| All His Sons ...
 |  | In the Electric Mist with Confederate Dead (Dave Robicheaux) Release Date: October 25, 2011| Series: Dave Robicheaux Back in print at last, James Lee Burke’s suspense-packed sixth novel in his bestselling Dave Robicheaux series delivers a heart-pounding bayou manhunt—and features “one of the colest, earthiest heroes in thrilerdom” (Entertainment Weekly ). When Hollywood invades New Iberia Parish to film a Civil War epic, restless specters waiting in the shadows for Louisiana detective Dave Robicheaux are reawakened—ghosts of a history best left undisturbed. Hunting a serial killer preying on the lawless young, Robicheaux ...
 |  | Classic Myths to Read Aloud: The Great Stories of Greek and Roman Mythology, Specially Arranged for Children Five and Up by an Educational Expert Release Date: April 28, 1992The most complete collection of Greek and Roman myths specially arranged to be read aloud to children aged five to twelve. "Every child deserves this book. Those who do the reading aloud will be enlightened and rewarded, too."--Edwin Newman Line drawings. ...
 |  | The Lincoln Lawyer (Mickey Haller) Publication Date: January 10, 2011| Series: Mickey Haller They're called Lincoln Lawyers: the bottom of the legal food chain, the criminal defence attorneys who operate out of the back of a Lincoln Town Car, taking whatever cases the system throws in their path. Mickey Haller has been in the business a long time, and he knows just how to work it. When a Beverly Hills rich boy is arrested for brutally beating a woman, Haller has his first high-paying client in years. The evidence mounts on the defence's side, and Haller might even be in the rare position of defending a client who is actually ...
 |  | El lobo estepario (Biblioteca De Autor / Author's Library) (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: October 15, 2012| Series: Biblioteca De Autor / Author's Library (Book 3119) Encrucijada de todas las obsesiones e intuiciones de Hermann Hesse (1877-1962) y exponente de su singular talento para el relato, El lobo estepario se inscribe dentro del empeno, patente a lo largo de toda su obra, por iluminar la zona oscura de la condicion humana a fin de poner al descubierto su carga tragica y su incierto destino. Ser solitario e incomunicado, extrano y extranado, Harry Haller, protagonista de esta emblematica novela, ha acabado convirtiendose en un arquetipo literario en el que...
 |  | The Mysteries of Mithras: The Pagan Belief That Shaped the Christian World Release Date: June 20, 2005An overview of Mithraism, the ancient Roman mystery religion popular in the Roman Legions• Provides a comprehensive history of Mithraism, including its influence on Christianity and Islam• Includes rituals, meditations, and teaching tales for readers who wish to follow the Mithraic path• Studies the evolution and divergence of the Eastern (Persian) and Western (Roman) forms of MithraismThe Mysteries of Mithras presents a revival of the magical practices and initiatory system of Mithraism, the ancient Roman mystery religion that was immensely popul...
 |  | Measure for Measure: Applause First Folio Editions (Folio Texts) Release Date: February 1, 2000| ISBN-10: 1557832919 | ISBN-13: 978-1557832917(Applause Books). If there ever has been a groundbreaking edition that likewise returns the reader to the original Shakespeare text, it will be the Applause Folio Texts. If there has ever been an accessible version of the Folio, it is this edition, set for the first time in modern fonts. The Folio isthesource of all other editions. The Folio text forces us to re-examine the assumptions and prejudices which have encumbered over four hundred years of scholarship and performance. Notes refer the reader to subsequen...
 |  | Do Not Disturb: Hotel Sex Stories Publication Date: March 1, 2009No doubt about it: hotel rooms are hot. The minute you slip the key in the door, you want to strip off your clothes and dive naked between the sheets, whether there’s a lover there to share in the indulgence or not. From luxe, five-star lodgings to seedy no-tell motels, hotels offer the chance to unwind, relax, and if given the chance, become someone else altogether. This steamy collection takes readers behind those anonymous closed doors with sexy, scintillating tales of singles and couples frolicking and flaunting themselves for their own naughty purpo...
