| Norton Anthology of Western Music (Sixth Edition)(Vol. 1: Ancient to Baroque) Publication Date: February 2, 2009| ISBN-10: 0393931269 | ISBN-13: 978-0393931266| Edition: Sixth Edition This comprehensive collection of 205 scores illustrates every significant trend and genre of Western music from antiquity to modern times.Highlights of the repertoire include new worksfrom all periods: more contrasting virelais,ballades, and other chansons from the fourteenth through the sixteenth centuries; large-scalechoral works, including Gabrieli’s Inecclesiis, Lully’s Te Deum,Haydn’s Creation, and Prokofiev’sAlexander Nevsky; more opera, including No...
 |  | A Good Excuse To Be Bad Release Date: June 28, 2011Smart, gorgeous, and too tough for her own good, bail recovery agent and single mom Evangeline Crawford moved to the burbs for a quiet life. Fortunately, it's not turning out that way...Angel has to admit she's feeling restless. The only excitement in her new life is her schoolgirl crush on the town's new pastor, Justus-too-Hot-to-be-Holy Morgan. But a fateful encounter and a job gone wrong at Club Night Candy in underground Atlanta is about to change all that... Soon, Angel's trying to save her divazilla twin sister from her big mouth and a scandalous murder charg...
 |  | Crackhead II: A Novel Release Date: March 20, 2012In Crackhead, the infamous South Bronx Bitches (SBB) grew envious of the well-to-do Laci Johnson. Dink, the drug dealer boyfriend of one of the SBB, fell in love with Laci, which surely did not help her cause. So the SBB had to teach her a lesson—ultimately, the beautiful and promising Laci became addicted to crack. Laci is now recovering from her addiction. She and Dink are adjusting to life as college students at Boston University. But with Laci fighting the demons of her past and Dink struggling to adapt to the legit life away from his former drug empire,...
 |  | The Dream Publication Date: January 1, 2008The story of a lady who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. She saw too much and must be silenced.Knowing that she was going to die, she made one last plea. Just a phone call to her daughter. That phone call made all the difference to Jim, her would be assassin.Jim wanted to know what she knew that he did not. What made her not fear death? There was something in her life that was different. He had to find out what that difference was. He kidnaps her in order to keep them both safe. ...
 |  | Halo: Evolutions Volume I: Essential Tales of the Halo Universe Release Date: November 2, 2010| Series: Halo (Book 1) The original Halo: Evolutions, split into two volumes. This volume contains stories by: Tobias S. BuckellB. K. EvensonJonathan GoffEric NylundFrank O'ConnorEric Raab When humanity expanded beyond the safety of Earth to new stars and horizons, they never dreamed what dangers they would encounter there. When the alien juggernaut known as the Covenant declared holy war upon the fragile human empire, millions of lives were lost—but, millions of heroes rose to the challenge. In such a far-reaching conflict, not man...
 |  | Nuke em in Je$u$' name: Or How the American Empire Can Avoid the Coming Economic Collapse Publication Date: August 8, 2011Nuke ’em in Je$u$’ name paints present-day America as political satire, where post-9/11 life has come to imitate art in a weird dysfunctional sort of way. The president’s been shot Christmas Day in downtown Washington D.C. at the Iraqi War Orphans Home by a 12-year-old female resident? What in the world is happening to America? It’s bad enough the economy is still stuck in reverse – now this? No doubt about it. Time to roll out the nukes. At least that’s what conservative American patriots and Evangelical Christians ar...
 |  | Esa Extra Publication Date: July 21, 2012Benjamín y Jeff no podían creer lo que estaba pasando. Se habían conocido de casualidad y de la forma más curiosa en el trabajo del primero; todo indicabaun breve romance otoñal. Sin embargo, el dios griego Eros tiró su lanza de oro exactamente en el corazón de estos dos hombres,haciendo surgir un profundo amor, transformándolos a la misma vez en cazador y presa, los cuales,cayendo juntos en la misma red, no pudieron cortarla jamás.Jeff, un contador acostumbrado a tener a todos los hombres que deseaba, había sal...
 |  | Annus Horibilis Publication Date: November 24, 2011Annus Horribilis is presented in the form of a diary set in contemporary Britain. The passing year tells the story of a supremely self-centred royal family for whom the preservation of privilege is the prime motivator. The protagonists are mostly courtiers and cronies of the reigning monarch, whose disdain for their fellow beings colours their reaction to every person, high or low born, with whom they come in contact. ...
 |  | Flashman And The Mountain Of Light (Flashman Papers) Release Date: March 27, 1991| Series: Flashman Papers A scoundrel, a liar, a cheat, a thief, a coward - and, oh yes, a toady. Harry Flashman is back.With the mighty Sikh army poised to invade India, every able-bodied man was needed to defend Britannia’s frontier. When the Call of Duty came, Flashman had his answer ready: ‘I’ll drown in blood first!’Alas for poor Flashy there was no avoiding the terrors of secret service in the debauched and intrigue-ridden court of the Punjab, the attentions of its beautiful nymphomaniac Maharani, the horrors of its torture chambe...
