| The Strange Death of Father Candy: A Suspense Novel Release Date: October 25, 2011Vietnam veteran Dominick Candiotti has been long estranged from his family. His late parents were close to the ruling mob clan in Youngstown, his sister was a bad-tempered and dissatisfied nag, and his middle brother was a corruptible police lieutenant. But in 1985, their oldest brother Richard Candiotti---beloved by every Italian Catholic in Youngstown as “Father Candy”---dies, and Dominick returns home for the funeral.Dominick is greatly disturbed by Richard’s death, which has been ruled a suicide. Diss...
 |  | It's Hanukkah Time! ...
 |  | Devon's Curse Publication Date: May 29, 2012After a very troubled childhood, Devon McKinley has finally learned how to live with her curse.A best selling author, she takes the stories of the ghosts that come to her for help, and turns them into award winning novels.Life settles into a routine, a routine that is only interrupted by the death of her one time doctor, friend...and lover.When she returns to her hometown, she has to confront new ghosts as well as her own, very haunted past. ...
 |  | Why Lyrics Last: Evolution, Cognition, and Shakespeare's Sonnets Publication Date: April 5, 2012Why Lyrics Last turns an evolutionary lens on lyric verse, placing the writing of verse within the human disposition to play with pattern. Boyd takes as an extended example the many patterns to be found within Shakespeare’s Sonnets. There, the Bard avoids all narrative and demonstrates the power that verse can have when liberated of story. (20120601) ...
 |  | A Time of Gods Publication Date: November 9, 1962Superbly produced massive volume in which the famous Canadian photographer Roloff Beny shows us the world of Odysseus through his camera lens with splendid and evocative images, assisted by quotations from the great translation of Homer's Odyssey by George Chapman. A classic architectural & landscape photography book containing 146 beautiful richly printed photogravure samples of Beny's work photographing Greece and Greek mytholological art. Includes notes by John Lindsay Opie and 16 tipped-in plates suitable for framing. Oversized. ...
 |  | Wink at the Sphinx ...
 |  | Anna in the Tropics - Acting Edition Publication Date: January 1, 2005Starring Jimmy Smits, this poetic Pulitzer Prize winning play captures 1929 Florida at a time when cigars are still rolled by hand and lectors are employed to educate and entertain the workers. The arrival of a new lector is a cause for celebration. But when he reads aloud from Anna Karenina, he unwittingly becomes a catalyst in the lives of his avid listeners, for whom Tolstoy, the tropics, and The American Dream prove a volatile combination. A L.A. Theatre Works full-cast performance featuring: Alma Martinez, Jonathan Nichols, Winston Rocha, Onahoua Rodrigu...
 |  | The Poems of Hesiod Publication Date: May 15, 1983"Besides Homer, there is Hesiod." These words still contain much truth today. Hesiod is a very important poet, and for this reason his two surviving poems, Theogony and Works and Days, deserve to be presented as accurately and attractively as possible. R. M. Frazer has done this: His new translations are faithful to the matter and spirit of the originals, and his commentary makes the poems understandable and enjoyable. Hesiod is the first Greek and, therefore, the first European we can know as a real person, for, unlike Homer, he tells us about himself in his po...
 |  | Being Human Publication Date: March 1, 2011"Being Human" is the third book in the "Staying Alive" poetry trilogy. "Staying Alive" and its sequel "Being Alive" have introduced many thousands of new readers to contemporary poetry. "Being Human" is a companion volume to those two books - a world poetry anthology offering an even broader, international selection of 'real poems for unreal times'. The range of poetry here complements that of the first two anthologies: hundreds of thoughtful and passionate poems about living in the modern world; poems that touch the hear...
 |  | Lifetaker ...
 |  | After The Rain, Haiku. Second Haiku Anthology ...
 |  | The Future of the Book Publication Date: December 19, 1996| ISBN-10: 0520204514 | ISBN-13: 978-0520204515The death of the book has been duly announced, and with it the end of brick-and-mortar libraries, traditional publishers, linear narrative, authorship, and disciplinarity, along with the emergence of a more equitable discursive order. These essays suggest that it won't be that simple. The digitization of discourse will not be effected without some wrenching social and cultural dislocations.The contributors to this volume are enthusiastic about the possibilities created by digital technologies, instruments t...