 |  | Child of My Child: Poems and Stories for Grandparents Publication Date: August 25, 2010More than 60 highly accomplished literary writers and poets explore the timeless realities and contemporary challenges of becoming -- and being-- a grandparent in the 21st century. Finalist in the Anthology category, 2011 Next Generation Indie Book Awards. Winner, "Best Grandparenting Book" 2012 About.com Readers' Choice Awards.Read what others are saying. . . "The generation that didn't trust anyone over 30 has gone grandparental, and this wide-ranging anthology explores new paradigms and timeless bonds. Shunning traditional 'greeting card ver...
 |  | Ropa interior (Bruguera Poesia) (Spanish Edition) ...
 |  | A Companion to the Works of Stefan George (Studies in German Literature Linguistics and Culture) Publication Date: March 1, 2010| Series: Studies in German Literature Linguistics and Culture Stefan George (1868-1933) is along with Hugo von Hofmannsthal and Rainer Maria Rilke one of the pre-eminent German poets of the twentieth century. He also had an important, albeit controversial and provocative role in German cultural history. It is generally agreed that he played a significant part in the transition of German literature to Modernism, particularly in poetry. At the same time he was an outspoken critic of modernity. He believed that only an all-encompassing cultural renewal could save...
 |  | Talking Of Dragons ...
 |  | The Renaissance (History Opens Windows) Publication Date: September 13, 2006| Age Level: 7 and up | Grade Level: 2 and up...
 |  | LOST CAUSES: HISTORICAL CONSCIOUSNESS IN VICTORIAN LI (VICTORIAN CRITICAL INTERVENTIO) Publication Date: October 15, 2006| Series: VICTORIAN CRITICAL INTERVENTIO What if we didn't always historicize when we read Victorian fiction? Lost Causes shows that Victorian writers frequently appear to have a more supple and interesting understanding of the relationship between history, causality, and narrative than the one typically offered by readers who are burdened by the new historicism. As a return to these writers emphasizes, the press of modern historicism deforms Victorian novels, encouraging us to read deviations from strict historical accuracy as ideological bad faith. By cont...
 |  | The Dao of Taijiquan: Way to Rejuvenation (Tai Chi) Publication Date: December 15, 1989| Series: Tao Series (Book 1) In The Dao of Taijiquan, the author, Jou, Tsung Hwa, himself bears witness to the ability of Tai-Chi to relieve the body of pent-up tension and rejuvenate the spirit in a thorough study of the techniques and classical texts of this ancient martial art. In order to create a serious textbook that explains the philosophy behind the movements of tai chi chuan, he read all available books in both English and Chinese before writing The Dao of Taijiquan.Now this book can be used as a college textbook for courses in tai chi (whether as...
 |  | Finding Freedom: Writings from Death Row Publication Date: September 1, 1997| ISBN-10: 188184708X | ISBN-13: 978-1881847083Finding Freedom is a collection of prison stories - sometimes shocking, sometimes sad, often funny, always immediate-told against a background of extreme violence and aggression, written by a prisoner on death row who has become a practitioner of Tibetan Buddhism. ...
 |  | My Brother and His Brother Publication Date: March 2011"My Brother and His BrotherA" is a novel about two brothers. The story is told by one of them, Jonas, an 18-year old boy. Throughout his teenage years he has been trying to get an image of Paul, the brother he never met, a brother who died at the age of 16, the year before Jonas himself was born. The story is told like a crime story, with loose ends, clues and cliff hangers. In his search for his brother, Jonas soon finds out that Paul had an intense love affair with another boy during the last year of his life. This love affair is described in a few chapters in t...
 |  | The Penultimate Peril (A Series of Unfortunate Events, Book 12) Release Date: January 1, 2005| Age Level: 8 and up | Grade Level: 5 and up Lemony Snicket returns with the last book before the last book of his bestselling Series of Unfortunate Events. Scream and run away before the secrets of the series are revealed!Very little is known about Lemony Snicket and A Series of Unfortunate Events. What we do know is contained in the following brief list:o The books have inexplicably sold millions and millions of copies worldwideo People in more than 40 countries are consumed by consuming Snicketo The movie was as sad as the books, if not more soo Lik...
 |  | I Saw Esau: The Schoolchild's Pocket Book ...
 |  | The Bears of Blue River (Library of Indiana Classics) Release Date: September 22, 1984| Age Level: 9 and up | Grade Level: 4 and up...
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