 |  | Cymbeline (The Pelican Shakespeare) Release Date: February 1, 2000| ISBN-10: 0140714723 | ISBN-13: 978-0140714722| Edition: Revised "I feel that I have spent half my career with one or another Pelican Shakespeare in my back pocket. Convenience, however, is the least important aspect of the new Pelican Shakespeare series. Here is an elegant and clear text for either the study or the rehearsal room, notes where you need them and the distinguished scholarship of the general editors, Stephen Orgel and A. R. Braunmuller who understand that these are plays for performance as well as great texts for contemplation." (Patrick Stewa...
 |  | Baby Haiku: 3-Line Poems For New Parents Publication Date: February 16, 2006Centering on babies and a mothers love, Lily Wangs Baby Haiku combines the essence of Eastern and Western poetics to portray the profundity of life and joy. No more than five lines, Haiku is the poetry that fits todays lifestyle and is perfect for new parents that aspire to read but are short on time. Short and concise, Baby Haiku allows the mind to experience Zen, life, and abundance.Baby Haiku helps to cleanse the mind and brings about a return to innocence. Wangs poems focus on the positives and remind us that children are far mor...
 |  | Threadsuns (Green Integer) Publication Date: June 1, 2004| Series: Green Integer The second in the series of poetry books by Paul Celan written after his great “turn” in writing, Threadsuns was written in fast-paced, shifting moods, often containing a near-desperate sarcasm, as Celan collapses his concerns of mind, spirit, and language into a work of great continuity despite its complexity. Once again Pierre Joris has done an admirable job in translating Celan’s difficult texts into English. ...
 |  | Colloquial English: A Course for Non-Native Speakers (Colloquial Series) Publication Date: May 20, 2008| ISBN-10: 0415453895 | ISBN-13: 978-0415453899| Edition: 1 Pap/Com Colloquial English is an easy-to-use course, specially written by an experienced teacher for self-study or class use. It teaches current spoken and written English, as used in the UK, through the medium of English itself. This course assumes a basic knowledge of English and is suitable for post-beginners, whether studying on their own or as part of a class. Features include:* full explanations and illustrations of grammatical terms * pronunciation guide to help with areas of particular diffi...
 |  | Politics and Reviewers: The Edinburgh and the Quarterly in the Early Victorian Age Publication Date: August 1989| ISBN-10: 0718512693 | ISBN-13: 978-0718512699| Edition: First Documenting the important influence of quarterlies on the cultural and political life in early Victorian times, this volume looks at the three publications which were aligned with the three main political parties. The "Edinburgh" wrote for the Whigs, the "Quarterly" for the Tories and the "Westminster" for the radicals. The exchanges between quarterlies were often heated and were known to erupt in many spheres of life including the House of Commons. ...
 |  | Utter Domination Publication Date: June 22, 2006Project Nemesis does not exist ... at least as far as the country's civilians are concerned. To Jesse Stone, a lycanthrope captured for their use, the project was very much real and ongoing. He was a slave to their experiments--tortured endlessly, starved, and all but drained of his will to live. Only one bright spot remained in his life--Erin. Until the day she came to him, a willing participant in their schemes. The betrayal was more than he could bear. It hardened him, turned his mind to white hot rage as feverish as the searing pleasure he felt in taking he...
 |  | Escape Publication Date: April 28, 2008Escape is a classic encounter between the forces of good and evil in human form that asks, and answers, questions of how to deal with supposedly “God-inspired” acts of murder and mayhem. In a riveting trial of garish courtroom confrontations, newly elected New York District Attorney Karp battles the “insanity of the insanity defense,” as he tries to make Jessica Campbell, a rabble-rousing political science professor at NYU, pay for the murder of her three children. While Campbell claims that God told her to “send her three childre...
 |  | The Cat Who Knew Shakespeare Release Date: June 1, 1988| Series: Cat Who... There's something rotten in the small town of Pickax--at least to the sensitive noses of newspaperman Jim Qwilleran and his Siamese cats Koko and Yum Yum. An accident has claimed the life of the local paper's eccentric publisher, but to Qwilleran and his feline friends it smells like murder. They soon sniff out a shocking secret, but Koko's snooping into an unusual edition of Shakespeare may prove CATastrophic...because somewhere in Pickax a lady loves not wisely but too well, a widow is scandalously merry, and a stranger has a lean and hungry l...
 |  | The Bacchus Club Mystery A Further Adventure of Sherlock Holmes ...
 |  | Lacrosse for Fun! ...
 |  | Erick and Sally Publication Date: October 2, 2006Another story from the author of 'Heidi' ...
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