| Touch of Fate (Kimani Romance) Publication Date: June 21, 2011| Series: Kimani Romance (Book 242) Writing romance novels has fulï ¬ lled Deena Lakeï ¬ eld's deepest fantasies. But the rising author and art-gallery heiress still hasn't found the hero in her own life. Until she travels to historic Hilton Head Island, where hunky Vegas real estate tycoon Maxwell Donovan seduces her with candlelight dinners and midnight swims. Deena has ï ¬ nally found loveonly to have her dream man vanish once their idyll ends.Max can't believe he let Deena get away
 |  | The Shaman's Destiny Publication Date: August 15, 2000The year is 2102.There are still three raciallymotivated murders each year in and around Indian reservations.TheRed race lives a reservation life filled with poverty and hopelessnessfor their grandchildren's lives. While on a vision quest a powerfulShaman learns his destiny.God orders him to lead a sit-in, of NativeAmericans, in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Once attention is drawn to the sit-in, Allan Bridger is to negotiatean exchange of present reservation lands with the U. S. for enoughland to form a Sovereign nation for all tribes of AboriginalAmerica...
 |  | In All Deep Places Publication Date: January 1, 2006SusanMeissner explores what God does in the deep places ofthe human spirit in this story about an acclaimed mystery writer Luke Foxbourne, who lives a happy life in a century–old manorhouse in Connecticut. But whenhis father, Jack, has a stroke, Luke returns to his hometown of Halcyon, Iowa,where he reluctantly takes the reins of his father’s newspaper for anundetermined amount of time.Memoriesof Norah—the neighbor girl who was his first kiss—cause Luke to reflect as hespends night after night alonein his childhood home. Soon he fe...
 |  | The Visitation Publication Date: October 11, 2011The sleepy, eastern Washington wheat town of Antioch has become a gateway for the supernatural—from sightings of angels and a weeping crucifix to a self-proclaimed prophet with an astounding message. The national media and the curious all flock to the little town—a great boon for local business but not for Travis Jordan. The burned-out former pastor has been trying to hide his past in Antioch. Now the whole world is headed to his backyard to find the Messiah, and in the process, every spiritual assumption he has ever held will be challenged. Th...
 |  | Am I Not A Man - The Dred Scott Story Publication Date: February 1, 2011An illiterate slave, Dred Scott, trusted in an all-white, slave-owning jury to declare him free. But after briefly experiencing the glory of freedom and manhood, a new state Supreme Court ordered the cold steel of the shackles to be closed again around his wrists and ankles. Falling to his knees, Dred cried, Ain t I a man? Dred answered his own question by rising and taking his fight to the U.S. Supreme Court. ...
 |  | Merlin and the Discovery of Avalon in the New World Release Date: October 23, 2005The first book to present the true identity of the mythic figure Merlin• Uncovers historical evidence that the legend of Merlin was based on the life of a real man• Reveals that Avalon, Merlin’s final resting place, was an island in the United StatesThe legendary figure Merlin is known throughout the world as the wizard of Camelot who was counselor to King Arthur and helped that monarch create the Round Table. Through the course of a 20-year investigation Graham Phillips has uncovered evidence that this famous story was based on the life of an ...
 |  | King Arthur in Antiquity Publication Date: November 11, 2003| ISBN-10: 0415317142 | ISBN-13: 978-0415317146This original and compelling study argues against the traditional identification of Arthur as a king in Celtic Britain. Instead, Graham Anderson explores the evidence for two much older figures, known to classical writers as kings of Arcadia and Lydia, over a millenium before. He shows how these kings can be clearly connected with traditional Arthurian characters and adventure, including an ancient Gawain, a Lady of Shallott, and a predecessor of Excalibur, and shows that the Arthurian universe found in Wel...
 |  | Pour Un Oui Ou Pour Un (Folio Theatre) (French Edition) ...
 |  | Selected Letters (Oxford World's Classics) Publication Date: May 15, 2010| Series: Oxford World's Classics Seneca's letters to his friend Lucilius are powerful moral essays that also yield illuminating insight into Seneca's personal life and the truly turbulent times in which he lived.One of the great Stoic philosophers, Seneca here guides Lucilius' struggle to achieve wisdom and serenity, uninfluenced by worldly emotions. He advises his friend on how to do without what is superfluous, whether in terms of happiness, riches, reputation, or the emotions.The letters include literary discussions, moral exhortation, exemplary heroes and e...