 |  | The Word in Black and White: Reading "Race" in American Literature, 1638-1867 Publication Date: January 2, 1992| ISBN-10: 0195065921 | ISBN-13: 978-0195065923Nelson provides a study of the ways in which Anglo-American authors constructed "race" in their works from the time of the first British colonists through the period of the Civil War.She focuses on some eleven texts, ranging from widely-known to little-considered, that deal with the relations among Native, African, and Anglo-Americans, and places her readings in the historical, social, and material contexts of an evolving U.S. colonialism and internal imperialism.Nelson shows how a novel such as The Last of t...
 |  | Handbook of Medieval Sexuality Publication Date: November 3, 1999| ISBN-10: 0815336624 | ISBN-13: 978-0815336624| Edition: 1 The absorbing subject of sexuality in the Middle Ages is examined in 19 original articles written specifically for this Handbook by the major authorities in their scholarly specialties. The study of medieval sexuality poses problems for the researcher: indices in standard sources rarely refer to sexual topics, and standard secondary sources often ignore the material or say little about it. Yet a vast amount of research is available, and the information is accessible to the student who knows wher...
 |  | Violence and Vengeance in Middle Welsh and Middle English Narrative: Owein and Ywain and Gawain Publication Date: September 30, 2009| ISBN-10: 0773446583 | ISBN-13: 978-0773446588This study examines the presence and extent of legal and feud elements in the Middle Welsh Owein and the Middle English Ywain and Gawain. The process of feud and the concern for honor, along with the sentiment of reciprocity and exchange which inform them, are so integral to the cultures which produced Owein and Ywain and Gawain that familiarity with this mentalite is essential to fully appreciate and understand the literature. A ribbon of insult and redress runs through each romance: the process of fall a...
 |  | Trillin on Texas (Bridwell Texas History) Publication Date: March 1, 2011| Series: Bridwell Texas History "Yes, I do have a Texas connection, but, as we say in the Midwest, where I grew up, not so's you'd know it." So Calvin Trillin introduces this collection of articles and poems about a place that turns up surprisingly often when he's ostensibly writing about something else. Whether reporting on the American scene for the New Yorker, penning comic verse and political commentary for the Nation, or writing his memoirs, Trillin has bumped into Texas again and again. He insists that "this has not been by design . . . there has simply ...
 |  | Black Moon Inn: Burnt Offerings & Blue Moon Publication Date: 1998From the dust jacket flap: "There was a soft sound from behind us.... The wereleopards were climbing off the bed, gliding towards us on human feet but moving as if there were muscles in their legs and hips and torsos that didn't exist in mine." Relax, the wereleopards are good guys. They're just being affectionate. In the first two collections of Anita Blake novels, readers met every kind of furred, fanged and tough-to-kill critter under the Moon. Now, in two brand new books, Anita is back, and she's taking on the Vampire High Council and a whole range of enemies new an...
 |  | The Anubis Slayings Publication Date: June 9, 2001A series of grisly slayings ignite passions in Pharaoh's Egypt. Is it the work of humans or has the god Anubis himself come to earth intent on sabotaging peace negotiations with the dreaded Mitanni? Only Amerotke, wise and trusted judge of the powerful female Pharaoh, Hatusu, can sort through the tangle of intrigue that surrounds the killings and discover the truth. It began in the temple of Anubis. With the hated but humbled Mitanni camped outside Thebes, preparing to prostrate themselves before Pharaoh, few things could be worse for Egypt's bargaining position...
 |  | A to Izzard: A Harry Stephen Keeler Companion Publication Date: November 2, 2009Somebody had to publish this book. Harry Keeler wrote over 70 novels in the mid-20th century but thanks to a conspiracy among publishers and Freshman Composition 101 teachers worldwide, he has been totally forgotten by the masses. So editor and gonzo publisher Fender Tucker collected everything written about HSK by writers such as Francis M. Nevins, Bill Pronzini, William Poundstone, Chris Mikul, John Marr and others, added anything else he could pillage from Richard Polt's excellent publication, Keeler News, and in 2002 produced this 278-page book. It has s...
 |  | Civil War: Peter Parker, Spider-Man Publication Date: May 23, 2007| Grade Level: 4 and up The War has begun, sides have been chosen, and the die has been cast! With the repercussions of recent events in Civil War spreading across the Marvel Universe, see how every action can have enormous consequences - even in Peter Parker's life. Collects Sensational Spider-Man #28-34. ...
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