| American Short Story Masterpieces Release Date: April 2, 1989This highly Acclaimed collection of short stories by American writers contains only the best literary art of the past four decades.With a bias toward realism editors Raymond Carver and Tom Jenks have selected fiction that “tells a story”–and tells it with a masterful handling of language, situation, and insight.But what is so special about this volume is that it mirrors our age, our concerns, and our lives.Whether it’s the end of a marriage, as in Bobbie Ann Manson’s “Shiloh,” or the struggle with self-esteem and wei...
 |  | The Absence of Angels: A Novel (American Indian Literature and Critical Studies Series) Publication Date: February 15, 1995| ISBN-10: 0806127147 | ISBN-13: 978-0806127149The narrator-protagonist of this magical novel about urban mixed-blood Indian life is Albert (Alley) Hummingbird, a self-conscious, shy college student who masks his feelings with humor and who longs to reconcile the two cultures that have formed him. Alley is not supposed to live at birth, but his grandfather, a Nez Perce, rescues him from Death (who reappears throughout the novel as a petty, mean, pathetic, and ultimately funny character). The grandfather’s teachings to Alley, which come from the a...
 |  | Ulterior Motives (Sun Coast Chronicles Series #3) Release Date: October 22, 1996The police think he killed someone. He swears he's innocent. All she knows for certain is his crime against her. Louis Dubose, international art dealer, has been murdered. The police are certain they've got their man. Recently fired by Dubose, Ben Robinson has a motive backed by a convincing trail of evidence. Except that one person isn't convinced---someone who knows Ben well. Knows that he's quite capable of trashing human lives but not of taking them. Now that person is about to gamble her own well-being on his innocence . . . when her personal indictment aga...
 |  | William Golding's Lord of the Flies: Text, Notes & Criticism (Perigee) Release Date: September 1, 1987| Series: Perigee FOR USE IN SCHOOLS AND LIBRARIES ONLY. --This text refers to the Library Binding edition....
 |  | Blood of Elves (The Witcher, Book 2) Publication Date: May 1, 2009Watch for the signs! What signs these shall be, I say unto you: first the earth will flow with the blood of Aen Seidhe, the Blood of Elves...For over a century, humans, dwarves, gnomes, and elves have lived together in relative peace. But times have changed, the uneasy peace is over, and now the races are fighting once again. The only good elf, it seems, is a dead elf.Geralt of Rivia, the cunning assassin known as The Witcher, has been waiting for the birth of a prophesied child. This child has the power to change the world - for good, or for evil.As the threat o...
 |  | Don Quijote: Legacy Edition (Cervantes & Co.) (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: January 15, 2012| Series: Cervantes & Co. This is a Spanish edition of Don Quijote designed for English-speaking students. Both parts, Parts 1 and 2, of Don Quijote are included in this single volume. This Legacy edition is edited by Tom Lathrop. Until now, our students have had to use editions published in Spain for Spaniards. Vocabulary and syntactic structures that are difficult (or impossible) for our students are usually not annotated in those editions. Cultural information which educated Spanish speakers already know, but our students simply do not, is equally not ann...
 |  | Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Vol. 7 - Guilty Angel ...
 |  | Beowulf (Dover Thrift Editions) Publication Date: September 30, 1992| Series: Dover Thrift Editions Finest heroic poem in Old English celebrates character and exploits of Beowulf, a young nobleman of the Geats, a people of southern Sweden. Narrative combines mythical elements, Christian and pagan sensibilities, actual historical figures and events to create a striking work of great power and beauty. Genealogies. ...
 |  | The Trial (Dover Thrift Editions) Publication Date: July 22, 2009| Series: Dover Thrift Editions From its gripping first sentence onward, this novel exemplifies the term "Kafkaesque." Its darkly humorous narrative recounts a bank clerk's entrapment based on an undisclosed charge in a maze of bureaucratic roadblocks. This is the least expensive edition available of one of the 20th century's most important novels. ...
 |  | Folktales of the Jews, Vol. 2: Tales from Eastern Europe Publication Date: May 7, 2007Thanks to these generous donors for making the publication of the books in this series possible: Lloyd E. Cotsen; The Maurice Amado Foundation; National Endowment for the Humanities; and the National Foundation for Jewish Culture. The second volume in a literary landmark Folktales from Eastern Europe presents 71 tales from Ashkenazic culture in the most important collection of Jewish folktales ever published. It is the second volume in Folktales of the Jews, the five-volume series to be released over the next several years, in the tradition of Louis Ginzberg...