 |  | The Norman Conquests: A Trilogy Of Plays. ...
 |  | The Norns in Old Norse Mythology Publication Date: September 22, 2011| ISBN-10: 1906716188 | ISBN-13: 978-1906716189The nornir - or norns - were a group of female supernatural beings closely related to ideas about fate in the Old Norse tradition. In this book, author Karen Bek-Pedersen provides a thorough understanding of the role played by norns and other similar beings. Surprisingly little has been written specifically about the norns, and this book is the first detailed discussion of the norns among the literature dealing with Old Norse beliefs. Although often mentioned in scholarship treating Old Norse culture, the ...
 |  | The Rules of the Game: Scraps (Rules of the Game (John Hopkins)) Publication Date: March 11, 1997| Series: Rules of the Game (John Hopkins) (Book 2) In this second volume of his acclaimed four-volume autobiography, Rules of the Game--now available for the first time in English--Leiris comes to terms with self-reflection as disillusionment. In the midst of doubts about his own motives in writing an autobiography, he recalls that life, after all, has delights worth remembering: sights at the end of the world and the beginning of time, palm trees, breadfruit trees, colossal ferns. But even these things surrounded people living in miserable conditions. What c...
 |  | Cl Publication Date: December 31, 1996| ISBN-10: 2600001549 | ISBN-13: 978-2600001540Ce livre s'interroge sur la cloture des grands cycles arthuriens et etudie quelques-unes des solutions que proposent les textes et les manuscrits pour parachever, souvent au bout de plusieurs centaines de feuillets, leur recit. Le theme central est celui de la mort du roi Arthur. L'etude met en evidence l'emboitement, de plus en plus complexe, d'un certain nombre de themes qui impliquent tous la fin d'un etat: la prophetie promettant le diademe imperiale, la conquete du Graal, la bataille de Salesbieres etc...
 |  | Writing Machines (Mediaworks Pamphlets) Publication Date: November 15, 2002| ISBN-10: 0262582155 | ISBN-13: 978-0262582155Tracing a journey from the 1950s through the 1990s, N. Katherine Hayles uses the autobiographical persona of Kaye to explore how literature has transformed itself from inscriptions rendered as the flat durable marks of print to the dynamic images of CRT screens, from verbal texts to the diverse sensory modalities of multimedia works, from books to technotexts.Weaving together Kaye's pseudo-autobiographical narrative with a theorization of contemporary literature in media-specific terms, Hayles examines the ...
 |  | Silent Killer Release Date: September 1, 2009Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned…Prepare to lose sleep with the spine-tingling thriller from the Sunday Times and New York Times bestselling author.Danger lurking around every corner. Suspicion rampant. Is anyone safe? Is anyone blameless?A twisted serial killer, dubbed the Fire and Brimstone killer, is loose in Dunmore, Alabama, on a merciless revenge mission to punish priests who do evil instead of good. What dark and depraved secret is the Church hiding to drive someone to perform such sacrilegious acts?When a minister is doused in gasoline and ...
 |  | Costly Reflections in a Midas Mirror Publication Date: March 15, 2011Costly Reflections in a Midas Mirror is an educational novel to be used near the end of a principles of managerial accounting course or at the beginning of a second-level cost accounting course. This instructional novel is ideal for an MBA program or a finance course which has a light coverage of managerial accounting. The inverse of ledgers, margins, and units, the story contains dead bodies, a wealthy client, and a drug-money laundering scheme. This supplemental text mixes fraud, murder, art, ethics, terrorism, and managerial accounting together to get a bet...
 |  | Sacramento Kings (NBA Today (Mankato, Minn.).) Publication Date: June 1997| Age Level: 8 and up...
 |  | Fly Fishing with Trout-Tail: A Child's Journey ...
 |  | Rolling in the Aisles : Kids Pick the Funniest Poems Release Date: September 1, 2004| Age Level: 6 and up Rolling in the Aisles is Lansky's fourth hardcover anthology of humorous poems for children. It contains funny poems selected by a panel of more than 1,000 elementary- and middle-school students. Shel Silverstein, Jack Prelutsky, Bruce Lansky, Kenn Nesbitt, Ted Scheu, Robert Pottle and Dave Crawley all made the cut for this giggle-packed anthology of rhymes. ...
 |  | Unhappy Appy (Winnie the Horse Gentler) Publication Date: March 27, 2003| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 3 and up...
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