| Indecent Exposure Publication Date: January 18, 1994A blazing satire of South African apartheid, Indecent Exposure is Tom Sharpe's brilliant follow-up to his Riotous Assembly. Once again the setting is Piemburg, the deceptively peaceful looking capital of Zululand, where Kommandant van Heerden, Konstabel Els, and Luitenant Verkramp continue to terrorize true Englishmen and even truer Zulus in their relentless search for a perfect South Africa. ...
 |  | The Missing (Seasons of Grace, Book 2) Release Date: September 8, 2009Readers anxiously await the second book in this moving series filled with mystery and family secrets, love and loss, heartbreak and healing.Twenty-one-year-old Grace Byler longs to find her missing mother and to uncover the secret that drove her to leave them three weeks before.Grace suspects the reason has to do with her father and his reserved, uncommunicative ways.This conviction led Grace to break off her betrothal to her quiet, staid beau, and she is now resigned to remain single.But when the young Amishman she thought was courting her best friend takes a ...
 |  | The Last Guardian of Mosh Chaltun Publication Date: November 5, 2007The seals are weakening. And if the last Guardian is not there to secure them, an Evil shall be set loose upon the world not seen since its beginning. Ever since the time of the Spanish conquest over the Maya, the family of Juan Guerro has guarded the lost city of Mosh Chaltun, concealing its mysteries as they kept watch. But now an American archeologist has opened Mosh Chaltun, and secrets long buried are beginning to stir. Lacking the knowledge of his ancestors, Juan and the few people allied with him must find a way for him to stand alone against the dark...
 |  | A Scanner Darkly Release Date: May 23, 2006Bob Arctor is a dealer of the lethally addictive drug Substance D. Fred is the police agent assigned to tail and eventually bust him. To do so, Fred takes on the identity of a drug dealer named Bob Arctor. And since Substance D--which Arctor takes in massive doses--gradually splits the user's brain into two distinct, combative entities, Fred doesn't realize he is narcing on himself.Caustically funny, eerily accurate in its depiction of junkies, scam artists, and the walking brain-dead, Philip K. Dick's industrial-grade stress test of identity is as unnerving as it i...
 |  | The Fallen Angels: A Novel Release Date: December 1, 2009The streets of Paris run bloodred—while in England, the noble Lazenders hide from history's violent storm behind the walls of their opulent little kingdom. But Toby Lazender, the family's heir, is hunting the brutal murderers of the woman he loved in revolution-torn France, leaving Lazen Castle vulnerable to secret cabal of assassins conspiring to bring the chaos across the channel. There is an obstacle, however, to the Fallen Angels' dark plan: Toby's sister, Lady Campion Lazender. Drawn by a mysterious horseman into a realm of fascination and...
 |  | Songs for Coming Home ...
 |  | Freak: a semi-demi-quasi-pseudo autobiography Release Date: September 1, 1998Freak is John Leguizamo's hilarious coming-of-age story.One of his generation's sharpest comic talents, Leguizamo returns to the Queens of his youth, where a boy's feet had to be as quick as his mouth.Freak is an adaptation of Leguizamo's autobiographical Broadway show and includes material never-before-seen-or-heard.Uncut, unstable, and oversexed, Freak is John Leguizamo at his uproarious best. ...
 |  | Manifestation (German Version) Release Date: September 30, 2004Née en Afrique du Nord, élevée en France, Michael El Nour vit aux États Unis et porte en elle l'empreinte de plusieurs Traditions.Elle appartient à plusieurs lignées de Yogis et de Maîtres avec lesquels elle a travaillé depuis des siècles. Les Maîtres lui ont demandé de se rendre aux États-Unis pour y ancrer son Énergie et activer la consience de groupe dans de nombreux domaines.Michael a fusionné avec la Conscience Christique, la Présence JE SUIS et l'Adam Kadmon. Revenu à son Ess...
 |  | Poems from the Diwan (Poetica 32) Publication Date: June 1, 2004Yehuda Halevi, who wrote both secular and devotional poems, is considered one of the finest poets in post-biblical Hebrew literature. Suffused with warmth, moving easily between the mundane and the otherworldly, and, above all, delicately elegiac, the poet's voice cuts across all the literary genres and religious modes on which he drew.Born in the second half of the 11th century, Halevi wandered in his youth between Muslim and Christian Spain before settling in Córdoba around 1110. Towards the end of his life, to the amazement and consternation of his frien...
