| Bracelet Honeymyrtle (Allen & Unwin Original Fiction.) Publication Date: October 1996| Series: Allen & Unwin Original Fiction. A woman's struggle to cast off repression and regain her life. ...
 | Faceless Killers: The First Kurt Wallander Mystery Release Date: January 14, 2003First in the Kurt Wallander series.It was a senselessly violent crime: on a cold night in a remote Swedish farmhouse an elderly farmer is bludgeoned to death, and his wife is left to die with a noose around her neck.And as if this didn’t present enough problems for the Ystad police Inspector Kurt Wallander, the dying woman’s last word is foreign, leaving the police the one tangible clue they have–and in the process, the match that could inflame Sweden’s already smoldering anti-immigrant sentiments.Unlike the situation with his ex-wife...
 | Full Circle: A Song of Ecology & Earthen Spirituality Publication Date: October 8, 1995The solution to our severe ecological crisis lies in a personal and spiritual reaction. Full Circle offers spiritual activism as a cure for despair. It combines visionary art with rhythmic lyrics and essay into a cohesive message for personal empowerment and planetary healing. It is a song, a ritual chant that helps us in the urgent return to our wild, expanded selves. ...
 | A Hood Legend (Triple Crown Publications Presents) Publication Date: April 1, 2004Fresh out of the Marines with only five grand in his pocket, Menage is looking to make his presence and his flamboyant taste in cars and clothes, felt on the extravagant, flossed-out streets of Miami. When Menage Discovers that he has a flare for flipping stolen cars into more cash then he can handle he befriends Dwight who helps him with his operation. What Menage soon learns is that when doing shady business, shady characters lurk where you least expect them. Follow Menage as he balls outta control, outrunning the law and bullets that may bear his name. ...
 | Sympathy for the Devil Release Date: August 1, 2000Censured by some critics for its brutality but heralded by others as a modern-day classic, Sympathy for the Devil is a terrifying, intoxicating journey through the violence, madness, and insane beauty of battle. It traces the story of a hardened Green Beret named Hanson, a college student who goes to war with a book of Yeats's poetry in his pocket and discovers the savagery within himself.In this extraordinary novel, we follow Hanson through two tours of duty and a bitter attempt to live as a civilian in between. At one with the lush and dangerous world around him...
 | Timoleon Vieta Come Home: A Sentimental Journey Publication Date: September 1, 2004Cockroft, a faded composer and socialite, lives in self-imposed exile and fantasizes of true love and extravagant suicides. Rattling around his dilapidated farmhouse in the Italian countryside, his only constant source of company is the ever-loyal Timoleon Vieta, a mongrel with the most beautiful eyes. When a handsome but surly individual arrives on the scene, Cockroft is forced to choose between his dog and this new arrival. He abandons Timoleon outside Rome's Colosseum, where the dog begins the long journey home.In this acclaimed novel, Dan Rhodes, one of...
 | Purity of Diction in English Verse and Articulate Energy Publication Date: January 1, 2007| ISBN-10: 1857548892 | ISBN-13: 978-1857548891Two literary criticism pieces that have shaped approaches to teaching poetry since the 1950s are now available in one volume with a new foreword. Providing a brilliantly detailed analysis of the workings of English poetry, this collection focuses on the technical workings of poetic language, examining devices such as meter and diction. These explorations use examples from poets including Wordsworth, Coleridge, Eliot, and Yeats. ...
 | Aeschylus "Prometheus Bound": A Literary Commentary ...
 | Lectionary Scenes Publication Date: January 1, 1997| ISBN-10: 0788010603 | ISBN-13: 978-0788010606These three- to four-minute skits introduce the theme of the Gospel lesson each Sunday. The texts are chosen from Cycle C of the Revised Common Lectionary. Written with WIT, WISDOM and HUMOR, they help create an audience that is ready to listen to and learn from the sermon. Requires minimal preparation Few props 2-4 characters involved in each sketch 75 of what an audience learns and remembers is a result of what they see. 13 of what an audience learns and remembers comes from what they hear. Drama puts them ...
