| Save All My Children and Grandchildren ...
 |  | Lifeshades Publication Date: May 31, 2006Beautiful Olivier, half human, half vampire, wants nothing more than to be left alone. Too bad a council of ancients wants him broken, and his father wants him destroyed. ...
 |  | Critical Condition: A Novel (Angels of Mercy) Release Date: November 30, 2010| Series: Angels of Mercy (Book 4) In the middle of a New Year's Eve blizzard, the staff and patients of Angels of Mercy Hospital are held hostage by armed gunmen. Their target is Dr. Gina Freeman, who is holding vigil over her wounded fiancé, Detective Jerry Boyle. Stranded outside the hospital is ER physician Linda Fiore, whose past holds the secret the hitmen are willing to kill for. With the cold-blooded killers in control, no one may live to see the New Year. ...
 |  | First Cut ...
 |  | John Lennon and the Mercy Street Caf Publication Date: September 12, 2007John Winston Lennon was shot outside the Dakota Building on December 8, 1980. In November of 2006, he finds himself standing in Grand Central Station, unaware that he was assassinated. Is he a ghost? Perhaps not. On her way home from work, ad exec Amy Parisi sees the former Beatle sitting alone in the Mercy Street Café in Greenwich Village. There's only one problem: there's no Mercy Street in the Village, and Amy is the only one who can see the café.In the weeks that follow, Amy and Lennon take one of the most incredible road trips in rock and ro...
 |  | At Home with Miss Vanesa Publication Date: June 29, 2007These delightful, inter-related tales, on the theme of returning home, are intimately Caribbean in flavor, but with a saucy French twist. ...
 |  | Costa Rica: A Traveler's Literary Companion (Traveler's Literary Companions) Publication Date: March 1, 1994| Series: Traveler's Literary Companions (Book 1) Journey into the Costa Rican imagination through twenty-six remarkable stories, selected and organized regionally for the curious traveler. Here, for the first time in English, the best of Costa Rica's writers conjure the country's allure and vitality, its coffee fields and palm groves, cicadas and songbirds, shrouded mountains and blazing savannas, while telling stories unique to Costa Rican life. Contributors include Alfredo Aguilar, Fernando Durán Ayanegui, Alfonso Chase, Quince Duncan, Fabián Doble...
 |  | Des Publius Virgilius Maro Werke: Band 2. Release Date: May 31, 2001This Elibron Classics book is a facsimile reprint of a 1799 edition by Friedrich Vieweg, Braunschweig. ...
 |  | Gendaishi no asu o motomete (Japanese Edition) ...
 |  | On Both Sides of Orgasm: Poems (Russian Edition) ...
 |  | Reading and writing with a cat called Sidney: A collection of essays on bookselling and other inadvertent acts in and around Missoula ...
 |  | A critical analysis of the financial accounting and reporting practices in the institutionally-operated bookstores of four selected universities in Wisconsin ...
 |  | Scribes and Scholars: A Guide to the Transmission of Greek and Latin Literature Publication Date: May 9, 1991| ISBN-10: 0198721463 | ISBN-13: 978-0198721468| Edition: 3 The third edition of Scribes and Scholars takes into account the numerous discoveries in this rapidly-advancing field of knowledge by offering substantial revisions and additions.A note on how to interpret the information given in an apparatus criticus is also included. ...
 |  | Victorian Modernism: Pragmatism and the Varieties of Aesthetic Experience Publication Date: November 4, 2002| ISBN-10: 0521815819 | ISBN-13: 978-0521815819Jessica Feldman sheds a pragmatist's light on the relationship between the Victorian age and Modernism by dislodging truistic notions of Modernism as an art of crisis, rupture, elitism and loss. Feldman examines the works of John Ruskin (art critic and social thinker), Dante Gabriel Rossetti (poet and painter), Augusta Evans (best-selling domestic novelist)and William James (philosopher and psychologist) and relates them to select twentieth-century creations. ...
 |  | Until the Day They Die Release Date: April 3, 2001District Attorney Kathryn Mackay races against time to break up a kidnapping ring in this gripping new thriller by real-life prosecutor and New York Times bestselling author Christine McGuire. Until the Day They DieWhen an infant gets snatched from her wealthy Santa Rita County home, Kathryn Mackay and her former lover, Detective David Granz, are called in to investigate. Supplied with few leads and almost no help from the family, Kathryn takes to the airwaves, broadcasting the story nationwide on Larry King Live. But when babies start disappearing from birthing ce...
 |  | Shoveling Smoke Publication Date: June 1, 2006Reveling in outrageous shenanigans and hilariously off-kilter characters, Shoveling Smoke (now in paperback) does for East Texas what Carl Hiaasen's novels do for South Florida. Burned-out corporate lawyer Clay Parker chucks it all and moves from Houston to a tiny firm in a dusty small town, searching for his lost integrity and a simpler life. Instead, he lands in the middle of a bungled fraud case defending the disreputable and downright nasty Bevo Rasmussen, accused of torching the stables housing his over-insured thoroughbreds. Immediately confronted with cor...
 |  | Master Spies Die Laughing: A novel interpretation of undercover espionage and a singular lack of intelligence Release Date: February 18, 2009A terrorist bomb explodes in the basement of the White House. America rallies behind an embattled administration. The President immediately orders a deadly, retaliatory strike against Iran. Bunker-busting bombs destroy Iran's nuclear facilities. It was the ultimate October surprise, destined to save reputations and change the outcome of the November elections.That was the plan. Provocative and timely, "Master Spies Die Laughing" is based on actual events, technology and cutting-edge surveillance systems that most Americans would be stunned to know exists. Truth...
 |  | Crops and Robbers (A Farmers' Market Mystery) Release Date: December 6, 2011| Series: A Farmers' Market Mystery (Book 3) Bailey's Farmer's Market is all abuzz with the impending visit ofthe Central South Carolina Restaurant Association. Becca is quiteexcited, especially since her parents are visiting. But when thepresident of the Association vetoes Becca's strawberry preserves, shefinds herself reeling from the snub. After pulling herself together,Becca heads home, only to find the president's body in her kitchen andher mother with bloody hands. Now, Becca has to use her sleuthingskills to get her mom out of this terrible jam...before s...
 |  | The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Publication Date: 1950Limited edition series for the George Macy companies. ...
 |  | Lon Po Po: A Red-Riding Hood Story from China Release Date: April 16, 1996| Age Level: 4 and up | Grade Level: P and up "Not for the faint-hearted, Lon Po Po (Grandmother Wold), is a tale of a menacing danger and courage....(Young's) command of page composition and his sensitive use of color give the book a visual force that matches the strength of the story and stands as one of the illustrator's best efforts." --Booklist"Absolutely splendid." -- Kirkuse Reviews. "An extraordinary and powerful book." -- Publisher's Weekly ...
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