and...
 |  | Spider-Man: Saga of the Sandman Publication Date: March 21, 2007| Grade Level: 4 and up It was no day at the beach when criminal Flint Marko was mutated into one of Marveldom's most versatile villains and began a career of kicking sand in our favorite heroes' faces! Some of the best battles between Sandman, Spider-Man, the Fantastic Four and the Hulk are collected here in commemoration of his gritty film debut! Collects Amazing Spider-Man #4, #18-19; Fantastic Four #61; Incredible Hulk #138; Marvel Team-Up #1; Marvel Two-In One #86 and Untold Tales of Spider-Man #3. ...
 |  | Le Joueur de basket-ball (French Edition) Release Date: September 11, 2001| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up Le prêtre pousse les garçons à jouer au basket-ball pour qu'ils aillent «loin sur le chemin de la vie». Mais ses paroles terrorisent le jeune Roch, qui vient tout juste d'arriver au séminaire vêtu d'un costume trop grand pour lui. Pire: dans le dortoir meublé, Roch doit enfiler un pyjama à fleurs devant des étrangers. Comble de malheur, le pauvre garçon esseulé se voit forcé de jouer à un jeu dont il ignore tout. Le seul moyen d'eviter le jeu et ...
 |  | The Raft Release Date: May 28, 2002| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: K and upA flock of birds was moving toward me along the river, hovering over something floating on the water. It drifteddownstream, closer and closer, until finally it bumped up against the dock. Though it was covered with leaves and branches, now I could tell that it was a raft. I reached down and pushed some of the leaves aside. Beneath them was a drawing of a rabbit. It looked like those ancient cave paintings I'd seen in books--just outlines, but wild and fast and free. Nicky isn't one bit happy about spending the summer ...
 |  | The Trap Door: The Lost Script of Cardenio Publication Date: November 1, 2010A boy travels back to Shakespeare's time and discovers not only a famous "lost" play by the world's greatest writer, but thwarts an assassination attempt against Queen Elizabeth I. It's "National Treasure" meets "The Da Vinci Code," but for teens. ...
 |  | On This Special Night Publication Date: September 1, 2009| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up A broadly accessible introduction to the Christmas nativity story . . . with beautifully illustrated cats!On a silent winter's night, one star burns brighter than all the rest. "That must be a special star," Mother Cat whispers. When Little Kitten and Mother Cat join the animals journeying toward the starry light, they discover that it is a special star indeed -- shining with peace, love, and joy on this very special night. ...
 |  | Baby Elephant Runs Away ...
 |  | Waggit's Tale Release Date: April 28, 2009| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 4 and upHe is nameless. He is homeless. He is lost. Until he is found . . . by a team of mutts who shelter him and teach him how to survive the wilds of the city park. And so he becomes Waggit, the best hunter and tracker in the pack. But life in the park is dangerous and uncertain. In winter, food and warmth are scarce. Another team of wild dogs is a constant menace. And there is always the fear of capture by park rangers. Waggit can't help feeling that something is missing . . . something warm and cozy . . . and human...
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