 |  | Lecon (Folio Theatre) (French Edition) Publication Date: March 1, 1994| Series: Folio Theatre (Book 11) This classic novel is frequently studied in French Literature courses. ...
 |  | The Theatres of Moliere (Theatre Production Studies) Publication Date: June 16, 2002| ISBN-10: 0415259479 | ISBN-13: 978-0415259477| Edition: 1 Moliere's plays are the cornerstone of the French Classical dramatic repertoire. Adapted and exploited in his day by dramatists of the English Restoration, they are now again growing in popularity. In this detailed and fascinating volume, Gerry McCarthy examines the practice and method of possibly the greatest actor-dramatist. From the rough farces of Moliere's days on the road to the creation of the diverse and spectacular court entertainments on his return to Paris, McCarthy sheds new light on th...
 |  | The Iliad: A Commentary: Volume 2, Books 5-8 Publication Date: August 31, 1990| ISBN-10: 0521281725 | ISBN-13: 978-0521281720This is the second volume in the major six-volume commentary on the Iliad now being prepared under Professor Kirk's direction.The volume consists of four introductory essays followed by the commentary itself (the Greek text is not included). This project is the first large-scale commentary on the Iliad for nearly 100 years, and takes special account of language, style, and thematic structure while examining the complex social and cultural background of Homer's epic. ...
 |  | Viking Sagas Publication Date: March 1, 2008Viking tales of heroes, villains, warriors, explorers and kings, told around campfires and mead halls for centuries.The stories of Grettir the Strong, and of Kormac the Skald.And the saga of Erik the Red, who settled Greenland, and his son Leif the Lucky, who sailed to America centuries before Columbus. ...
 |  | The Yale Younger Poets Anthology (Yale Series of Younger Poets) Publication Date: March 30, 1998| Series: Yale Series of Younger Poets "An important and elegant history of American poetry -- how it has been written, received, and read over the course of the century. It is a fascinating survey of the shifting tides in this country's literary tastes". -- J. d. McClatchy"Like most editors the Yale series has had, Auden had no sooner taken the job than he began to worry about the amount of work involved.... He complained vigorously about the introduction requirement he had agreed to only a week before: 'Personally, I am very much against the critical estimat...
 |  | Sir Gawain & the Green Knight: A Secondary Bibliography, 1978-1989 (Garland Medieval Bibliographies) Publication Date: May 1, 1992A substantially annotated bibliography of the 30 or so works a year published about the corpus of the Gawain-poet. The 383 entries include editions, translations, essays, monographs, performances, and a few reviews of books. Does not include dissertations. Thoroughly cross-referenced and indexed. A ...
 |  | A Spoonful of Poison (Agatha Raisin Mysteries, No 19) Release Date: September 1, 2009Agatha Raisin’s detective agency has become so successful that now all she wants is some R&R. But as soon as she cuts back her hours, Agatha remembers that when she has too much quality time, she doesn’t know what to do with it. So it doesn’t take much for the vicar of a nearby village to persuade her to help publicize the church fête—especially when the fair’s organizer, George Selby, happens to be a gorgeous widower. Problem is: Several of the offerings in the jam-tasting booth turn out to be poisoned…and the festi...
 |  | Charlie Bone and the Castle of Mirrors (Children of the Red King, Book 4) Publication Date: July 1, 2005| Age Level: 8 and up Over 3.4 million Charlie Bone books in print!!!Charlie's power is taking on a new dimension as he meets a new cast of characters, including Mr. Pilgrim's replacement, Tantalus Ebony, and the mysterious new student Joshua Tilpin, who appears to be magnetic. But Charlie isn't the only one dealing with changes . . . Billy has been adopted by a child-hating couple called the O'Gres, who carry a gray bag of oaths wherever they go, pressuring Billy to sign an oath of obedience, and locking him behind a force field in an odd place called The Passi...
 |  | Alpine and Freestyle Skiing (Winter Olympic Sports) ...
 |  | Figure Skating in Action (Sports in Action) Publication Date: October 2000| Age Level: 6 and up...
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