 | Private Fire: Robert Francis's Ecopoetry and Prose Publication Date: April 18, 2011Matthew J. Babcock's Private Fire: Robert Francis's Ecopoetry and Prose is an examination of the life and work of one of America's most intriguing but tragically obscure writers. Babcock uses his own personal relationship Robert Francis's work, which emphasizes conservation and connectedness to our natural surroundings, to illuminate both overtones and nuances that are undoubtedly useful to those interested in poetry and ecology.Babcock begins with a brief biographical section intended to set the tone for readers previously unfamiliar with Robert Francis and t...
 | A Companion to the Gawain-Poet Publication Date: 2007| Series: Arthurian Studies The essays collected here on the Gawain-Poet offer stimulating introductions to Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, Pearl, Cleanness and Patience, providing both information and original analysis. Topics include theories of authorship; the historical and social background to the poems, with individual sections on particularly important features within them; gender roles in the poems; the manuscript itself; the metre, vocabulary and dialect of the poems; and their sources. A section devoted to Sir Gawain investigates the ideas of courtesy and chi...
 | Ecrivains maghrebins & modernite textuelle (Etudes litteraires maghrebines :) (French Edition) ...
 | The British Sources of the Abduction and Grail Romances Publication Date: July 2002| ISBN-10: 0761822186 | ISBN-13: 978-0761822189In British Sources of the Abduction and Grail Romances, Flint Johnson sets out to explore the possibility that familiar Arthurian stories, which have come down to us through Medieval romance, may contain relics of lost Welsh literary sources from the fifth or sixth century. Johnson bases his analysis on the most popular and influential works by the French author, Chrétien de Troyes, the tale of the abduction of Guenevere, (Le Chevalier de la Charrette) and the early Grail romance (Le Conte du Graal). ...
 | Stealing Coal: Ellora's Cave Publication Date: March 26, 2012Jill has learned the hard way that men can’t be trusted and sex only causes pain. In the lawlessness of space, women are a sexual commodity—to be used and abused. She’s doing a man’s job, with only her father’s brutal reputation and three androids to help keep her alive when she sees a massive, handsome cyborg chained to a freight table. The abusive crew plans to sell him to fight in gruesome death matches. It’s stupid, it’s insane, but Jill can’t leave him to such a horrible fate. Coal has survived being...
 | A Swell-Looking Babe Release Date: November 5, 1991The Manton looks like a respectable hotel. Dusty Rhodes looks like a selfless young man working as a bellhop. And the woman in 1004 looks like an angel. But sometimes looks can kill, as Jim Thompson demonstrates in this vision of the crime novel as gothic. ...
 | The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Volume 2 (A CSA Word Classic) Publication Date: August 1, 2009| Series: A CSA Word Classic (Book 2) Following the 1893 publication of what was meant to be the last Sherlock Holmes story, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle relented under the pressure of intense public demand and irresistible financial offers from British and American publishers and revived the celebrated sleuth. This audiobook collection of six unabridged stories includes "The Adventure of the Sussex Vampire," in which a mother may be both murderer and monster; "The Adventure of the Creeping Man," in which a professor's mysterious malady hints at darker things; and "...
 | A Pocket Full of Seeds Publication Date: January 28, 2005| Age Level: 10 and up | Grade Level: 5 and up Nicole Nieman has never really thought about being Jewish. Now, with the Nazis occupying France, it is the only thing on her mind. An almost endless stream of refugees comes to stay at their house, and her parents wonder if they too ought to escape over the border to switzerland or take the chance and wait it out. Then one awful day Nicole comes home from school to find her parents and her sister gone. The Nazis who have taken them are still looking for her. Where can Nicole hide? And will she ever see her famil...
 | basho et le haiku ...
 | The Tiger (Endangered Animals & Habitats (Greenhaven)) Publication Date: June 1998| Age Level: 10 and up | Grade Level: 5 and up...
 | Real Winner Publication Date: April 1, 2000| Age Level: 5 and up It's no wonder nobody wants to play with Rocky. He turns everything into a contest and if he doesn't win he whines, "That's not fair!" One day kind, patient Humphrey takes Rocky fishing with him. Humphrey's actions speak much louder than words, showing Rocky that winning isn't everything. ?This sequel to Santa's Gift will entertain young children while it teaches them another important lesson in values. --This text refers to an out of print or unavailable edition of this title....