 |  | Anthology of contemporary French poetry (Edinburgh bilingual library) ...
 |  | Richard Rolle: Uncollected Prose and Verse, with Related Northern Texts (Early English Text Society Original Series) Publication Date: February 9, 2008| ISBN-10: 0199236143 | ISBN-13: 978-0199236145This volume presents a variety of texts relating to the fourteenth-century Yorkshire hermit and mystical writer, Richard Rolle. Most of the material has not previously been published, although some of it can confidently be attributed to Rolle's authorship. Three other unpublished texts are included because they were attributed to Rolle in the Middle Ages. The volume includes a new edition of Rolle's English lyrics, based upon a critical examination of all known manuscript witnesses. It concludes with three a...
 |  | Under a Vampire Moon: An Argeneau Novel Release Date: April 24, 2012| Series: ArgeneauWhen Vampires Go On Vacation . . . Escaping a horrible marriage, Carolyn Connor has no desire to think about men—a vow she's determined to keep while on vacation in St. Lucia. She'll take the Caribbean sun and sea and plenty of tropical drinks with those cute umbrellas poolside, thank you. She absolutely does not need male company, no matter how tan and rock-hard his body may be. Easy enough, but then Carolyn meets the charming Marguerite Argeneau, who is infamous among her family for her matchmaking prowess . . . Christian Notte ha...
 |  | After Twilight Publication Date: September 10, 2001Three of romance's hottest bestselling authors -- AmandaAshley, Christine Feehan, and Ronda Thompson -- invite you to explorethe dark side, to taste the forbidden, to dive into danger with heroeswho fire the blood and lay claim to the soul in these striking talesof sensual passion.A man hunts for a woman.Yet what if he is noordinary male, but a predator in search of prey?A dark soul lookingfor the light?A vampire, a werewolf, a mythic being who strikes fearinto the hearts of mortals?When day fades into night, when fearbecomes fascination, when the swirling...
 |  | Cowboy Come Home Release Date: November 1, 2011Trey March never wanted to see Daisy Barton again. But there she is in over her pretty little head running the JDB Ranch - and standing between him and the small fortune he's owed. Now if he wants to get his due, he'll have to save the ranch first...working side-by-side with the only woman he's ever loved. Without her overprotective father to guide her, Daisy's trying to stand on her own at last. But a sinister foreman with a grudge seems determined to cut her down at every turn. And Trey, the one man she can count on, is the same man she could never trust herse...
 |  | The Exquisite Corpse Boogies: Computer Generated Tales Publication Date: May 11, 2011The World's first collection of stories completely written by a computer. ...
 |  | Death of a Stranger: A William Monk Novel (Mortalis) Release Date: September 28, 2010| Series: Mortalis The tragic death of a railway magnate in a sleazy brothel has shocked high society. Meanwhile, private investigator William Monk acquires a mysterious new client who asks him to ascertain beyond the shadow of a doubt whether or not her fiancé, a railway-firm executive, has become enmeshed in fraudulent practices. And so Monk embarks upon a journey that will revive memories stripped from his consciousness by amnesia—as a past almost impossible to bear returns, eerily paralleling a fresh tragedy that has already begun its inexorab...
 |  | Thea Stilton and the Blue Scarab Hunt: A Geronimo Stilton Adventure Publication Date: June 1, 2012| Age Level: 7 and up...
 |  | Believe and Achieve: The Olympic Sport of Wrestling (Inspiring Athletes Non-Fiction) ...
 |  | Essential Hiking for Teens (Outdoor Life) Publication Date: September 2000| Age Level: 9 and up...
 |  | Fun Dog, Sun Dog Publication Date: April 1, 2011| Age Level: 6 and up | Grade Level: 1st and up Tinka is a sweet dog, a treat dog, a jumping-up-to-greet dog. A fun dog, a sun dog, a run-and-run-and-run dog. Meet Tinka, a dandy, sandy golden retriever, and the boy who loves her as they spend a busy, dizzy day at the beach. Sunny watercolors and a lighthearted rhyming text will make this rhythmic read-aloud a winner with dog lovers of all ages. ...
Data Source by Amazon.com |