| Ghosts Publication Date: September 1, 2001More than 15 true ghost stories and fictional tales about the paranormal are featured in this book by award winning ghost author Ed Okonowicz. Many of the chapters are based on interviews with people who have shared their experiences. Read about ghosts on a Georgia plantation, haunted college housing, sprits near the site of a Revolutionary War massacre, haunted barns, a ghost dog, haunted supermarket, ghostly guardian angels with messages to deliver and more. ...
 |  | Strawberry Fields Release Date: April 29, 2008The bestselling author of A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian is back with an ?effervescent comedy? (The New Yorker) The follow up to her hugely popular first novel presents a Canterbury Tales?inspired picaresque that is also a biting satire of economic exploitation. When a ragtag international crew of migrant workers is forced to flee the strawberry fields they have been working in, they set off across England looking for employment. Displaying the same sense of compassion, social outrage, and gift for hilarity that she showed in A Short History of Tractors ...
 |  | La familia de Pascual Duarte (Spanish Edition) Publication Date: January 1, 2008| ISBN-10: 8423340619 | ISBN-13: 978-8423340613La familia de Pascual Duarte ha ganado con los anos fuerza y dramatismo y su protagonista, que no ha perdido el encanto primigenio, es ya un arquetipo de alcance universal. ...
 |  | The Collected Poems of Octavio Paz: 1957-1987 (Bilingual Edition) Publication Date: April 17, 1991“Paz's poetry is a seismograph of our century’s turbulence, a crossroads where East meets West."—Publishers WeeklyNobel Laureate Octavio Paz is incontestably Latin America's foremost living poet. The Collected Poems of Octavio Paz is a landmark bilingual gathering of all the poetry he has published in book form since 1952, the year of his premier long poem, Sunstone (Piedra de Sol)—here translated anew by Eliot Weinberger—made its appearance. This is followed by the complete texts of Days and Occasions (Días Hábiles...
 |  | Father Dreams. ...
 |  | The Oedipus Plays of Sophocles: Oedipus the King; Oedipus at Colonus; Antigone Release Date: May 1, 1996| ISBN-10: 0452011671 | ISBN-13: 978-0452011670| Edition: Revised Revising and updating his classic 1958 translation, Paul Roche captures the dramatic power and intensity, the subtleties of meaning, and the explosive emotions of Sophocles' great Theban trilogy. In vivid, poetic language, he presents the timeless story of a noble family moving toward catastrophe, dragged down from wealth and power by pride, cursed with incest, suicide, and murder. @WhathappensinThebes PARTY IN THEBES!!!!! Nobody cares I killed that old dude, plus this woman is ALL OVER ME! Total M...
 |  | All the Best Programs for Kids: A Year of Sketches, Plays and Music for All Ages Release Date: October 1, 2000(Lillenas Publications). This resource contains everything you need for children's programs for an entire year. Program material and songs are included for ages preschool to preteen and for every season: Christmas, Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day, and anytime. Use in worship services, children's church, VBS, Sunday School, church camp, special programs, retreats, Children's Day, at Christian schools, and more! This all-encompasing text has welcomes & closings, sketches, calls to worship, interactive stories, warm-up exercises, and a section with suggestions on...
 |  | New Plays for the Black Theater (English and English Edition) Publication Date: January 1, 1989An anthology of short plays of some of the well known and highly respected African American playwrights. A glimpse into the early work of some very successful writers. ...
 |  | The Flight to Italy: Diary and Selected Letters (Oxford World's Classics) Publication Date: October 28, 1999| ISBN-10: 0192838865 | ISBN-13: 978-0192838865This is the authentic day-to-day record of the first eight weeks of freedom as Germany's greatest poet heads for the Italy he has been yearning to see since childhood and finds himself in a new world of warmth and light. Leaving behind the difficulties of a decade in Weimar, the burden of administration, a difficult love-affair, and the frustration of not having time to work on his literary projects, he discovers himself again as a sensuous being and an artist.Goethe's fresh and spontaneous notes, sometimes ...
 |  | The Bakchesarian Fountain Publication Date: October 1987This is an OCR edition without illustrations or index. It may have numerous typos or missing text. However, purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original rare book from the publisher's website (GeneralBooksClub.com). You can also preview excerpts of the book there. Purchasers are also entitled to a free trial membership in the General Books Club where they can select from more than a million books without charge. Subjects: Russian poetry; American poetry; Literary Criticism / Russian ...
 |  | The Booklover's Book List ...
 |  | Mallarm Publication Date: March 25, 2004| ISBN-10: 0199266379 | ISBN-13: 978-0199266371| Edition: Bilingual This book examines afresh the web of similarities and differences between music and poetry using works by Mallarmé and Debussy as case studies. It challenges the easy metaphorical impressionism that has characterized much of the scholarly literature to date. Analyzing Mallarmé's vision of a shared musico-poetic aesthetic, Elizabeth McCombie derives a set of performative structural motifs, analytical tools that express our experience of the two arts and their middle ground. ...
 |  | Exhibitionist (Volume 1) Publication Date: September 7, 2012Michelle met Rick on the internet.They exchanged numerous emails, texts and phone chats and felt an instant connection that carried over when they met in person.Michelle knew she had found someone who made her feel "normal" in a taboo-filled society.Rick, the Dominant and Michelle, the submissive, dance together in a world of bondage, BDSM and role play, always inclusive of love and trust. ...
 |  | Night Myst (Indigo Court, Book 1) Release Date: June 29, 2010Eons ago, vampires tried to turn the Dark Fae in order to harness their magic, only to create a demonic enemy more powerful than they imagined. Now Myst, the Vampiric Fae Queen of the Indigo Court, has enough power to begin a long prophesied supernatural war. And Cicely Waters, a witch who can control the wind, may be the only one who can stop her-and save her beloved Fae prince from the Queen's enslavement. ...
 |  | The Divine Invasion Release Date: October 18, 2011God is not dead, he has merely been exiled to an extraterrestrial planet. And it is on this planet that God meets Herb Asher and convinces him to help retake Earth from the demonic Belial. Featuring virtual reality, parallel worlds, and interstellar travel, The Divine Invasion blends philosophy and adventure in a way few authors can achieve.As the middle novel of Dick’s VALIS trilogy, The Divine Invasion plays a pivotal role in answering the questions raised by the first novel, expanding that world while exploring just how much anyone can really know—...
 |  | Love and Death ...
 |  | Monkey and the Crab (Japanese Fairy Tales (Unnumbered)) ...
 |  | T-Ball Trouble (Tomie Depaola's the Barker Twins) Release Date: July 22, 2004| Age Level: 3 and up | Grade Level: P and up...
 |  | The Stolen Smile (Chinese Edition) ...
 |  | The Quilt ...
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